17: 3 days

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Skylar's POV

After dad told me that Liz has really nothing to do, except for separating dad and mom. Luke's grandmother was the one who set a clear message, more like a contract or treaty to never speak to each other and other stuffs just to avoid each other. This really sounds like Romeo and Juliet. I was now in my room doing nothing just watching spongebob. Then I heard a knock on the window. I quickly got up to see who it was. Then I saw a tall figure and opened it. "Hi." he greeted.

"Hey." I said and he went in, through a window.

"I missed you." he hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I miss you too." I said. "What are you doing here?"

"To visit you and I bought you something ----"

"Wait, what for?" I asked.

"Well, mum told me everything. She cleared to me what happened between our family and yours and there's this kind of treaty." he said, then he bought out a box, he opened it to reveal a necklace, with my nickname on it, 'sky' "It's cute, you don't have to buy me." I said as he put it on me.

"Well, I gave you that because whatever happens. I'll always love you and nothing's going to change that." he said as he planted a soft and passionate kiss.

"Skylar?" I heard dad called and Luke quickly hid under the bed and I sat on my bed. "Yes, dad?" I asked as he entered.

"Are you talking to someone?" he asks. I shook my head, "Its just the tv dad." I said, switching it into the romance with a bit drama. "Okay, I'll be doing my shifts. Don't leave the house." he said and peck my head. "I love you."

"I love you too, dad." I smiled as he left. "You can get out of the bed." He got up and brushed off the dust, "I told my mum, I'll be at Finn's ---- and I thought if I could just stay for tonight." he says.

"Yeah." I nod and he sat beside me.

"You know, Sky. We may be the second generation to break the treaty." he exclaimed as he put his hands on my waist.

"Yeah," I nod and hugged him. "Wanna eat?" I asked.

"Sure," he shrugged. We went down to the kitchen and I put the mac and cheese on the microwave to heat it up. As it was done, we both are peacefully. Though it was a quiet dinner it was comfortable. Im done, my babys already full. I was now washing our dishes until I felt arms around my waist and chin on my shoulder. "Babe..." Luke called.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can you wash faster?" he said.

"And why is that?" I chuckled.

"I'm tired of waiting." he complained. "I wanna cuddle."

I just let a small laugh and as soon as I'm done washing. I felt pair of strong arms carrying me, bridal style on our way to my room ."Now, stay there. I'll take a shower now." I said and ran to the shower. I looked at my tummy and smiled, "Hi baby." I whispered. Afterwards, I put on my PJ's and tied my hair in a messy bun and brushed my teeth. I got out and saw Luke on his phone. I sat down and saw he's on twitter. Scrolling through his twitter timeline. I got my ipod and put it on the iHome and played songs. It was on shuffle and ATL's Six Feet Under The Stars came on speakers.

"Let's get to sleep." Luke said pulling me close to him.

"Wait! It's Wednesday what about your stuffs for school tomorrow?" I asked.

"No need to worry babe. I'll be leaving later." he whispered. I nod and drifted off to sleep with him.


Another Romeo and Juliet Love Story (Luke 5SOS)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora