Chapter 7

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The entire trip back from the gathering was utter silence from all the cats. Dawnpaw wasn't allowed to leave Gingersplash's side and Duskpaw just walked alongside Shadestar. The sun was beginning to rise once more and everyone was exhausted from the long day.

Soon as they crossed over the Mistclan border Shadestar raised his tail high to make everyone stop. Duskpaw asked curious "What is it?"

Shadestar ordered as he unleashed his claws " can smell them." As he broke into a sprint towards the Mistclan camp. Duskpaw looked back towards Gingersplash and Dawnpaw with hunger in her eyes as she turned back towards Shadestar and unleashed her claws, following after him.

Dawnpaw looked up towards Gingersplash and mewed quickly "I have to go with Duskpaw! She hasn't learned any battle moves!"

Gingersplash unleashed her claws and nodded in approval as Dawnpaw sighed and followed behind Duskpaw. Gingersplash broke into a run and followed close behind Dawnpaw with worry in her eyes.

When Duskpaw got to camp, there were rouges and clan cats fighting everywhere. Rouge bodies lied on the ground, while some cats were collapsed injured. Duskpaw didn't know what she should do at the moment. I'm no better than a kit! I know nothing thanks to Leafblossum!

Duskpaw lowered her body ready to leap into battle but Dawnpaw bounded up beside her. "You can't go into battle! You don't know any moves yet!"

Duskpaw shrugged "I don't care!" As she leaped into the middle of the camp and charges towards a small dark grey tom-cat who was on top of Dreampaw. She rammed into his side making him loose balance on her and fall to the ground.

Duskpaw hissed towards Dreampaw while she was still on the ground "Go!"

Dreampaw nodded with her eyes narrowed as she leaped for another rouge a little ways away. The rouge got up and leaped towards Duskpaw with his claws unleashed, aiming for her throat. These rouges are willing to kill!

Duskpaw dashed to the left as the small rouge face planted into the mud and grass. Duskpaw let out a small purr of pride as she jumped onto his back and dug her claws into his shoulders.

The tom yowled "Let go! Let go!" Duskpaw bared her teeth and bit down into the back of the neck, and blood came oozing out.

Dawnpaw yowled from a few tail lengths away "Duskpaw! Don't kill him! It's against the warrior code!"

Duskpaw growled in annoyance as she jumped off him as he weakly got to his paws and ran away, with a small trail of blood coming from him.

Duskpaw licked the blood off her paws as she glared at her sister angry and spun around, looking for another rouge.

Dawnpaw dashed between all the fighting cats and tried to reach Duskpaw when she saw her standing on top of a rouge, biting down into his neck viciously. She's going to kill him!

Dawnpaw yowled loudly enough for Duskpaw to hear "Duskpaw! Don't kill him! It's against the warrior code!" To her relief, Duskpaw jumped off and ran to find another rouge.

Dawnpaw raced into the camp and saw a white she-cat with scars all over her body, standing on top of Maplesong. Dawnpaw snarled as she raced up to the she-cat about to pounce on her, but she bit down into Maplesong's neck, making her go limp.

Dawnpaw came to a halt in terror at the limp orange and white body. Maplesong... I could've saved her...

Dawnpaw growled as she ran up to the she-cat "Get out of our camp!"

The white she-cat laughed as she leaped towards Dawnpaw and pinned her to the ground hard. Dawnpaw shrugged free but she was locked down with her neck open for a killing bite. Dawnpaw kicked her stomach with her back legs but the she-cat sliced her stomach with her claws.

The white she-cat laughed "What's the name of your killer you may ask? The name's Ice. And that's the last name you will ever hear."

She was about to bite down onto her neck, but a brown blur rammed into her knocking her off Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw quickly rolled over and jumped to her paws injured as she saw the limp body of the white she-cat below the brown tom.

Dawnpaw panted "Thanks Falconwing!" As Falconwing kicked the body of Ice and padded up to Dawnpaw smiling "No problem."

Then a male rouge voice shouted "Viper's cats! Retreat! Ice is dead!" Suddenly, all the rouges quickly scattered from the camp, vanishing into the woods.

The whole clan was battered and exhausted as they all gathered around the campy weakly. Shadestar climbed on top of the high ledge and mewed loudly "If any cats are missing, we will send out search parties if bodies are not found! But for now, is every cat ok?"

A female she-cat mewed "Maplesong is dead!" Dawnpaw turned around and saw Leafblossum and Creamleaf carrying her body. Dawnpaw murmured "This is my fault."

Shadestar lowered his ears and mewed "We will bury her at sunrise. For now, if you are injured, get your wounds treated by Creamleaf."

"And I." Leafblossum mewed from the Medicine Den with cobwebs in her mouth. Dawnpaw rolled he eyes at the thought of Leafblossum abandoning Duskpaw like that. So she is actually becoming a Medicine Cat...

Shadestar glanced towards Leafblossum and twitched his ear "So you wish to become a Medicine Cat apprentice Leafblossum?"

Leafblossum glanced towards Duskpaw sadly but nodded towards Shadestar with confidence. Shadestar dipped his head "Very well. Your new mentor will be Creamleaf. And for you Duskpaw, you will need a new mentor."

He quickly glanced towards her father, Falconwing and asked "I know this is a bad time, but Falconwing..."

Duskpaw widened her eyes as she looked towards her reject-full father in shock. No way... this is stupid.

Falconwing looked up towards Shadestar and nodded "I will mentor her Shadestar."

Duskpaw looked towards her father and let out a fake smile of appreciation but then turned around and walked away irritated. Creamleaf and Leafblossum began treating cats with the most serious injuries first which took a little while.

Dawnpaw looked around at her wounded clan mates and put her paw down strictly. This proves it. I have no time to have feelings for any tom. My clan must come first and that's final.

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