Chapter 31

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Dawnheart opened her eyes to find herself laying down on a mossy bed in the Mistclan Medicine den. She was surrounded by Leafblossum and Dreamcloud, while many other cats sat outside the den.

Dreamcloud sighed with relief "Thank Starclan you're ok!" Leafblossum nodded in agreement "You have some pretty nasty wounds."

Dawnheart tried sitting up to her paws but a sharp pain in her chest and throat made her fall back down into her nest in pain. Leafblossum meowed "Don't try to stand yet."

Dawnheart suddenly remembered Sunstreak's death and the pain in her needing to kill Duskbreeze. "Did Sandclan get their territory back?"

Leafblossum continued organising the herbs as Dreamcloud responded "Yep. You've been out for half the day now." Dawnheart widened her eyes as she began softening her tone " dead."

Leafblossum looked over her shoulder sadly "We also must've been hard for you to kill Duskbreeze. Creamleaf knew you could do it."

Dawnheart asked "Was this part of the prophecy? Did I need to kill her to make the darkness fade?" Leafblossum explained "The night was were the day...the darkness in this case were the rogues."

Dawnheart nodded in understanding as she felt the cobwebs on her neck stick to her wound. She asked "I-is my father ok?"

Dreamcloud and Leafblossum looked at each other worried before Dreamcloud meowed "I'm so sorry Dawnheart...Shadestar passed away earlier today from wounds."

The deputy laid there in shock as she ignored the pain from her wounds "N-no...he can't be. I already lost Duskbreeze and Sunstreak to this battle..."

Leafblossum sighed "I'm so sorry..."

Dreamcloud began padding out of the den "I will give you some time..."

Dawnheart laid her head down as she saddened "I can't believe this battle caused so much pain..."

Leafblossum let out a tear "Poor Creamleaf...he died defending me..." She cleared her throat as she meowed "We need to get you as healed as possible...You need to go receive your nine lives."

Dreamcloud sat in the nursery with Frostkit and Eaglekit sitting behind her. Hawktalon slowly approached Dreamcloud as he meowed "Hi Dreamcloud..."

Dreamcloud gasped happily as she ran up to her mate and they rubbed their heads together. Hawktalon purred "I've missed you so much more than you can imagine!"

Dreamcloud purred in reply "I've missed you too my love."

Eaglekit whispered to Frostkit "Who is that?"

Dreamcloud and Hawktalon stood together as they looked down at the kits. Hawktalon asked "So these are my little warriors?"

Frostkit looked at Eaglekit and then Hawktalon "Are you...Hawktalon?"

Hawktalon kneeled to the ground as he smiled "I am."

Eaglekit and Frostkit gasped as they ran up to their father and began clinging onto his paws laughing. Hawktalon meowed happily "I'm a father!"

Dreamcloud laughed "And an amazing one!" Eaglekit and Frostkit squealed with excitement as they continued playing with their father.

"Press your nose to the moonstone." Leafblossum instructed softly as Dawnheart fought back the pain and laid down as her nose touched the cold stone.

Soon as Dawnheart closed her eyes and fell asleep, Leafblossum laid down and touched her nose to it as she slowly drifted off into sleep.

Dawnheart opened her eyes to find herself standing in a beautiful grassy field with stars shinning brightly. She looked around the empty field as she noticed there was no more pain on her body. She asked surprised "H-hello?"

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