Chapter Eight

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I really need to stop writing but i just can't hehehe:3 My 5sos tee came today and i'm literally so happy and that's a good enough reason to do another update so shh;) thankyou so much for 73 reads! it means so freakin much guys(: please could you follow my twitter - @curious_creator and either one of my tumblrs (which are linked to on my profile) lylyly:* 


*Ashton's p.o.v*

as i sat on the swing with Shannon i couldn't believe this day. Luke was here, he hadn't been gone that long, but i missed him so much, but after everything that happened, i knew he had no other choice. And he seemed happier, with Cait, i knew they weren't together, well, yet. But i could tell he really liked her, he acted so relaxed with her. As i looked up at the crazy girl sat across from me i felt something i hadn't in a long time. I couldn't work out whether it was the small dimple that made that smile look even more beautiful, or the way she made a joke out of everything, how she could be herself and not care, she could be weird. no, i couldn't be. I'd only just met her. I couldn't be falling for her.

*Caitlyn's p.o.v*

Nobody else was around us, or they were too busy to notice what was happening. His soft warm lips melting my brain as they molded to my own lips. How did it feel so perfect, so right. 

he pulled away and stared into my eyes. 

"can i take you out today?" he asked, waiting for my answer but also distracting me by fiddling with his piercing with his teeth. 

"sure" i smiled.

"how about i take you out for dinner, show you Sydney at night?" he asked, his eyes lighting up at the idea.

"of course" i giggled.

the rest of the day passed in the same way, we all chilled out in the garden getting to know each other. Near to dinner Luke explained he was taking me out, and after several 'ooh' and 'awh' comments from the boys we agreed that Shannon would stay at Ashtons.

Luke and i ran back home, getting changed into my cream lace vest tucked into my pink skirt, with a knitted cardigan and brown sandals. (A/N Outfit in external link) 

I met him at the bottom of the stairs, he was dressed in dark skinny jeans and a blue polo shirt, and god did he look good. He took my hand and we walked down to the train station before catching the train into Sydney. We put our phones and money into my brown purse which had an over the shoulder strap. As we walked through Sydney i could see all the lights, and we climbed aboard the Sydney Harbour Ferry before taking the short boat trip to a little restaurant which let us sit outside with a view of the lights and bridge.

"its so beautiful" i gasped captivated by the sight before me

"so are you" he whispered, i didn't respond and it wasn't intended for me to hear.

"Can i take your order ma'am" said our waiter.

after ordering food, we sat and talked for ages, during our food and after, before it was time to leave. Luke paid the bill after us arguing over it, and we walked with linked arms down the street after catching the ferry back. Suddenly Luke stopped and turned around.

"we.. er.. i think we should uhmm.. go this way..." he trailed off, glancing behind him as we walked off.

"Luke what's wrong?" i asked, suddenly very worried.

"Oi Lukey, is that your new slut?" yelled a voice from behind us followed by a group laughing.

"just keep walking" he said, his eyes wide with fear.

i didn't say anything and just did as he said, i trusted his judgement. 

"Luke mate, c'mon remember when we used to hang, you were so different back then!" called a different voice. But this time it was closer.

We stopped and turned around as a group of seven guys walked towards us. 

"who's this pretty lady then?" the first one chuckled again

"let's have a go?" smirked another, nodding towards me.

"Leave her alone." Luke growled, his voice deep and threatening. It even scared me a little, i had never seen him like this.

"ooh, little possessive aren't we? stop hugging the little tart and share her round" the all laughed. I didn't take in they were insulting me, i was just scared for Luke. He knew whoever they were, and he didn't want to be there. 

He grabbed me quickly, pulling me close to him. 

"Caitlyn listen to me, i need you to run, run straight up that street, take the next train home and go and stay with Ashton, am i clear? Don't stop for anything, just get back to him, i'll see you later." he said into my ear. My eyes met his and a lone tear fell down my cheek, "i'll be fine, i just need you safe, now go" he finished before kissing the top of my head.

I turned and ran, never looking back. I heard shouts behind me but they were muffled and i couldn't bring myself to turn around. I reached the train station and after making sure no one was following me i climbed on and sat waiting for the twenty minute ride to be over. I couldn't hold it in any longer, and as tears rolled down my cheeks i began to notice how much i was shaking, i couldn't breathe properly. 

Soon the journey was over, i left the train and ran as fast as i could to Ashton's after taking off my shoes and carrying them with me. 

i got to Ashton's door and knocked a few times before he answered.

"Caitlyn! hello how.... Caitlyn what the hell is wrong?" he cried noticing my face.

"Its Luke... there... there were these... boys" i stammered.

"Caitlyn what on earth?!" called Shannon from behind him

"Its okay sweetie, just relax and tell me what happened"Ashton said, trying to calm me down

"We were walking back and then these guys walked up to us and they were shouting and he told me to run and..." i trailed off, the tears starting again.

"shh, its okay, let me ring him" cooed Ashton 

"its no use, i have his phone" i sighed, taking it out of my bag as i walked into the house. How could this happen, what had happened? where was he? was he okay? All these questions rushed through my head. 

"come on, you need to get some sleep" said Shannon, wrapping her arms around me

"you can use the spare room" Ashton replied

"thankyou" i mumbled, my head spinning.

After laying in bed for hours worried about Luke i finally became so exhausted i fell into a light sleep, waking often and feeling cold and scared. 

As the sun rose and shone through the curtains i woke up and stretched out. the clock read 7:13am. Last night's events were still running through my head and i was so worried i felt sick. I walked down to the kitchen, making myself a cup of coffee before i heard someone knock on the door. I walked down the hallway, presuming nobody else was awake since the house was silent. I opened the door to a familiar face. But it was broken.

Full of cuts and bruises, a dark circle forming around his left eye. His lip swollen and grazed. His eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep and crying. His hair messy and dirty, his clothes the same. 

I let out a whisper "Luke...."

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