Chapter 18

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Duskbreeze sat impatiently beside Dawnheart, as they waited in the warrior's den to be given orders to do something. Duskbreeze rolled her eyes "Are we ever going to do something?"

Dawnheart purred with amusement as she looked towards her sister "Hopefully soon. I think I'm going to die of boredom."

Duskbreeze kept a straight face as she mewed plainly "You can't die of boredom. It's impossible..."

Dawnheart nudged her lightly and laughed "It was a joke."

Duskbreeze just twitched her tail awkwardly as she quickly replied "Ah."

Dawnheart looked up at the cloudy sky as a cool breeze filled her pelt. She looked down towards Duskbreeze and mewed "Nice sunny I right?"

Duskbreeze sighed annoyed as she stood to her paws "I'm going to do something...maybe go hunting...I don't know."

Dawnheart stood up as well and she tilted her head "We can't go hunting without Gingersplash organising a party for it."

Duskbreeze looked towards the Medicine den where Gingersplash was laying and coughing "That's the thing...I don't think she's getting better."

Dawnheart mewed back a little angry "Don't say that! It's only white cough!"

Duskbreeze mewed calmly "She hasn't performed her duties as a deputy in a moon. We need a new and better deputy who actually does something."

Dawnheart mewed sadly as she shifted her paws "She isn't dead, Duskbreeze...we can't replace her...she will recover."

Duskbreeze slightly puffed out her chest as she mewed slightly angry "We need a new deputy whether you want one or not. The longer we wait for Gingersplash to die or step down, the longer this clan has no deputy."

Dawnheart lowered her ears angry as she snapped back "We can last one gathering without a deputy. I'm sure the clans will understand tonight."

Duskbreeze looked towards the camp exit and sighed "I'm going to go hang out with Shadow...don't try to stop me for your own good."

Dawnheart opened her mouth to object but Duskbreeze was already by the camp exit. She closed her mouth sadly as she spun around and poked her head into the Medicine den.

"Gingersplash?" She asked softly as she spotted her previous mentor laying in her nest curled up. Gingersplash lifted up her head as she smiled weakly "Hello Dawnheart-" She began coughing again once more. Leafbare is just now beginning...and it seems like she's getting worse.

Dawnheart took a step closer to Gingersplash and asked "I came to see how you were feeling." She tried to hide the sadness in her expression from the thought of loosing her.

Gingersplash coughed once more as she sighed "I'm doing fine...I have white cough for all I know...Its turning into Green cough unfortunately."

Dawnheart swished her tail as she asked stepping closer "Is there anything I can get for you?"

Gingersplash shook her head as she struggled to her paws weakly but fell and mewed sternly "I can get things for's fine."

Dawnheart raced up to her side and mewed worried "Should I go fetch Creamleaf or Leafblossum?"

Gingersplash coughed and shook her head and mewed more angry "Once again, I'm fine Dawnheart. Please leave here before you catch it too."

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