Chapter Twenty Four

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A/N over 600 reads guys thats so amazing and i love you and yaaaay!:) thankyouu:* 


*Luke's p.o.v.*

i woke up on a bench in the middle of some park. I had no idea what time it was, or where i was. I looked around, trying to figure out where to go when i noticed that familiar face across the street. Caitlyn.

After our fight last night i had stormed off and after grabbing a packet of cigarettes from home and some money i had ended up here. She was across the street from me, walking into the little bookshop on the corner. I saw Michael run across the road to meet up with her, as she held the door open for him. I stood up and walked into the cafe next to the park, grabbing a coffee to go before sitting back down on the bench, running a hand through my hair. I knew i had to talk to her, now was better than never. 

*Caitlyn's p.o.v.* 

I was walking through the rows of books, lost in a trance of how amazing this shop was. I loved smelling and flicking through the pages of so many books, old and new. Michael told me he came here once a week to get a new book, thats why there were so many books in the spare room, he used it to get away from reality a bit. I knew exactly what he meant, its why i read since i was little, and i wrote too, the ability to control an entire alternate universe, to be the decider, to make whatever you want happen, it gave such a sense of happiness, that you could control a life for once, unlike your own. Also, reading allows you to submerge yourself into a different reality, living out someone else's lifestyle for a bit, showing you new thought processes and view points. 

My thoughts were broken by someone clearing their throat. I turned and my eyes met those bright blue ones. I turned back to the shelf and placed the book i had just taken out back in its place before turning back to him. He stepped closer to me and i noticed how different he looked, different from the normal Luke and different from the one i had seen at the beach house. I didn't know what he would be like.

"hello" he breathed, rocking up onto his heels and back down again

"hi" i smiled up at him. He stepped forward and held out his arms. I joined him and wrapped my arms around his waist. His arms wrapped around me, and i smiled into his chest. I had missed his smell. 

He lent down and placed a kiss on my lips. He tasted of coffee and cigarettes. I looked up into his eyes and we stood there for a minute, neither of us being able to say anything. I stepped out of his grasp and sat down on the chairs in the corner of the shop. Michael walked around the corner and without saying anything, took in the scene before him. He smiled at Luke before sitting on a beanbag to my left, finding his page in a book and began reading. Luke sat down in the chair next to me, scuffing his feet along the carpet.

"i'm sorry" he whispered, looking up at me.

"okay" i gave him a half smile

"what am i supposed to do?" he asked, looking at me with a nervous expression

"i don't know Luke, just stop what you were doing before, and enjoy the rest of the holiday?" i offered

"are we okay?" he looked up at me again, his eyes going from the floor to me.

"i don't know right now" i sighed. I looked down at my feet.

"oh" he mumbled, standing up and stretching his arms. "i can leave you alone if you want?" he asked, staring out of the window

"i'm just going to read for a bit, but hey, we can meet up and talk things through later on okay?"

"okay" he smiled, obviously cheering up at this. 

I'm your cure [Luke Hemmings au]Where stories live. Discover now