Chapter 26

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The sun was now starting to rise, and the bodies of Treebranch, Falconwing, and Hiddenflame were buried besides their other clan mates, and Duskbreeze still hadn't returned to camp. Shadestar was standing on top of the high ledge calling the clan for a meeting.

All the cats sadly gathered around with Dawnheart sitting in the front hoping he wouldn't mention her meeting with Sunstreak ever night. Shadestar began "Recently we have lost three of our clan mates to the rogues...and Duskbreeze has been behind many of their deaths this whole time."

Cats began to gossip with anger yowls and disapproving looks on all their faces. Dawnheart looked away guilty since she has known about this for many moons. Shadestar continued "When Duskbreeze returns, she will be exiled from Mistclan without question."

Cats began cheering with happiness but Dawnheart couldn't help but remain quiet. She hates Duskbreeze for everything she had done but they were still sister's deep down. Shadestar cleared his throat "With Falconwing in the paws of Starclan, it's time I choose a new deputy."

All the cats began looking at each other curiously as Shadestar announced "I name this deputy before the body of Falconwing, and I hope Starclan hears and approves my choice."

Dawnheart looked away sadly when she heard her father's name being announced in past tense. "Dawnheart will be the new deputy of Mistclan."

Dawnheart gasped surprised as her heart began beating quicker "M-me?"

Echoshade spoke out angry "Her? But she broke the warrior code when she began meeting that Brightclan tom!"

Dawnheart looked back at Echoshade with her tail drooping with embarrassment as Shadestar spoke back "That's enough Echoshade. Dawnheart will be deputy."

Echoshade grunted as she spun around and padded off towards the warrior's den. Shadestar meowed "Clan dismissed!"

All the cats began separating from the group, leaving Dawnheart looking up at Shadestar as he leapt off the ledge. Dawnheart asked "Why would you choose me? I kept so many secrets from you and the clan...I should be the last cat to pick."

Shadestar stood in front of her as he shrugged "True...but you have spirit...and by willing to blow your secret about Snstreak, you saved our clan from even more disasters like this."

Dawnheart sighed as she looked away "But this disaster could've been prevented if only I said something to you..."

Shadestar smiled as he rested his tail on Dawnheart "Don't worry about it ok? I know you don't want Duskbreeze banished and neither do I...but it's best for the clan."

Dawnheart nodded in agreement as she forced herself to ask "Can you tell me about the prophecy?"

Shadestar looked around to make sure no cat was listening "H-how do you know about the prohecy?"

Dawnheart admitted shyly "I heard you in the medicine den when I was an apprentice."

Shadestar sighed as he opened his mouth to explain but a cat yowled "The traitor is here!"

Dawnheart glanced over her shoulder as she saw
Duskbreeze innocently walking into camp.

She looked around at all the cats giving her nasty looks confused "What happened?"

Shadestar made his way to the front of the crowd with Dawnheart at his side. Duskbreeze looked towards her sister worried "Is something wrong?"

Shadestar meowed "Your father, brother, and Hiddenflame are dead."

She lowered her ears as she asked "W-who killed them?"

Dawnheart felt a tear slip down as she murmured "You killed Falconwing..."

Duskbreeze gasped angry "How dare you accuse me of killing my own father? Sure I hated him but I would never-"

Creamleaf stepped out of the medicine den holding a piece of Duskbreeze's fur in his mouth. He spit it to the ground and growled "It was found on Falconwing's body...more of your fur was also found on Gingersplash's body."

All the cats gasped as some began unleashing their claws and snarling at Duskbreeze.

Duskbreeze narrowed her eyes as she shot a glance at Dawnheart "This is your promised you would keep it a secret..."

Dawnheart sighed and meowed "Some secrets need to be told."

Dreamcloud came into view and smirked at Duskbreeze "By the way, Dawnheart is deputy now...much more worthy of that position than you."

Duskbreeze slowly began to back away from the clan as she snarled "What are you gonna do to me? Kill me?"

Dreamcloud spat "A life for a for me."

Dawnheart widned her eyes at her sister's remark as Shadestar shook his head "No...but I banish you from Mistclan territory, and my warriors have permisson to kill you if we see on our turf."

Duskbreeze arched her back as she began hissing towards all the warriors before meowing one last time to Dawnheart "You're next on my list." She spun around and raced off into the woods as Shadestar sent out cats to make sure she was completely off the territory.

Dawnheart watched the cats follow her out with her eyes saddening with guilt. It didn't have to be this way...

Dawnheart remained frozen, not being able to move as one of her closest friends was being chased off of their territory. Shadestar padded up to her side and asked concerned "Are you ok?"

Dawnheart looked up at him sadly as she meowed "I never thought she would do something like this..."

Shadestar flicked his tail as he sighed and replied "Sometimes...destines can result in fate..."

Dawnheart widened her eyes at that remark as her ears went straight up. Shadestar asked "Is something wrong?"

She shook her head quickly as she looked away "That's just exactly what Sunstreak told me before....we parted."

Shadestar began to turn around as she finished "Your loyalty is either with Mistclan, or with Sunstreak." He turned around entirely as he padded towards his den on the other side of the camp.

Dawnheart watched him walk away as she looked back towards the camp exit with doubtfulness in her eyes. Can loyalty only belong to one thing?

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