Chapter One

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Placing my headphones in my ears i crossed the road to the bus stop, waiting for my college bus to turn up in five minutes. Do it now remember it later by sleeping with sirens blared into my ears as i stared up at the bright blue clear sky as the sun shone down on me. The bus arrived and i hopped on, taking my usual place up against the window near the back. i leaned my head against the window as backseat serenade started playing. It was now a month into my first year of college and i was enjoying it so much more than school, i was able to focus on what i enjoyed doing, and i had made loads of new amazing friends. 

The bus came to a stop and a bubbling smiley face appeared at the doors of the bus. Lucy was here. She came running over to me, her long blonde hair flying around and engulfed me in a hug before sitting in the space next to me. I removed one of my headphones and let her talk my ear off about what she had done the night before, not really listening since i'd heard most of it on skype last night.

When we arrived at school i dumped my books and bag in my locker next to Lu's and we went to the loos quickly to check our hair and makeup, our morning routine. 

"OH MY GOSH CAIT THAT IS SO CUTE" i heard in my ear as soon as she took in my clothes.

"hahaha, really, its nothing, i just really liked it" i replied looking down at my outfit choice for today.

I had high waisted shorts and a black and floral crop top on. Lucy herself also had a crop top on but it was white and was matched with a flowing salmon pink skirt and a daisy chain style headband on top of her ruffled blonde curls.

"No seriously awh babe! that is so cute oh gosh!" she giggled back.

"you look really adorable too okay lovely hehe"

"Come on, lets go find Jess!" she shrieked

We walked down the hall towards tutor before bumping into Jessica.

"Oh hey girlies" she chirped.

She was also sporting a crop top but it was denim with high waisted black skinny jeans.

(A/N outfits in external link)

"We all look so cute eeek!" cried Lu again. Jeez she needs to chill sometimes. Just then my heart stopped as he walked round the corner.

"Who. Is. THAT." i exclaimed as we all turned to see the blonde god walk down the hall towards us. His bright blue eyes shone out and his lip was perfectly finished with a black ring. 

"Hey excuse me ladies, but where is the main desk?" He nervously questioned. I noticed his accent, it wasn't British, it was Australian.

Jess piped up "hey, uhm its just down there" she said pointing to the corridor behind us. "Keep going till you get past those doors and go right and its right in front of you sweetie" 

"Thankyou, uhm, hehe" he giggled in return, flashing all of us a devastatingly gorgeous smile before walking off.

"ahhhhh" we all giggled. 

"Oh hello perfection" we chorused, glancing back over our shoulders to make sure he was out of listening distance. Thankfully he was.

*30 minutes later* 

I picked up my books as tutor finished and headed to my first lesson, creative writing. Probably my most relaxed and fun lesson, i was looking forward to it. I took my usual seat near the window at the back and started to get out the short story i had been preparing for the upcoming assessment. Suddenly the usually empty seat beside me was filled by a blonde topped guy who i recognized as the Aussie from earlier. 

"Hello again" i giggled, "Did you find the reception okay?"

"Yes i did thankyou" he nervously looked up at me through his eyelashes, sitting down and pulling out his books and began fiddling with his hands.

"Are you new here?" i asked, trying to make conversation. Boy, he was cute.

he looked up at me, those bright blue eyes absorbing my brain before i realized he was answering.

"uh yeah, see... well i just moved from Australia to here so i guess..." he trailed off. A sudden look of hurt flashed across his face but before i could ask more it was gone.

Just then my english teacher, Mr Hutterson, walked into the class room, and soon after i was staring attentively at the board whilst he went through our assessment. 

"Oh, and one more thing before class ends" he concludes, "Your next task will be done in pairs, so to avoid all the hassle, you will be working with the person sat next to you. More information about it will be given next lesson" he finished as the bell went.

That meant i was with... well whoever he was. The blonde god.

"uh, hey, i never introduced myself" he stuttered looking right into my eyes again. Why did it have such a big effect on me? "I'm Luke, Luke Robert Hemmings, nice to meet you, er..." he looked down cautiously.

"Cait, Caitlyn Mae Pringle, and its a pleasure to meet you too" i replied. He looked up, that heartbreakingly beautiful smile appearing on his face again. 

"Oh, hey Cait hehe" he blushed.

God, he was adorable.

"uhm, i know we've talked like twice, but could i have your number?" he went even redder. "i mean we are going to be working together" he added, nodding his head in the direction of Mr Hutterson. 

"ooh, yes of course hehe!" i replied, reaching for his phone which was in his hand, adding my number. He text me 'Hello;D' and i added him, replying 'Hey!(:'

"see you later then lovely?" i said looking up at him. I never realized we had gotten closer during the time we were staring at our phones. He looked down at me, and i subconsciously bit my lip. 

"err, uhm yeah" he replied turning around and walking out of the classroom, his cheeks a bright shade of tomato.

The rest of the day passed the same as any other, with studying and lessons. As soon as i got home i noticed a text from Luke: 'Hey there(:' 

A huge smile broke out on my face. Oh gosh he was perfect.

I'm your cure [Luke Hemmings au]Where stories live. Discover now