I've Forgoten How It Felt Before The World Fell At Our Feet (5)

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Jess's POV

I've just got a call from Noah telling me that crazy bitch walked out with all her stuff, ahhhh nearly there with the plan. Just need to get Mum and Dad back together, not going to lie I think that will be easy with how they were this morning. Yeah, cuddling on the sofa and all. I think I've got the perfect plan...

Adele's POV

As it wasn't late I decided to go to this coffee shop before I would need to start settling the children down to go to bed. After all, it was only a 5-minute walk and Jess was home. I pushed on the red, wooden door that caused a little bell to ring. I ordered a latte and a piece of brownie then sat down in a small booth.

"Mind if I join you?" a very familiar voice rang. I looked up only to find Simon's sad eyes looking at me. I nod, not saying a word unable to reject his dispirited eyes. We sit there in a comfortable silence until our drinks are brought over to us.

"So... Simon. What brings you here? I would have thought you would have been at home with Sarah," I begin to choke on my own words and the reality pours out of them.

"Well, I would be asking you the same question" he began weakness becoming more apparent in his breaking voice. "Sarah and I are no longer together, she was in my house sleeping with another man". I let off a shallow smile, saddened at Simon's tragic heartbreak, yet slightly optimistic I he might want me back. I sound so desperate... well I am for Simon. I really enjoyed our covosation last night. I really enjoy any convocation I have with him. I enjoy just being near him.

I would enjoy more being able to call him mine.


As the place was going to close soon we were both getting ready to leave before a sudden thought popped into my head.

"So I've booked to take the babies to Lego Land for a few days, would you like to come to keep your mind off things?" I optimistically questioned.

Simon's POV

"Really?" I responded, no knowing how to really feel by her sudden offer.

"Of course, why would I say it if I didn't mean it? I've booked the whole of the top floor of one of the hotels, I'm sure there's plenty of room" she replied adding her infectious cackle in the end.

"Well in that case, it would be a pleasure."

"Be round mine at 11am tomorrow, I'm going to drive" she let off a smile after she finished talking.

"Adele?" I questioned. She turned and looked at me. "Thank you".

"Oh don't be silly Simon, it's really nothing to worry about" she said whilst laughing.

We both left swiftly after that I get in my car excited for the next fee days ahead. Immediately when I get home I am going to start packing my bags, ready for the morning, I'd quite like to not have to get up really early...

Adele's POV

There is something quite soothing about walking home when the sun is setting. It's a really beautiful sight.

Before I know it I'm unlocking the front door of my house, I'm swiftly met by my two youngest babies embrace on my leg whilst Jess watched over them laughing. Hahaha I'll get her back for that, just watch. Eventually I manage to free myself only to be met my Jess's arms with her hysterically laughing at my defeated face because I thought I was free.

"I think is time you two went to bed," I said pointing to Maisie and Angelo.

"Butttttt Muuuuummmmmmy I don't want tooooooo," Angelo instantly wined as Maisie came running into my arms again and I rest her on my hip to carry her upstairs.

"Come on Peanut," Jess giggled sweeping Angelo up, "Remember you're getting a surprise tomorrow, and you need to be up early mr..." she finished. Angelo and Maisie didn't have a clue where we are going yet, they're not going to know until we get there. Angelo has been asking to go for ages but we've never seemed to have the time with his school stuff. He's no longer being home schooled, I want him to grow up like a normal kid but he still gets extra support with stuff at home.

With Jess's help Angelo and Maisie are bathed and both of them gotten ready for bed. First of all I put Maisie to bed and I sing her the now infamous "river song". The next one on the list is Angelo, he wants me to sing him Sweetest Devotion, looks like he's finally come to like the music I've written. He likes Sweetest Devotion because it was wrote about him, he loves that.

I eventually get my self ready for bed and go downstairs to sit on the sofa and watch some TV with Jess. We order some food because neither of us have eaten. She made Angelo and Maisie's dinner but we both like eating later on when it's quiet and we can relax because the noisy ones are in bed.

Just as we're finishing Jess's phone goes off because she gets a message and she just suddenly bursts into tears after she looks at it.

"Honey what's wrong?" I say taking her phone out of her hand. I sigh and feel a great amount of pity over come me as I read the senders name at the top of the screen.

*Cameron 😂🙄👍🏻*

I read the messages previous so I knew I got what was happening.

Jess: I've been thinking about the past few months since uni has finished and we haven't been talking as much. I honestly don't know why you've been ignoring me, I don't know if you still like me or not. I don't really want to go ahead with this whole debating thing if we're both just going to ignore each other because then what's the point for either of us is the experience will be ruined. I just want what's best... 😩

Well that's somewhat reasonable, at least she finally did it, I've told her to ask him for a while. She has really been hurt recently with how he's been. I get that she causes some of it but still, I have to protect my baby.

Cameron 😂🙄👍🏻: I still want to go ahead with it but if you're not comfortable with me setting it up and stuff as we don't talk much that's fine and don't want to just say everything is fine if you think I'm saying for the sake of it. So I'll just not be part of it anymore. But I'll need my money out of the companies account in a month max.

Jess: Would you like to meet up one day to catch up? Next week?

Cameron 😂🙄👍🏻: I can't do next week. I'm busy every day.

Shortly after another message comes through.

Cameron 😂🙄👍🏻: I've been reading back through our messages and I'm quite confused to be honest. Because there was yesterday and some other times. I didn't think we weren't friends.

I type what Jess is telling me to write because she is shaking so much she can't type.

Jess: I've been on the fence with messaging you for a while, but I just had to prepare myself to hear  how your felt our friendship was going... We've only really met up once that was yesterday, but other than that you're always busy. We've been finished with uni for months now...

Cameron 😂🙄👍🏻: Are you sure you just don't want me to be part of it anymore? If you feel like I've been ignoring you, fine. But I want my money back in 3 days. As soon as I get it back don't message me. Delete my number. I don't want to talk to someone like you ever again, you're so rude. I don't even know why I became your friend in the first place.

Adele Please I Need Your HelpDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora