Chapter 20

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Duskbreeze sat in camp with a slight grin on her face as she saw Gingersplash arguing with Creamleaf and Leafblossum to go out again.

Every so often, Falconwing would pass in front of her and give her these nasty looks that would make her shift her paws with enthusiasm. Duskbreeze sat in front of the warrior's den as the moon was just now high in the sky, and the chilly air blew through the camp. Gingersplash growled "I'm your deputy, and I command you to let me go for a walk!"

Creamleaf rolled his eyes and protested "You're already sick, walking in that chilly weather will make it worse!"

Gingersplash forced herself to sit up as she grunted "I'm already dying and you know it! Can't you just let me go for a walk as a dying wish?"

Creamleaf snorted as he swished his tail and looked back at Leafblossum for guidance but she simply just nodded "Let her go...maybe some fresh air will help."

Creamleaf sighed as he looked back at Gingersplash once more and nodded "Fine...go for your back before Shadestar and the group returns."

Gingersplash smiled a little and nodded as she forced herself to her paws as she weakly padded out of the den, and made her way towards the exit. Falconwing raced up to her and asked "Do you want me to company you?"

Gingersplash shook her head "I'm fine...I need alone time." She walked away from Falconwing and exited the camp alone while Falconwing turned the other way and made his way towards the leader's den.

Soon as no one was out in the camp, Duskbreeze stood to her paws and made her way towards the exit. Soon as no one was in sight, Duskbreeze sniffed the air and got Gingersplash's scent trail.

She lowered herself to the ground as she followed the scent trailer and found Gingersplash sitting under a tree, looking up at the stars. Duskbreeze crept behind the bushes and looped around until she was behind Gingersplash.

Gingersplash mewed softly "I know I'm supposed to die tonight..."

Duskbreeze widened her eyes surprised as she unleashed her claws softly and prepared herself to leap. Gingersplash continued "I'd never want to just go on a walk without a reason...Starclan knows I must die for the chosen one to save the clans."

Duskbreeze tilted her head Chosen one?

Gingersplash laughed "I hate to admit it Starclan but...I'm scared for once in my life...I'm scared to see how I will die? Will it be painful and long? Or a quick death?"

Duskbreeze leaped out of the bush and hissed "I will make it quick...don't worry."

Gingersplash spun around quickly and saw Duskbreeze about to leap at her to finish her off "I should've known it was you...I smelled rogue on you before..."

Duskbreeze snarled as she leaped at Gingersplash aiming for her neck, but Gingersplash weakly jumped out of the way, for Duskbreeze to face plant into the grass.

Gingersplash mewed quickly "I'm too weak to fight back...but one thing I want you to're the villain in this story...not Dawnheart."

Duskbreeze jumped to her paws and spun around viciously "We'll see about that...I'm the chosen one...not you or anyone!" She hissed as she jumped at Gingersplash and pinned her onto the ground hard.

Gingersplash growled "You won't get away with this murder alive..."

Duskbreeze bared her teeth as she shrugged and shook her head " won't." As she bit down into Gingersplash's neck, as blood oozed out of it. Gingersplash made a soft choking noise before going limp.

Duskbreeze took a few steps back before licking the blood around her mouth and mewed softly "I will make Mistclan the most feared clan out of them all..."

Soon as the group returned back to camp, they saw all the cats in a circle surrounding a familiar body. Dawnheart cried loudly "Gingersplash!" All the cats turned towards her as Shadestar asked angry "How did this happen?"

Soon as the rest of the group sat around her body, Creamleaf approached Shadestar and growled "It must've been Duskbreeze...she was the darkness in the prophecy...she must be the killer."

Shadestar twitched his ear angry as he mewed back "We need more evidence before we can accuse her. Tonight we will all sit vigil...we will not be accusing Duskbreeze."

Creamleaf sighed as he dipped his head and went to pay his respects to Gingersplash. Dawnheart crouched over her body as she cried " were an amazing mentor who guided me down the right path and showed be the difference between right and wrong..."

Dawnheart glanced quickly towards her sister who just didn't seem to care about Gingersplash's death. She murmured "You helped me not turn out like Duskbreeze..."

The rest of the night went by slowly as they buried Gingersplash's body where Dawnbreeze's and Maplesong's bodies were buried. Dawnheart couldn't help but question why Duskbreeze didn't show any emotion at all to her death "Duskbreeze?"

She glanced towards her sister as she kept looking away from the burial place. Duskbreeze asked "Yeah?"

Dawnheart asked softly "Do you think a rogue killed her? Is that why you don't care about her death that much...because they're your friends?"

Duskbreeze widened her eyes and shook her head "Even if a rogue did kill her, I still care about here death...she was nice to me as an apprentice and a warrior."

Dawnheart smiled a little as she nodded in agreement "I'm going to miss her."

Duskbreeze put her paw on top of Dawnheart's and mewed softly "Me too...but we are in this together right?"

Dawnheart nodded as she purred "Thank you're the best sister anyone could ask for."

Duskbreeze sighed and smiled as she stood to her paws "Ready to go back to camp?"

Dawnheart looked back at all the resting places for their mother, Maplesong, and Gingersplash, and then looked back at Duskbreeze "I'm ready."

Both sisters spun around and silently made their way back to camp with anxiety in Duskbreeze's eyes as her heart raced. I'm going to become deputy's an obvious choice...

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