I Can't Do This On My Own (21)

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Adele's POV

My heart stopped.

My child had gone missing, I didn't know what to think, I didn't know what to do.

Simon finishes explaining to me how she literally just disappeared more or less straight after I had left. I kept Simon on the phone in case he finds her.

"Mum I'll come with you," Jess whispers in my ear in an attempt to keep me calm. I don't say anything. I can't. I physically can't open my mouth to say anything. "Ashlyn look after Vicky I'll be back soon, I just need to go to Mums, loves ya all," she shouts before grabbing my hand and dragging me to the front of the passenger door. In my current state I some how manage to open the door, sit down, shut the door and then put my seat belt on. Swiftly after, we were on our way.

The car ride was dead silent besides the occasional yell from Simon of "Maisie" through the phone. Every second that passed my heart beat twice as fast.

What if before I left was the last time I will ever see her again?

No Adele, you can't think like that you need to stay hopeful, I'm sure she's fine. She's probably just messing around, she will be home soon.

The car journey seamed to drag on longer than it usually does; I suppose its because I wanted to be home quickly. Each second felt like a minute had passed, this made me ridiculously anxious therefore, causing my knee to bounce up and down. I was just one of my nervous habits which also included biting my nails, fidgeting with my hair and biting my lip.

Jess pulled the car up, my heart was being extremely fast and I was a complete mess. I had actually bit through my lip a bit and could taste blood. My heart was in my mouth. I leaped out of the car and ran to the door, as soon as I had opened it I was sprinting through my house in a desperate attempt to get to Simon therefore, we can devise a plan.

The moment he was in my sight he turned around and made his way towards me. He wasn't crying but, I can see he had been, he's trying to say strong for me. He embraced me,  gave me a kiss on the cheek and somehow for that split moment everything felt like it was going to be okay; my heart slowed down for those few seconds.

The sudden thought popped in to my mind, when was the right time to call the police? Now? In an hour? Tomorrow morning?

At what point would it be too late...

I may not know that but I do know something, I really miss Maisie. A lot. This overwhelming gut feeling overpowered my body, this urge, this unmovable thought of checking the side door we never use. Moving away from Simon, slowly, I edged my way in that direction; in a way I was hoping that it would be locked meaning that she's in the house somewhere however, I had to this feeling that that wouldn't be the case.

The large brown wooden door was upon me. With my hands trembling  I reached forward and placed my fingers gently on the cold handle. Unwillingly, I pushed down and successfully managed to pull the door open. I was shell shocked. The door is always locked, they're is never any key in the door for it to be unlocked, they only keys that open this door is either on mine and Simon's keys or in the safe upstairs. My eyes glazed over and tears started to trickle down my face, the undeniable reality of what's happened hit me square in the face. The warm of Jess's arms wrapped tightly around me, as I felt her icy tears fall onto my neck and the muffled noise of Simon on the phone to the police.

I couldn't help but feel responsible as to why this is all happening right now. Maybe if I didn't pop to Jess' and just waited like a normal person, we might not be in this situation. Then again, trust me being incredibly impatient, putting my younger daughters life at risk. All because I could just wait.

My mind flashed to who would have had the urge to take my child, I was bewildered. I could not think of anyone. A constant stream of 'why' thoughts clouded my head, something about this whole situation just didn't sit right with me, beyond the fact that my daughter was missing.

All 4 of us moved to the sofa, whilst waiting Jess called my mum so that she can take Angelo, as much as I don't want him out of my sight, it would unfair and unnecessary to panic him. Penny soon arrived not asking any questions, she just gave me a hug and said "you will find her soon, everything will be okay". She took my little prince to keep him safe, at least that's what I'm telling myself. Soon after, that two police cars arrived, bringing a total of 4 police officers.

What seemed like an endless string of questions were asked to each of us. One officer for each of us. The other searching the property. We must have been sitting there for at least 30 minutes. Probably more. Each one caused my anxiety to spike even more than I thought possible, it felt like the questioning was never going to end, almost as if I was all my fault.

The one interviewing me, radioed over to the control board asking for a search on the area. Fear in me escalated, it felt like hearing a shotgun being shot in the dark. Just as we were leaving Laura arrived, she was going to stay here just in case. Myself and Jess lumbered into one of the police cars along with two of the policed men. Meanwhile, Simon got in the other police car with the other two.


Sorry I haven't posted in like a month; I've been caught up with what felt like endless exams. I'm going to aim to get this book finished by Christmas.

Sorry again...



Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now