Chapter 13

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"Duskpaw? Dawnpaw? Is that you?" A female voice asked surprised as she spotted the two she-cats approaching the dirt-place. Duskpaw rolled her eyes as she saw one of the two guards glaring at them. Duskpaw mewed back "Yep, it's us, Echoshade."

The black female she-cat with white ears asked curiously "Where are you two off to so late at night?" Dawnpaw replied beside Duskpaw calmly "Making dirt."

She asked suspiciously "Together?" Duskpaw hissed under her breath "Shut up Echoshade...just shut up." Then she mewed loudly enough for her to hear "Yes...together. Come on Dawnpaw."

Duskpaw continued making her way towards dirt place, with Dawnpaw following right behind her anxiously. When the entered the dirt place, Duskpaw whispered "The tunnel is straight ahead."

Dawnpaw nodded as they made their way through and faced the bramble wall on the other side. Duskpaw pushed a large leaf out of the way, which revealed a tunnel for them both to go through. Dawnpaw blinked surprised at the tunnel but slowly crept her way into it, with Duskpaw following behind.

As they made their way through, it was mainly pitch black with dirt surrounding them. Duskpaw whispered "Keep your head low no matter what. We are almost there."

Dawnpaw nodded as she lowered her ears and kept her head as low as possible as a small glimpse of moonlight shone through. Duskpaw thought to herself I hope Dawnpaw is actually on my side...

Soon as they got to the end of the tunnel, they both slipped out and Duskpaw jumped in front of Dawnpaw and mewed softly "Now run!" She picked up her speed until she was flying through the forest with Dawnpaw racing at her side.

The forest seemed to vanish behind them as the wind carried their paws closer and closer to Sandclam territory. Once the border mark was in sight, Dawnpaw began to slow down but Duskpaw didn't. "Cross it! Don't slow down!"

Dawnpaw nodded hesitantly as they both jumped across the border mark and raced deeper and deeper into Sandclan territory. Duskpaw finally began to slow down once they approached the main camp, and Dawnpaw followed right behind her.

Once they both slowed to a steady pace, they both began panting as their ears and tails dropped tired. Duskpaw panted "Alright...we're here." They came to a halt on top of a sand dune when they saw a large camp filled with many unusual scents...mainly rouges.

They all seemed to turn their heads towards them and Dawnpaw'a heart began racing quickly. Great Starclan! Finally, one of the cats spoke "Hey! It's Duskpaw!" It was a smaller white and black tom-cat with yellow eyes. Duskpaw purred "Hey Shadow!" Duskpaw began making her way down the slope with Dawnpaw follwijf anxiously.

Some cats glared at Dawnpaw with curious and nasty looks that made her fur stand up. Shadow raced up to Duskpaw and asked "Who's this?" He looked at Dawnpaw with his eyes narrowing. Duskpaw explained "This is my sister, Dawnpaw. She has decided to join us."

Dawnpaw let out a worried smile as she forced out "H-hi." That totally didn't sound suspicious...good going Dawnpaw... She moaned to herself.

Shadow gave a warning glare at Duskpaw "Duskpaw, you can't just bring random cats into the know what my father would say..."

Duskpaw sighed but mewed annoyed "No cat can join my clan without my permission. I know Shadow but she's my sister! I'm sure Viper will understand that."

Dawnpaw just listened quietly as thoughts continued to flow through her mind. Viper is the rouge leader...from what Rowaneye told us anyways...didn't he kill the last Mistclan leader, Stormstar?

Shadow rolled his eyes and protested "Just because you've been giving information about Mistclan to us, doesn't mean he favors you."

Duskpaw sighed and snapped back "You don't think I know that? Ever since Ice was killed, this clan has been nuts looking for a new deputy!"

Dawnpaw hesitated and asked softly "You've been giving information to them about Mistclan?"

Duskpaw and Shadow both glanced back at Dawnpaw with hard, cold stares. Duskpaw mewed back angry "Yeah? Why? Are you going to tell Shadestar?"

Dawnpaw quickly shook her head as she thought of a response "Have you ever considered that these rouges have killed before...and not for self defense reasons?"

Shadow unleashed his claws and stepped closer towards Dawnpaw "I knew you were just spying on us." Duskpaw looked at Dawnpaw with sadness in her eyes "Is this true, Dawnpaw? You just said yes to spy?"

Dawnpaw widened her eyes as she felt tears forming, but she nodded anyways. "It's true..."

Duskpaw bared her teeth and hissed "Get out of my sight! Run back to camp and spill my secrets then! Get me exiled! You were never my sister anyways!"

Dawnpaw took a step away from her sister heart broken. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. She felt tears coming out of her eyes, as she lowered her ears and spun around. She quickly broke into a sprint as she vanished into the bushes.

Duskpaw sighed angrily "I thought I could trust her..." Shadow mewed softly "I thought I could trust you too..."

Duskpaw mewed, taken back in surprised "What? You can trust me!"

Shadow narrowed his eyes "You brought her in here to spy didn't you? Was all this information about Mistclan false?" Duskpaw mewed angry "Of course not! I even have more information I was going to share but if you don't want it-"

Shadow interrupted coldly "Fine...spill it."  Duskpaw looked away sadly but cleared her throat "Dreamcloud and Hawktalon are mates...and she is expecting kits. Possibly new recruits for the rouges."

Shadow tilted his head as his claws slid back into his paws "Go on?"

Duskpaw sighed with relief "There are 3 new warriors in the clan, and they are all my litter mates. Treebranch, Stonefall, and Dreamcloud. They are weak so they shouldn't get in your way."

Shadow nodded understanding "Good. I'm sorry I doubted you Duskpaw...I trust you...really I do." Duskpaw smiled a little "And I trust you...Shadow."

Shadow dipped his head "I will tell my father of this news. You can leave now if you want..."

Duskpaw dipped her head back as she mewed quickly "One more thing...the next time you attack...could you kill Dawnbreeze?"

Shadow smirked and nodded as he spun around and made his way deeper into the camp. Duskpaw watched him go as she spun around and began racing towards the bushes.

Soon as she saw Duskpaw racing towards the bushes, Dawnpaw quickly spun around and raced into the forest. She told them everything! She told them about Dreamcloud, our siblings...she asked him to kill Dawnbreeze!

Soon as camp was in sight, she spotted the hole they slipped through as she jumped into it and crawled through as fast as she could. She wanted to turn around to see if Duskpaw had spotted her spying, but she wasn't in sight. Dawnpaw leaped out of the hole and raced out of the dirtplace, and into the apprentice den. She leaped into her nest and curled up, pretending she was asleep.

Soon as she laid down, she heard Duskpaw make her way into the den, and then into her nest. Duskpaw hissed softly "You will pay will watch our mother...the one who rejected me as a kit, die in the next battle."

Dawnpaw couldn't help but shiver, knowing Duskpaw wanted their own mother dead. I need to warn Dawnbreeze...but she wouldn't believe me...or would she?

Warriors: The Darkest Light (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz