Chapter Twelve

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A/N hello there!:) i know i'm updating a ridiculous amount rn but i'm off school and i'm ill and i have nothing else to do so, guess what, another update! hehehe;) Thankyou so much, 175 reads is freakin crazy, thankyouuuuu! i love each and every one of you! please vote + comment:) ly:*


*Caitlyn's p.o.v.*   

Monday morning. Back to college. I got up and walked over to my wardrobe pulling out a red shirt and black skinny jeans. I left my hair in its usual wavy state and applied makeup. I packed my bag grabbing a grey beanie on the way out and a breakfast bar to eat on the way. I put my headphones in and walked to the bus stop.

(Outfit in external link)  

the bus arrived and i hopped on, finding a seat to the side and waiting until we got to Lucy's stop. That smiley blonde face appeared at the doors of the bus before running over to me.


"hey Lu" i giggled, i couldn't help myself, the whole floor of the bus had turned around to see what was going on but she was so excited and it all seemed so hilarious. 

After the bus arrived at college we walked in to find Jess before i began the story of my trip to Aussieland. They sat there listening intently and giggling at the cute bits. I made sure to leave out the encounter with those boys in Sydney. 

The bell for tutor went and we all walked giggling away at stories of Jess and Lucy's holidays before we reached tutor room. I looked over to the back and my eyes met those beautiful blue ones; my heart stopped. He smiled, his dimple making me break out into an enormous grin and i was nudged and received 'awhs' from Lu and Jess who had obviously noticed who i was looking at. 

After tutor was finished i realised i had a free. We all walked out of the room and headed off in different directions. I said goodbye to Lucy who was going to art and Jess who had history. I stood by the door waiting for Luke to come out. 

He reached the door and hadn't noticed me so i walked up behind him and placed my hands around his head, in front of his eyes. 

"guess who" i giggled

"ehhm, Brian?" he chuckled, sending me into even more laughter

"hmm, yes, you got it right!" i said, releasing my hands and giggling even more. 

He turned to face me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me into him. I put my arms around his neck and buried my face in his chest, taking in his smell. It was heavenly.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on my head before letting me out of his arms. 

"i missed you" he whispered whilst pulling a sad face

"awhh, Lukey" i giggled, "it was only a day ago!" i smiled up at him.

"for your information it was 40 hours ago" he moaned pretending to cry which made me laugh, "and yes i counted because i'm weird" he added making my cheeks go red.

We started walking in the direction of the library, arms linked. As we were walking along he looked at me.

"you're the first person to call me Lukey" he smiled

"i don't have to if you don't like it?" i asked feeling sad. I loved calling him it.

"no no no, its adorable, i love it" he chuckled, spinning me round with his arm.

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