Chapter Sixteen

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A/N hello again:) I'm sorry for the filler chapter last time, but i need it for this chapter okay, this should be a real long one so i hope you enjoy:) I won't be updating as much as i have been, i should really do more revision for my gcse's and stuff, so i'm sorry, but it should be at least three times a week, so basically whenever i can:) I love you guys so much, i'm so thankful for all the reads, and i'm also sorry for how long the author's note was on the last update but i just had to tell you guys:) x

ALSO- when she starts reading the letter, i suggest listening to kissing in cars by pierce the veil, i just find it a really emotional song so yeah:)))


*luke's p.o.v*     

I woke up and reached around me, not remembering falling asleep. I was upstairs in my bed, i found out. It was obvious i had been curled up around something, but whatever it was was not there now. I sat up rubbing my eyes. Why was i so tired? I know i had been ill, but that was almost 24 hours ago. I stood up, my head spinning slightly and made my way downstairs. The sound of laughter and conversation filled my ears as i walked into the kitchen.

"hello sleepy" called a voice. The only voice that i would drop everything for. The voice that brought a smile to my face instantly. I glanced up to see Caitlyn, Michael and Shannon all sat round the kitchen island. 

"c'mon lovely" called Caitlyn from her stool, standing up and offering her arms to me. I accepted, walking over to her and putting my arms around her. She smelt so beautiful. 

I buried my face into the crook of her neck and breathed a sigh of relief as all the worries left my head. I planted several soft kisses up the nape of her neck before looking into those gorgeous green eyes, the different shades melting into one another. They stood out between her dark eyeliner. 

She was in one of my shirts i noticed, my smiley face one. I loved it when she wore my clothes. It was so stupid but it felt like i was protecting her, it wasn't that i was showing off she was mine, but it was kind of a warning. She was safe. Plus she looked adorable as hell my stuff. She leaned up and pecked my nose before releasing from my grip and going over to make more drinks. 

"Sorry we invited Shannon over, i thought it would be nice to just see all of you" Mikey smiled up at me apologetically

"nah, mate, its cool, she's pretty awesome" i chuckled, smirking over at Shannon.

"well, i gotta go"Shannon sighed, standing up as the doorbell rang, "that's my mum, hey Cait, call me or something later, love you"

"love you sweetie" Caitlyn called from the sink.

"If you don't mind can i steal your sofa for the night?" Michael asked, fiddling with his hair

"its cool" i smiled, walking down the hall to get some blankets out of the cupboards, "here you go man" i say passing them to him

"well, guys i'm going to sleep, jetlag is a bitch" he chuckled before leaving us in the kitchen

just as Caitlyn turned round i pulled a sad face as she looked up at me.

"awh, is lukey feeling sad" she cooed to me

"yesss" i replied in a baby voice

"does somebody want cuddles?"

"woooooo" i chuckled, reaching my arms out towards her. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling my face into her chest, my arms fit perfectly around her back, pulling her in. I never wanted to move. 

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