Chapter 28

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2 moons later...

A small, male, brown and white kit with yellow eyes squeaked loudly as he raced around the nursery "Try to catch me Viper!"

A small white and grey she-kit with light blue eyes replied angry "Why am I Viper, Eaglekit? I thought I could be a warrior!"

Eaglekit looked at his sister as he came to a halt and faced her "I wanna be a warrior like dad was, Frostkit!"

Frostkit snorted angry as she waved her tail high in the air and stomped her paws on the ground "Well so do I! Hawktalon was the best warrior in Mistclan!"

Eaglekit hesitated but smiled as he looked back at his body "Well I look more like him!"

His sister grunted as she looked back at the brown patches on her body "Do not!"

Eaglekit squeaked back angry "I do to!"

Frostkit took a few steps closer to him "Do not!" As she leapt at Eaglekit and they began tumbling around the nursery, bumping into every moss nest on the ground.

A female voice purred with amusement "What's going on in here? I hear two young warriors fighting!" A white she-cat with light blue eyes padded into the den and saw the two kits tumbling around.

Frostkit pushed out of Eaglekit's grip and was flung backwards into her nest. "Eaglekit says he looks more like Hawktalon than me!"

Eaglekit looked towards his sister as he regained his balance "Well it's true! Don't I mama?"

Their mother laughed as she entered the den and looked at Frostkit "You both have part of your father inside you....and on the outside."

Frostkit looked back at her body and then up towards her mother "I look like you!"

Their mother purred and nodded as she laid down in her nest "Do you kits want to hear a story?"

Eaglekit and Frostkit bounded up towards their mother and sat down in front of her nodding. Eaglekit gasped excited "Can you tell us the story about Duskbreeze?"

Their mother lowered her ears sadly for a moment at the thought of Duskbreeze killing her father and capturing her brother and her mate.

Then a light brown and cream she-cat with yellow eyes appeared from the entrance. The mother meowed "Maybe let the deputy tell you."

Both the kits squealed with excitement "Dawnheart!"

Dawnheart entered the den and laughed "Hello kits!" She looked towards their mother and dipped her head "Hey Dreamcloud."

Dreamcloud smiled towards Dawnheart "Hi Dawnheart..."

The kits waited anxiously for the story as their mother meowed energetically "We have to discuss secret spy plans...can you two cover your ears and go play for a second?"

The kits widened their eyes smiling as they nodded and ran to the other side of the nursery to play.

Dreamcloud sighed and looked up towards Dawnheart "Any news on finding Stonefall and Hawktalon?"

Dawnheart lowered her ears and shook her head "We sent a few cats out to investigate and they weren't anywhere to be seen in the camp."

Dreamcloud looked down at her paws and meowed softly "I miss them so much...these kits can't grow up without meeting their real you."

The deputy looked away with her eyes drifting off "Yeah..."

Dreamcloud cleared her throat as she asked "So how are you doing...I have been through so much in your life...and..."

The brown she-cat shrugged "I'm fine...there is still tension between my fath-Shadestar and I but we are putting up with it."

Dreamcloud nodded as she wrapped her tail around her body and meowed apologetically "I'm sorry I never told you we weren't your birth siblings but I wanted to tell you so many times and-"

"It's not your fault, alright? That's all in the past now..." She paused and took a breath "I promise we will get Hawktalon and Stonefall back safely."

Dreamcloud just simply nodded as she sighed "Thank you..."

Dawnheart spun around and began leaving the nursery "See you in a bit."

Dreamcloud only smiled a reply as she turned towards her kits and watched them tackle each other in the back corner of the den.

The ground below Dawnheart was softening as it was starting to be covered with snow. Little white flakes from the sky slowly came down as a cool breeze filled the camp. "Leafbare is coming and we are still low on food." Creamleaf meowed as he padded out of the Medicine den with a mouth full of herbs.

Dawnheart nodded slowly as she looked around the camp to see many cats already starting to shiver from the cold weather that was coming. "We can only send out so many cats on patrol...we don't want their strength to be wasted."

Creamleaf hesitated as he meowed softly "I may be no warrior but...I feel like Duskbreeze is distracting you."

Dawnheart stiffened her posture as she fluffed her chest fur "She isn't...I need to be strong for Mistclan so we can defeat these rogues once and for all."

Creamleaf asked cautiously "But are you willing to kill Duskbreeze if it comes down to it?"

Dawnheart glared at him surprised as the prophecy flowed through her mind again The night's blood will be spilled by the light of day and the darkness shall fade

She narrowed her eyes "Tell me what the prophecy means."

Creamleaf tried lying as he turned towards the Medicine den "I didn't receive any prophecy...if you could excuse me I need to-"

Dawnheart meowed a little sharper than she meant to "As your deputy, I order you to tell me what the prophecy means."

Creamleaf stopped in his tracks and shifted his body towards her "A cat should never know the exact meaning of their's giving away your future."

Dawnheart protested as she took a step closer to him "Then how am I supposed to know what to do?"

Creamleaf smiled a little "You'll know what to do...just follow what your heart tells you, maybe dealing with the rogues by yourself isn't the right way." With that, he spun around and headed back in towards the Medicine den.

Dawnheart watched him go as he thought about what he said, as an idea shot into her mind.We've been doing this all wrong...we can't defeat the rogues by ourselves...we need the other clans to help! We will get Sandclan's territory back by uniting all the clans together!

Warriors: The Darkest Light (COMPLETED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora