22: Broken

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Luke's POV

"Because..." she aused. "I don't love you anymore Luke." she said.

My heart sunk into my stomach. "But you said ---- you said you love me always and forever. You wrote it on the letter." I say tearing up.

I saw her crying as well, "I thought U still love you Luke. But I was wrong ---- I don't love you anymore." she spitted the words. The words were poisonous that I can't stand to hear it. "Leave now, Luke." she said.

"Did everything meant to you? Because to me it did." I said and turned around about to exit the window.

"Goodbye and have fun on tour" she said a'nd I jumped off.

"I love you." I said and ed stuffin my pockets and left. I kicked the trash can nearest to me and screamed. How could she di this? Everything was perfect. Everything was perfectly fine. I sighed. Maybe I'm not good enough for her. Maybe she never loved me. I have to keep myself together and be brave.

How can I be brave when the girl I really love broke me. I can't be brave if I'm not strong enough to move on. As I got home, mom's already sleeping. I lied down on my bed. I saw Pengy, I sighed ---- though she doesn't love me, I'll just keep her stuffs that she gave me.

Because I don't love you anymore, Luke

Her words ran on my thoughts. How could she? I think everything didn't mean to her. I remember the day we had our first sex, the day I asked her to be my girlfriend. The day we ran away. The way we hid our relationship to our parents, Romeo and Juliet. The way she looked jealous when I was around Brittany. I sighed, these memories maybe a scar someday but it'll be gone before I knew it. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.


Skylar's POV

We arrived at London, it was 1 in the afternoon when we came there. JETLAG! "So how long are we going to stay here?" I asked.

"This is our permanent place, now." dad said. My jaw dropped, NO FREAKIN' WAY! I am living in LONDON?! A dream come true! YAY!


We arrived outside a house. It was quite small but when I entered it was definately big. "Wow." I said, a smile across my lips. I carried my bags on my room and saw I got a huge bed, no not queen size nor king size. That would be too much. Everything was organized it was perfect. I started to unpack my stuffs and put it on my drawer and cabinets. I texted Finn right away after I finished packing.

To: Finny ;)

Hi! Got here in London and our house is huge! Just to let you know, we'll be living here permanently :( Sad, I know. I'll miss you Finny! Take care, love you always bro :)

Then I went through my twitter. I changed my icon into one of my solo and my bio, Living the wildest dream! I sighed and Luke popped into my mind. How bad did I went? Probably very bad. Only not I hurt his feelings, also mine too.

Did everything mean to you? Because to me it did

His words running through my thoughts. Yes, Luke. It meant so much to me. I think I'll choose to lie rather than you stay with me. I love him every second, every minute, every hour, everyday of my life. The only lie I'm telling Luke is that I don't love him, when I clearly love him. That's the biggest lie, then a beep on my phone.

From: Finny ;)

Hi! Sis, good for you :) Lucky you... I'll always take care don't worry you too, take care alright? love you always sis xx

I smiled and saw a new tweet,

@Luke5SOS ; Those 6 words kept running on my mind :( How long will I say like this?

@Calum5SOS ; @Luke5SOS you got us mate ;) We'll never leave you x

As I read Cal's tweet. I teared up, that's good. These 3 lads will make Luke better. There are so many girls that'll make Luke happy. I'm not just that good enough to make him happier. I tried to call Ashton and luckily he picked up ,"Hello?" he answered.

"Hey Ash, it's me ---- uh ---- Skylar." I said.

"Oh hey. How are you? We know you broke up with him, why?"

"I'm fine, Ash. I'm sorry ---- long sory." I say.

"I got time."

"Promise me, you won't tell anyone about this okay?"

"I promise." he said. I tooke deep breathes and told him everything. "So you're 2 weeks pregnant?" he reassured.

"Yeah." I said.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me." he said.

"So how's he doing so far?" I asked.

"He's ---- uh ---- I dunno, still broken." Ash says.

"I'm really sorry." I apologized.

"Come on, Sky. Things happen and I know you didn't really mean it. But you know you'll tell him soon."

"He'll never find out if no one brings up." I said.

"Okay, okay." he said, a small chuckle.

"Okay, got to go." I said and hung up. I lied down in my bed and played some songs and Fall Out Boy's The World not waiting is now playing. Then I slowly drifted off.

Luke's POV

We were now in Adelaide, getting ready for tonight's concert. This will be wicked. I still remember the words for our new song. Then we finished writing it earlier, it's called Try Hard. It just need some music and it'll be done and ready to perform.


I was at the starbucks with the lads. I was sipping into my caramel frappe until I felt pair of hands covered my eyes.


A/N Sorry for the long wait :( I'm really sad because Skylar broke up with Luke :( I wish they could get back together :)

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-N xx

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