Chapter Twenty

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A/N 400 reads guys, omgomgomg ily!:) thankyou so freakin much, mwah:* I'm so sorry for the sad updates recently, i'll try make them better soon heheheh:3 loveyouall:) x x x


*Caitlyn's p.o.v.*

the phone woke me from my much needed sleep. We had gotten back to Luke's around 3am, after a member of the ambulance crew sat down and spoke through some stuff with Luke before we left. He never once let go of my hand. He felt so fragile, but i knew he would make it. 

I was beginning to hate phone calls. Not specifically to me, but they'd caused so much disruption in everyones lives, the most recent being last night with Calum. I'd hardly gotten to know him yet he felt like a brother to me. I knew how much he meant to Luke, and i didn't know how he would take it.

"hello" i answered, trying not to sound too tired. I looked across and saw it was only 6am. Three hours of sleep, and i was struggling to concentrate.

"caitlyn, hi" the voice on the end of the phone relaxed, and i realised i had answered Luke's mobile. 

"hi Ashton, what's up?" i asked, trying to make the conversation less awkward.

"he, he made it" 

"what?" i asked, not being able to think through Ashton's words.

"they were wrong, he just went into a coma, Caitlyn he's alive, Calum's alive" i could hear Ashton becoming more excited.

"wow" i breathed into the phone. "thankyou for calling Ashton, but i've had three hours sleep and i need more, let me call you this evening okay?"

"okay, sweet dreams" and with that the phone went dead.

I wondered whether i should wake Luke and tell him. All i could think about was that if i hadn't reached Luke in time, he would be gone for nothing. 

"lukey" i whispered, climbing back into his bed and shaking him gently

"mmm" he groaned through the duvet.

"i need to tell you something, then you can go back to sleep baby" i said gently into his ear as he pulled the duvet further over his head. "please" i pleaded, i had to let him know

"what" he moaned at me, throwing the duvet off his head and chest, his eyebrows furrowing together.

"Ashton just called, Calum made it Luke, he's still here" It took a moment for Luke to process what i had told him.

"no... but how? what... but Ashton said...." he stuttered, a mix of confusion and anger mixing across his face

"hey shh, the doctors never told them, he's in a coma, but he's going to make it" Luke's eyes went wide and he burst into tears, pulling me into him. His body shook as he let out deep sobs, i held him as tightly as i could, holding his head in my chest, stroking his hair and kissing the top of his head.

"i love you" he mumbled, his voice dry and raspy

"i love you" i replied, "c'mon, i need sleep" i groaned, climbing back into the warmth of the bed, pulling the duvet over myself and Luke. He pulled me in closer, his arms wrapped around my back, both of us on our sides, my face in his chest. He needed me, to feel me this close, so he knew he was safe. And i never wanted to leave. 



"baby wake up"

"euh, for god sake Caitlyn get yo lazy ass out of my bed"

"euhhh?" i groaned. Why was i being shaken. 

"Caitlyn get up pleeaaassee" Luke's voice rang through my ears and i could feel his warmth pressing over me. 

"luuukkkee get off" i whined which he returned by chuckling.

"c'mon i wanna go watch movies" he groaned causing me to giggle. I opened my eyes and saw him sat on the end of the bed with his hair all scruffy and his cheeks flushed. He was wearing a goofy tee and and his smile spread across his face. He was in the most adorable mood. I jumped up, i was wearing his pierce the veil baseball tee and underwear, but i couldn't be bothered to put anything else on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his nose. He giggled, his school girl like laugh, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me towards him and placing kisses all over my face. I loved this adorable side of Luke. 

I stood up, entwining my hand with Luke's, pulling him off the bed and down the stairs behind me. As we reached the bottom, i stopped, letting Luke reach the bottom ahead of me. I turned him round so he was facing away from me and jumped onto his back, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I rested my chin on his shoulder as we walked into the kitchen earning laughs from Liz who was just about to leave. The clock on the wall read 1:38pm; i was starving. 

Liz left us alone and we began to make food. I chose pizza and we ended up adding extra ham in the shape of 'L + C' in the middle of the pizza. Once it was cooked, we grabbed drinks and headed into the lounge, pulling several blankets and all the sofa cushions onto the floor after we moved the coffee table out of the way and snuggled up under his duvet. To begin with we played Mario Kart and we kept falling off the course, we both lost every time. 

We finished the pizza, and i cleared away our plates before grabbing a tub of Ben and Jerrys and two spoons and curling up next to Luke again, handing him a spoon. We spent the rest of the day watching movies and eating junk food. It reached 9pm and i looked over to see him fast asleep, his head resting on my chest, his breathing gentle. I placed a kiss on top of his head before letting sleep take over me.

I loved this. Being like a kid again. It pushed away all the bad thoughts, everything that had gone wrong. And i had the most beautiful boy in the world to do it with. 


A/N ide like this chapter either but nevermind and owell, i needed it and yay Calum is here, smileysmiley:) thanks again for 400 reads, its crazy:) love you all:* xxxx

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