Chapter Two

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A/N hello(: thankyou so much for reading, I know its barely started but heyho:3 if you would like to play a part in the story please message me or comment and if you have any ideas please do the same:3 love you guys(: x


Tuesday morning. I'm waiting for the bus and R U mine is playing in my ears. Today is not so warm so I decided on wearing my black jumper with checkered shirt and light denim shorts plus my hightop cons. (A/N Outfit in external link)

the bus pulled up in front of me and i hopped on, taking my usual place and began staring out of the window. There were a few clouds in the sky but it was still hot, weirdly hot for October especially in England. I wasn't complaining. It wasn't long before we arrived at Lucy's stop, and she bundled on the bus, her usual happy self.

"ooooh hey you;)" she giggled pointing at the 'parental advisory explicit content' logo written across my jumper.

"Shh you child, oh gosh" I giggled back.

"Sooooo, I hear someone got asked for their number yesterday?" She said as she burst into giggles.

"How the hell do you know that?"I said too quickly as I started to feel my cheeks go red.

"Jess saw you talking to that guy yesterday and you had his phone so I just guessed! Gosh relax sweetie!" She chirped back.

"We'll yes, we have to do an English thing together and he asked..."

"HE ASKED OOOH" she exclaimed.

"Will you keep your voice down!" I tried to say as calmly as possible. I love Lu but she really didn't have enough self control some times.

As the bus arrived at college we all got up and walked into the main building before dropping off out bags and heading to the loos. Normal morning routine time.

"Guess who got his numberrrr!"shrieked Lucy as she walked into Jess who was already in the loos.

"NO WAY, you go girl!" She giggled pulling me in for a hug.

"Guys calm down, its really not that big a deal" I said trying to forget the subject.

"BUT HAVE YOU SEEN HIM" Jess and Lucy both exclaimed in unison which led us all into a fit of laughter.

We walked back out again after talking about what we had planned this weekend, and started to walk back to tutor. When we got there i noticed Luke sitting by himself at the back of the room.

"Why don't you go say hey" Jess whispered in my ear.

"Fine, fine, okay" I said trying to hush them. "Just no staring okay guys!"

I skipped over to him and saw he was reading, but as he noticed me approaching he looked up sheepishly.

"Hey Luke" I smiled.

"Hello Caitlyn" he replied. It took me a minute to register how amazing he sounded but also how he used my full name. But I came back to my senses as he raised his eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" I asked pointing down towards his book.

"Oh noe, ahaha, just had nothing else to do I guess" he smiled back up at me.

"Sorry I didn't reply last night I fell asleep" I said awkwardly, remembering the funny conversation about penguins we had been having all night over facebook.

"Awh, nah its fine, honestly, I was asleep soon after to be honest." He sighed.

The bell for tutor rang and I skipped back to my friends after giving him a little wave. Jess took her place next to me and Lucy sat beside her before I was nudged by them as they wanted to know details of my encounter with him.

"Guys we just said hi that's all" I murmured trying not to draw attention to myself as the register was being called.

The day went on just like the day before, I only had two lessons, maths and physics so I didn't get to see Luke anymore. At the end of the day, I got on the bus with Lucy and began listening to her rant about some girl in her art class but I missed most of what she said. I suddenly realised I was actually thinking about Luke and I made a mental note to stop thinking about him, I'd only just met him.

I got home, flopped down on my bed after putting my ipod on shuffle in its dock and a large smile appeared on my face as I remembered this morning. I was shaken out of my thoughts as my phone buzzed and I got up and looked at the message.

Luke: hello:3xx

And my heart went crazy again.

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