Chapter 14

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Dawnpaw opened her eyes as she saw the sun shining in through the apprentice den entrance. She lifted her head up and looked around to see that the den was empty. Where's Duskpaw? She quickly leaped to her her paws and ran towards the exit. The entire camp was empty and no cats were awake yet.

She raced through the camp and poked her head into the warrior's den. Empty. She spun around panicked towards Shadestar's den. Empty. Her heart raced quickly as her breathing quickened at the fact she was alone. She yowled loudly "Hello!? Anyone?!"

"Hello Dawnpaw." A deep male voice mewed from behind Dawnpaw. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a pitch black male tom-cat with glowing yellow eyes standing there; no pupils. She took a few paces back at the horrifying cat as she asked "W-where is everyone?"

The tom twitched his ear and mewed wisely as his voice echoed "The night's blood will be spilled by the light of day and the darkness shall fade."

Dawnpaw's heart rate slowed as she widened her eyes "A prophecy? What does it mean?"

The tom just glared at her with his flaring, yellow eyes as he had no response. Dawnpaw pleaded "Please! What does it mean? Does this have to do with Duskpaw?"

The tom began to vanish as he kept echoing the prophecy over...and over again. Dawnpaw seemed to grow more and more distant from the voice, until everything around her began to fade. "Wait! Please wait!"

She shot her head up from her bed as she breathed heavily and quickly looked around the den. Duskpaw was laying in her bed right behind her, sound asleep. Dawnpaw blinked relieved as she glanced outside and noticed the sun was only beginning to rise. She wants Dawnbreeze dead...I need to warn Duskpaw notices.

Dawnpaw quickly stood to her paws as she stretched, letting out a quick and quiet yawn. She padded out of the apprentice den and shot a glance at the warrior's den. She quickly trotted over as she poked her head in and saw all the warriors asleep, with Dawnbreeze in the very back. Oh great...

She held her breath as she slowly crept into the den and jumped over all the sleeping warriors. Then, she saw Gingersplash sleeping right in front of Dawnbreeze as she slowly moved in her sleep. Dawnpaw gulped as she reached her paw over Gingersplash, and clumsily leaped over her.

Her back leg accidentally tapped her head which made Gingersplash peek open an eye. Dawnpaw remained perfectly Still until Gingersplash finally closed her eye again. Dawnpaw sighed as she tapped Dawnbreeze lightly.

Dawnbreeze opened her eyes as she saw Dawnpaw looking down at her worried. She asked tiredly "Dawnpaw? What are you doing here?"

Dawnpaw looked around at all the sleeping warriors and mewed to her softly "Can we talk outside? It's important."

Dawnbreeze yawned and nodded "Yes, of course." As she stood to her paws and crept her way out of the apprentice den, behind Dawnpaw. When they reached the exit, they quickly jumped out and landed in the soft grass, of the camp.

Dawnbreeze sat down in front of Dawnpaw and asked concerned "What is it?" Dawnpaw sat down and shifted her paws as she mewed softly "Duskpaw and I snuck out and met some rouges..."

Dawnbreeze gasped surprised "What? Why would you do that?" She swished her tail worriedly as Dawnpaw continued "That doesn't matter. What matters is that they are going to attack the clan soon, and you're on their death wish."

Dawnbreeze asked worried "Why do they want me dead? I did nothing to them!"

Dawnpaw finished sadly "They don't want you dead...but Duskpaw does..."

Dawnbreeze stood to her paws and widened her eyes in horror as she glanced towards the apprentice den "...W-what...?"

Dawnpaw let a tear slip out as she mewed "I don't know why. But she asked them to kill you at the next battle...and that's why I'm warning you."

Dawnbreeze shook her head and looked down worried "Have you told Shadestar?"

Dawnpaw shook her head "No...I don't want her to be exiled from the clan!"

Dawnbreeze sighed as she rested her tail on Dawnpaw's back "I understand Dawnpaw...but if Duskpaw is willing to start a war over my death...Starclan knows who else will die because of this."

Dawnpaw looked away as panicked filled through her mind "I-I can t-try to change her mind. I can convince her...I promise I won't let you die."

Dawnbreeze smiled sadly "If anything goes wrong...know that I love you with all my heart. You are always my matter what anyone says."

Dawnpaw sniffed sadly "Don't talk like that. And what do you mean by that?"

Dawnbreeze sighed and mewed "It doesn't matter right now. Run along back to the apprentice den. I will take your warning for future reference. Don't worry about me ok?"

Dawnpaw nodded as she wiped a tear from her eye with her paw and made her way back to the apprentice den. I won't let any rouge kill you Dawnbreeze...I promise I won't...I will change the future.

"Can we do one more check around the border for rouges, Gingersplash?" Dawnpaw pleaded as they finished checking the entire territory.

Gingersplash looked down at Dawnpaw confused and asked "We just checked, Dawnpaw. Besides, we're not the border patrol...this was just for some scent training for you."

Dawnpaw nodded in agreement before protesting worried "Please, can we just check the Sandclan border at least?"

Gingersplash sighed before looking at Dawnpaw and nodding slowly "Fine. Let's go." As she walked past Dawnpaw and they both made their way towards Sandclan territory.

Along the way, Dawnpaw couldn't help but worry that the rouges had already snuck past them and made their way to camp. She knew they were going to attack today and she was on high alert for her mother's life. Once they arrived, the rouge scene was fresh and strong.

Gingersplash mewed towards Dawnpaw "They were near here recently...and a lot of them...did you know this? Is this why you wanted to check again?"

Dawnpaw shivered in fear as she realized We must be too late! They are already on their way to camp!

Dawnpaw mewed worried "They will already be on their way to camp! We need to-"

"We shall attack now my clan-mates! Mistclan shall run red with blood by the time we are done!" A male voice snarled from Sandclan territory.

Gingersplash widened her eyes as she shoved Dawnpaw into a bush and jumped in right after her. A black and grey tom with scars in his body, and green eyes stood on top of a sand dune with rouges behind him.

Dawnpaw whispered to Gingersplash as quietly as she could "That must be Viper."

Gingersplash widened her eyes "The rouge leader?"

Dawnpaw nodded as she felt her heart racing "We need to get back to camp and warn the clan...they are going to attack."

Gingersplash nodded as she lowered her body to the ground and whispered "Once he turns his back...we need to make a run for it."

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