Chapter Twenty One

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A/N 464 reads guys, this is ridiculous thankyou! hehehe:3 love you all:*


The weeks went by and I grew even closer to Luke. Each week was spent the same, being with him Jess and Tommy at school before meeting up after school and at the weekends with Luke. I was happy, and so was he. We'd moved on from what had happened. It was a week until Easter break. Two weeks off. Luke had planned something for us to do, but he hadn't explained what.

It was a Monday afternoon, i was just collecting my bag and books from my locker, ready to go home. I felt a pair of arms snake around my body, pulling me into his body. His head dipped into my neck and he kissed down it, before resting his chin on my shoulder.

"hey baby" he cooed into my ear. The shivers went down my back, causing him to chuckle. "i have something to tell you"

i spun around, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck and taking in the grin forming on his face. "TELL MEE" i giggled, as he picked me up and spun me around.

"well, you're coming with me over easter, i've already asked you mum, and yeah"


"home" he breathed, barely a whisper.

"WE'RE GOING BACK TO AUSTRALIA OH MY GOD" i screamed, pulling him even closer into me. I couldn't wait.

~~~~ One Week Later ~~~~

The plane touched down and i knew jetlag was going to kill me, i had hardly slept on the plane. I was so excited to see the boys again, i'd kept in contact with them over the past few months, and i was dying for Luke to see Calum. He was fine. His mum had left his dad, and Calum and Mali were safe again. 

After we collected our luggage, i saw two familiar faces light up as we walked out of arrivals. Ashton began running towards us, before he picked me up and wrapped me in a huge hug.

"Caitlyn, Caitlyn, CAITLYNNN!" he giggled, earning us stares, but it didn't bother me. "i missed ooooo" he said in a kid voice in my ear before placing me back on the ground.

"i missed you too Ashton, aND YOU NEED TO FILL ME IN ABOUT SHANNON" i giggled back at him, noticing his cheeks go a deep red. 

"Michaellll!" i screamed, running over to him. He had been slowly walking over.

"hey caitlyn!" he chuckled, noticing how excited i was. "someone over tired hmm?" he laughed even more as i jumped on to him. He caught me, his arms wrapping around my waist. It felt so right. Scrap that. I can't think that. Its Michael, not Luke.

"are you okay?" he asked, looking at me concerned

"i think sleepiness just hit me" i giggled softly, lying easily, something i knew i was good at. 

"good" he smiled at me, letting me down. Ashton and Luke wandered over to us, Luke pulling both of our suitcases along. I took mine, before linking with Ashton and skipping out of the airport. We giggled along and climbed into Ashton's mum's car. She drove us to Luke's house, but took Ashton and Michael home. 

We walked inside the house and were greated by Ben and Luke's dad. We were then left to do what we wanted. We could only see the boys at the weekend, they weren't off school yet. We only had one week free with them. 

The next afternoon Luke walked into my bedroom whilst i was reading.

"i uhh, i gotta pop out for a bit Caitlyn" Luke murmed.. 

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