For Me It Isn't Over (4)

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Adele's POV

Simon is moving around in the spare room, it is taking all of my will power not to just run into that room right now to kiss him on the lips. I want to fall asleep in his arms. Knowing that is not an option, I eventually decide to just go see what's wrong. Once again I've let my heart win.

I gently push on the door, only for my eyes to meet his mysterious blue ones. The ones I will forever love, the ones that will keep me calm in the worse of storms, the ones I still consider home. They've just been lost for while.

"Hello Adele, I'm so sorry if I kept you awake," his raspy voice echoed in my ears, a longing was underlining his words.

"No, no, no, don't worry you didn't, I couldn't sleep either. Would you like a glass of water or anything??" I sympathetically questioned. He just stood there for a while, looking into my eyes. So I think anyway, it a bit difficult to tell in the dark and when you've had a bit to drink.

All of a sudden he began making his way towards me, in complete shock I found myself unable to move. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and just gave off that amazing smile I first fell for. I could defiantly see his eye now as we stared into each others eyes once again, this time I'm know he's gazing back into mine. All I wanted now was him to kiss me, it would be the perfect moment for him to do so however he wasn't going to do that though, he has moved on. Hasn't he?

Not to my surprise he walked past me and down the stairs, a sigh of disappointment left me. I followed him in pursue of a bottle of wine, there's nothing I want more right now. How else was I supposed to sleep knowing he is in my house, but not next to me?

The stairs down to the ground floor seemed to have extended in length as I slowly descended them. Once they eventually ended, I find Simon in the kitchen starting into thin air as I'm unlocking the wine cupboard and reaching for a bottle of white wine.

"Don't you think it's too early to drink?" he said from behind me, I felt his hot breath on my neck. He was so close to me.

"" I bluntly said getting impatient, I just wanted my wine. And Simon. But he isn't "My" Simon though. He's someone else's.
I turned to face him, he was a only a few inches away from me.

"May I join you?" He asked, turning and grabbing two wine glasses, smirking.

Reluctantly I said "Yeah, go on then" defeated.


Simon's POV

I woke up around 8, I need to be at work for 9. Adele is still sleeping peacefully on my lap. Adele is sleeping on my lap. Adele is sl-... shit. Memories of last night came flooding in, the wine, the casual convocations. I don't really know if it's unfortunate or not that it only got as far as us talking about just random stuff. I wanted it to go further but that wouldn't have been the right thing.

Carefully, I got up not waking the angel up that was resting on my lap, wait what am I saying... it's obvious to me and to anyone that, I still have strong feelings for her. Stronger feelings than the lust I have for Sarah, I just don't know what to do though. How do I know she that Adele still feels the same about me? She's been quite reluctant to do all this stuff for me, has her feelings generally gone? Or has she put her guard up because she doesn't want to get hurt anymore?

I quickly got ready for work even though it's been over 3 years I've still got some clothes and suits here, honestly I don't know why. But I'm not going to question it.

By the time I got ready Adele was still asleep, I could here Jess awake upstairs, I dare say she has been awake for a while. She has always been an early riser. I run upstairs and say bye to Jess. I would have placed a kiss on my two youngest children's head but they were at Penny's, Adele is picking them up just before lunch time. I sneakily place a kiss on Adele's forehead before I depart for work, in hope that it will not be the last.

I honestly don't think I could miss anything more than Adele.

Her personality.

Her laugh.

Her sense of humour.

Her potty mouth.

Her eyes.

Her hair.

Her lips.

Her smile.

Her grace.



More than anything thing.

And I Simon Christopher Konecki was stupid enough to let her go. Not even that, I left her. For someone that I could never love more than her, no matter how hard I tried.

Knowing Sarah will be home now so I go there after work, I finished 30 minutes earlier today, it has been planned and it was on my timetable. The door is unlocked so I walk in, something didn't seem right. I look everywhere downstairs and I honestly have no clue where she is. Naturally, the next thing to do is look upstairs, every step I take, the louder I can hear Sarah.

Hearing her have sex, clearly it is not with me...

I should have just stopped right there but for some reason I kept on walking until I was at the door of my bedroom, in my house. It wasn't even shut. I gently nudged the door to expose her and some other person on my bed. I took a deep breath in, I don't quite know if I'm exactly sad by this happening. Hurt yes. Extremely. Sad, yeah sad because I've just wasted my time, the time I could be raising my family with Adele. My 3 children with her.

Even though I saw it coming, it still felt like I was being stabbed.

"Look Simon I can explai-"

"No Sarah, please don't, you don't have to, I've seen this coming for a while. Can you just get your stuff and get out of my house. NOW!" I impatiently finished raising my voice at the end.

"Simon please, I ca-" she begins again.

"NO SARAH NOW! You have 15 minutes to get all your stuff and leave or I'm calling the police". By now the other dude has scurried off, and Sarah is racing around collecting her stuff.

Eventually the 15 minutes is up, she is about to leave.

"Bye Simon, I hope to see you one day, when you've forgiven me"

"Oh man, Sarah, I've forgiven you, because you've finally set me free. But really, I don't want to see you again, even if my life depended on it, I think you should leave now".

"But Si Baby, only if you let me explain..."

"SARAH I THINK YOU HAVE SAID ENOUGH, JUST LEAVE!" my voice raising because I am growing impatient.


"NOWWWW!" My voice hollowed throughout my empty house.

"Oh okay" and with that she was gone, out of my life.

Now there's only one thing to do... get my Adele back.

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now