Chapter Ten

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also i sAW ALL TIME LOW YESTERDAY (that's why i haven't updated like i usually would have) AND IT WAS SO PERFECT AND I'VE LOST MY VOICE BUT IDC BECAUSE IT WAS GOOD OH MY GOSH!:)

please vote, comment + follow:) x x x


"What the hell happened?" shrieked Ben.

"i uhh, i ran into some trouble last night..." said Luke, trailing off.

"oh" mumbled Ben, obviously knowing who he had run into.

"c'mon let's go upstairs" Luke whispered to me. He grabbed my hand and i followed him up the stairs into his room. Shannon left to go have a bath and i flopped down onto his bed, laying on my side, closing my eyes.

"are you okay?" i asked after minutes of silence.  no reply.

"Luke?" i questioned, sitting up and opening my eyes. He was sat against the wall, his knees pressed into his chest, a few tears rolling down his face. 

"hey Luke, what's wrong?" i asked, climbing off the bed and wrapping my arms around him.

"I'm so sorry" he mumbled, not making eye contact.

"shh, its okay lovely, its not your fault"i said as i gently traced patterns on his back. I stood up, stretching my arm out to him and pulling him with me onto the bed. He led down on his side facing me, closing his eyes. He looked exhausted. 

"Dinner!" called his dad and we both got up and went and had dinner. After we sat downstairs with everyone watching movies until Luke excused himself and went to bed early. At 1am i decided to join him after spending ages talking with Shannon. 

I opened the door and flicked on the little lamp on his desk. I stripped down to my underwear and found one of his shirts on the chair and pulled i over my head. Luke was curled up, the duvet pulled right around him, his delicate little snores making me feel sleepy. I climbed into bed and i felt Luke wrap his arms around me, pulling me in closer; his nose nudging into my neck. 

"i love you" he whispered, and fell asleep. 

he what. 

What did he just say?

had i heard him right?

i didn't think that was intended to come out loud.

i lay there thinking about what he had said and i soon fell into a deep sleep

*two weeks later* 

We had just arrived home after our flight had been delayed for two hours. I was tired, hungry and dreading the jetlag i was going to get. Sydney had been amazing. We had gone out with Luke's family on day trips, Shannon and I had gone on a picnic together and done some shopping and there had also been many lazy days, playing video games and watching movies. It had been such an amazing experience but i was glad to be home. 

I walked in the door, pulling my suitcase behind me, followed by Luke. Shannon had been picked up at the airport and Liz had dropped myself and Luke off at mine for a bit. It was a Friday, college started on Monday; at least i had a few days to relax.

It was 1pm British time, but i felt so tired since it was midnight back in Sydney. I ran upstairs with Luke helping me with my luggage and i changed into joggers and a vest before pulling my hair into a messy bun and flopping down on my bed next to Luke. We decided on watching a movie, Monsters University, but before i knew it, i was asleep on his chest. 

I'm your cure [Luke Hemmings au]Where stories live. Discover now