Author's Note

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Sorry guys if you thought that this was a chapter- Emergerd! 872 reads- you guys have been amazing oh and I've been having a hard time right now. I'm on a vacation with my family and relatives but I will update soon.

I promise but right now can you please vote for the last chapter and if you do I promise to do 2 chapters tomorrow...

I PROMISE- 2 chapters if you vote. Been busy with family and was grounded don't ask why but I got into a fight with some random dude that was bullying me.

Anyways, please don't ignore this. The story might ending soon but I'm planning on a sequel don't worry ;)

Okay, for those who voted thank you mean so much to me- ghost readers please vote :)

Can I get comments? Comment on the last chapter your favorite part of this book.

Oh- I'll dedicate the chapter to the one who has a great comment ;)

That's all lovelies- Thank you and follow me- keep sharing this alright?
I repeat- if you vote for the lasg chapter I'll update twice. Thank you and have a nice day ;)

-N xx

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