Chapter Twenty Nine

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I placed the letter down on the bed and sat there in silence, letting the tears pour down my cheeks. I flicked through the photos in the envelope causing even more tears to fall. We both looked so happy, i missed when it was normal, when our lives weren't such a mess. After a few minutes i brought myself to stand up and look in the drawer. 

My body was still shaking and my breathing was all over the place. I pulled out the drawer and tipped its contents onto the bed. Sitting cross legged on the bed i began sorting through it. 

His journal. Cinema tickets from our movie dates. His favourite guitar pick. A box of jellybeans. His all time low shirt, the one i loved to sleep in. I lifted it to my nose. It still smelt of him. A mixtape we had made together. A framed photo of us together, just before our date in Sydney. 

All the memories flooded back to me and i broke down on the bed. He was gone. 

One part of his letter came into my head, and i picked up the piece of paper and reread it

I will try and find you. I have a feeling i will see you again and i don't know why. And perhaps then, when we meet. We can be two brand new people. And we can find ourselves in each other again and this time it will work. This time we can have our happy ever after, just like in your books. 

I had to. I knew deep down i would. I would find my blonde hair blue eyes Austrailian god. The one that took my breath away one sunny day in October. I knew i couldn't live without him. And i knew i would see him again. I had to. 

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