Chapter Three

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A/N third update in two days, oooh!;) thankyou for the reads and votes guys hhehe, means a lot:) again, if you'd like to be involved please just message me okay? Love you guiseee(:


It was now Thursday and I'd only had two other encounters with Luke, once at lunch when we ran into each other at the queue for food, and we just made small talk; and once walking down the corridor with Jess and Lucy where he had smiled at us with a "g'day ladies"

I walked into creative writing, sat down and began doodling on my hand with a black pen before I looked up and noticed Luke walk in. He hadn't seen me yet, but as he looked up and caught my eye he tried to hide the huge smile that appeared on his face. He looked down and continued to walk over and sit down next to me. 

When he reached me, he sat down and looked up at me obviously unaware of the large red patches on his cheek. Could he be any more gorgeous?

We were early, there were hardly any other people in the room with us so we made small talk about the weather and our day before Mr Hutterson walked in.

"Okay, so guys, next project, get you more involved with your surrounding peers. As i said last time you will be working with the person on the same desk as you, no complaining" he pointed towards a guy and a girl who i recognised but didn't know their names as they groaned at having to work with each other. 

"Over the next two weeks you will be writing a beginnning and ending for a novel, your choice of genre, but so that we have no idea what happens in the middle of the story. Then when you come back in next friday i will take in all the stories and the following week we will go through analysing what could of happened and take a look at how we personalise the idea of a story."

I looked across at Luke with a smile on my face and it was returned with a "yesss!" Good, he loved story writing too. At hundred different ideas rushed through my head before i remembered that i was supposed to be paying attention. We spent the rest of the lesson going through our previous weeks assessments, and i gave Luke my story as he had nothing to do since he hadn't been here. He looked up after he finished reading with a sparkle in his eyes and said "oh my god Caitlyn this is amazing, how did you do this?!" 

i just giggled and took the papers back. "Its nothing, i just have a big imagination okay, shh!"

he giggled with me before the bell went, signalling end of lesson. 

"Hey uhm, Cait, you know we have to work together, well uhm..." he awkwardly looked at the ground, "Do you wanna come over this weekend or something and we can start it?" he glanced up and smiled when he realised i was.

"Of course lovely! Text me tonight and we can work something out okay?"

"okay" he smiled before adding, "see you then" and he walked out of the room.

For the rest of the day i was on a high, i couldn't stop smiling, and as i walked outside to meet Jess and Lucy they looked at each other and winked.

"Why is someone being all happy hmm?" Lu questioned.

"Oh nothing, i'm just meeting up with Luke at the weekend" i replied cooly

"Luke?" Jess looked at me with a puzzled look.

"Luke is the aussie god we saw and asked for Cait's number you fool!" Lucy cried before i had a chance to explain. We all erupted into a fit of giggles.


"okay okay okay, guys chill!" With that lunch ended and i headed to the library with Jess as Lucy went off to Art. I walked upstairs, sat down at one of the tables as Jessica pulled a chair up next to me. 

I'm your cure [Luke Hemmings au]Where stories live. Discover now