Chapter 23

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As the sun was just now starting to rise over the horizon, Dawnheart quickly slipped into camp and made her way towards the warrior den, where all the cats were still sleeping. She quickly laid down into her nest and pretended to fall asleep as she heard cats just now beginning to awaken.

She heard a male voice meow "Hawktalon, your joining the Dawn patrol this morning." She made out the voice to be her father, Falconwing, beginning to wake up cats to go on patrol.

She moaned softly to herself as she twitched her tail in her nest I hope he doesn't choose me...I'm too tired... Then she heard his footsteps nearing closer to her as his voice meowed softly "Dawnheart, time to get up."

Dawnheart opened her eyes and looked up at her father who exclaimed surprised "You look like you didn't get any sleep at all last night."

Dawnheart yawned as her tired eyes kept trying to shut on her as she was struggling to focus "I had a rough night..."

He smiled a little as he purred "Since your my daughter I will let you off the hook this time. Get some more rest."

Dawnheart smiled a little before closing her eyes once more and falling asleep for once as her father kept assigning cats to the patrol.

"Duskbreeze, your on dawn patrol." Falconwing ordered quietly towards the black and white she-cat who was just now waking up.

Duskbreeze peeked an eye open as she saw her father looking down at her with his eyes narrowed "Why do I have to go? You didn't make Dawnheart go."

Falconwing rolled his eyes as he meowed "No complaining to your come on get up."

Duskbreeze let out a low growl as she stood to her paws and followed her father out of the den, along with a Hawktalon and Stonefall.

The early dawn was still shining in as the dawn patrol began heading out towards the camp exit, with Falconwing in the lead. As they exited the camp and entered the forest, Duskbreeze couldn't help but watch her father with disgust. He had never liked her as a kit, and now he seems to consider her as an enemy, ever since she bursted out at the gathering.

As they made their way through the forest, Hawktalon and Stonefall kept chatting happily with Falconwing, while she trailed behind with anger. Falconwing glanced over his shoulder at his daughter and mewed strictly "Keep up, Duskbreeze. We need to get to the Brookclan border in one group...not two."

Duskbreeze widened her eyes and nodded as she had gotten an idea. If I can get the group separated and Falconwing alone...maybe I can...I'm a genius.

Soon as they got closer to Brookclan territory Duskbreeze meowed out loud "Did you guys hear that?"

Hawktalon perked his ears as he looked back at her what "What did you hear?"

Duskbreeze pretended to sniff the air as she pointed her tail towards the direction of the Sandclan territory "I can smell rogues..."

Falconwing came to a halt and so did the whole group, as she spun around and faced Duskbreeze. "Obviously you smell rogues...that's the direction of Sandclan."

Duskbreeze rolled her eyes as she meowed frustrated "On our side!"

Hawktalon and Stonefall looked at each other curiously as they nodded to each other. Stonefall suggested "Hawktalon and I can go check it out, while you two finish the patrol. We will meet up at camp."

Falconwing was about to protest against them as he looked at Duskbreeze suspiciously but she interrupted "Perfect! Meet you guys there!"

Hawktalon and Stonefall split up from the group as they headed in the direction of Sandclan, while Falconwing and Duskbreeze continued their journey towards Brookclan. Falconwing looked over at her with his eyes narrowed "What are you up to?"

Duskbreeze looked at him with a confused look "What do you mean?"

Falconwing growled softly as he added sharply "You rejected me as deputy, don't think I don't hear you talk fox dung about me, and now your separating the group from you and I?"

Duskbreeze lowered her ears innocently "I'm sorry I rejected you as deputy...I was jealous then and...I didn't mean it...please forgive me."

Falconwing shook his head as they stood by the Brookclan border "It doesn't take one simply I'm sorry to fix this."

Duskbreeze was about to unleash her claws and leap onto him, but a grey and black she-cat with blue eyes and a grey she-cat with yellow eyes approached them.

Falconwing dipped his head towards the grey and black she-cat "Greetings Silverpool." He looked over towards the grey one and greeted "Hello Ashwish."

They both smiled and dipped their heads as Silverpool asked "What are you doing by the Brookclan border?"

Duskbreeze twitched her ear in annoyance "We're on border patrol...what are you doing by the Mistclan border?"

Falconwing looked at Duskbreeze sharply as he warned "Don't talk to the Brookclan deputy like that." Ashwish laughed worried "There's no need to start a fight. We will just be going on our way..."

Ashwish nudged Silverpool lightly as they began walking away from the Mistclan warriors. Silverpool glanced back over her shoulder as he gave Duskbreeze a nasty look.

Duskbreeze bared her teeth at her angry as she continued on the patrol, with Falconwing right behind her. He snapped "What in the name of Starclan were you thinking?" He paused as he snorted "Picking a fight with the Brookclan deputy and Medicine Cat."

Duskbreeze forced her fur to lie flat on her back as she was preparing herself to leap onto Falconwing. If I kill him now...Silverpool and Ashwish will know it was me since I was last seen with him...

She growled angry as she sighed in reply "I'm just a little angry ok? Drop it." I'm going to have to kill him another time...


Soon as the patrol around all the territories were finished, they made their way back to camp and waited for Hawktalon and Stonefall to return. The sun was now high in the sky and there had been no sight of the two male warriors. Falconwing glared at Duskbreeze "Was this part of your plan?"

Duskbreeze asked worried "What? Loosing my brother and my sister's mate? Of course not!"

Falconwing narrowed his eyes curiously at her as he threatened "If they don't come back in one piece...I swear I'll-"

"Falconwing!" Shadestar called from across the clearing as he came into view out of his den. Falconwing looked at him and dipped his head as he shot a glance at Duskbreeze "You'd better stay away from my family."

With that, he quickly padded towards Shadestar leaving Duskbreeze alone. She murmured half sadly "Who said I was ever apart of it..."

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