Chapter Five

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A/N so, i think i should take a break from writing, fifth update in three days, i just can't wait to write this story, eeek! Thankyou so much for the votes! please feel free to message me lovelys!


I groaned as my alarm clock went off. Euhh, Monday. I hate Mondays. Then i remembered who i got to see today and i jumped out of bed. Luke.

i jumped up and went through my wardrobe finding something to wear. I noticed it looked cloudy today so decided on plain black leggings, a white vest with my baggy cream and brown patterned knit jumper, topped with my burgandy wool scarf.

(A/N outfit in external link!)

i grabbed my phone, books and makeup and threw them in my bag before checking my hair and deciding on brading a few pieces of it. I plugged my headphones into my ipod and grabbed my coat and walked out of the house, picking up my keys along the way. I got on the bus and sat near the back with sk8er boi by avril lavigne playing. When we got to Lucy's stop she jumped on the bus, running for me, laughing her head off. 


"calm down, oh gosh" i said back to her, noticing how everyone had turned to look at us. "Lucy sit down and shh, look now everyone is staring!" i grumbled at her.

She sat next to me the whole way asking me to go over every detail again, even though i'd done just that last night in our skype call. 

"Its so perfect and cute and oh gosh!" she exclaimed.

"okay okay, calm down! we're at college" i said as i stood up and made my way to the entrance.

I was walking up to my locker with Lucy and Jess after our morning routine and took my books out of my bag whilst only partially listening to them chatter about something. Suddenly they both stopped talking and looked at me. As i noticed and turned to them and saw they were staring to the other side of me. I instantly turned to my other side to see Luke lent up against the lockers.

"hi" i breathed

"hello" he smiled back at me

"uhh, we have uhm gotta go, see you later Cait!" giggled Jess as she pulled Lucy with her in the opposite direction

"see you guys" i called, but they were already gone. 

"how are you?" Luke said, drawing my attention back to him.

"i err, i'm good, hehe, uhm" i replied not knowing what to say.

he looked down at me and i could feel us getting closer. He place his arms round my waist and i wrapped mine around his neck and he pulled me in for a hug. He smelt so good and i smiled into his shoulder knowing people would see me in the arms of well, perfection. 

He finally pulled away and smiled at me, his cheeks a little pink. The bell for school went and we both walked into tutor, him taking his place at the back of the room. Jess and Lucy were already sat in their places. 

"i saw that hug!" Jess squealed in my ear.

"You guys are so cute eheh!" Lucy added

"Seriously, guys shh" i moaned trying to get them to be quiet. 

Tutor finished and i stood up taking my books with me, and began walking to creative writing. I felt a hand grab onto my free arm and turned to look up and my eyes met those beautiful blue ones.

I'm your cure [Luke Hemmings au]Where stories live. Discover now