Did I Let You Down? (9)

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Jess's POV

Well, that escalated quickly.

What can I say, I'm overjoyed honestly and the best bit yet I got it all on record. I'm crying right now.

"Si," Mum spoke up.

"Yeah Dell?" Dad responded, moving his hands down to hold hers.

"I don't know if I can do this again," she whispered almost inaudible.

"Huh?" he questioned.

"I don't know if I can go home and not having you by my side again," she said looking slightly up so their eyes met, as soon as that happened she deeply inhaled. "Could you please move back in, like as soon as we get back tomorrow?" A huge smile spread across Dads face.

"Of course I would, anything for you and our children," he joyfully exclaimed picking Mum up and spinning around.

I can't believe I'm still recording this.

It's not a bad thing it's just adorable.

The moment Mums feet touched the ground their lips connected, to my surprise Angelo and Maisie weren't shouting "Ewwww gross"; they both just stood there letting off very audible "Awww" and so was I. Eventually Mum turned her head looked back at us three hugging in a line watching them both, she then tapped Dad on the shoulder.

"That's our wonderful children Si," she smiled at us.

"Yes it's Dell, yes it is."

Suddenly I had the urge to be sick so I ran to the toilet, the moment my knees touched the floor, I was sick. Not even a minute later Mum was behind me holding my hair.

"Jess, do you want me to call Chris to pick you up, I'll come too because I can't be too far away from you if you're ill?"

"Ummm yeah sure" I respond. She then proceeds to take her phone out to call Chris, she keeps trying. "What's wrong?" I question.

"He's not picking his phone up, I'll call your Nan to get us instead, yeah that's what I'll do, speak to your Nan," I just shrug unable to do anything else. It's not long before she's talking to Nan making arrangements to pick us up as soon as possible, to my despair I begin being sick again and once again mum was holding my hair. We just sit there like that for a while talking about random things.

"Aww baby, you feeling any better now?," I nod because yet again I am unable to gather the right words in an understandable sentence. We both get up to make our way back to Dad who was giving the cleaners some money because of the mess that we had made. As soon as he notices that we've walked back in he runs to hug me and check how things are, Mum catches him up and explains that Nan is coming to pick us up and she should be here in about an hour. 

Swiftly after that Mum and myself go upstairs to get our stuff, we eventual both end up in my room just talking again until Nan gets here during this time I also message Chris to make sure that he is okay.

"So I was thinking that when we get back, I know I asked your dad to move back in tomorrow but if I get him to have Angelo and Maisie tomorrow night, we can have a girls home pamper session all of tomorrow. How does that sound?" Mum said thinking aloud.

"Are you sure?" I say unsure if she meant it or not witnessing the emotion she was portraying not long ago when she asked Dad to move back in. She really wanted him to.

"Why would I say that if I wasn't?" she just about got out through her laughs rolling her eyes in a joking manner, I just laughed back and hugged her, she's really just a big dork but that's why I love her. That was when she got a message from Nan saying that she was here. I just shallowly smiled at Mum as we both started to make our way to Nan's car, on the way Mum stopped to say night to Angelo and Maisie, then also explain the plan to Simon. He agreed with it and with that we continued on our way to leave the hotel.

The breeze gently hit my face when we stepped out of the hotel, Nan quickly came up to me straight away and took my bags so that she could put them in the boot of the car. I got in the back seats of the car and absolutely exhausted the moment I touched those seats I quickly feel asleep.


Adele's POV

We pull up to the house and my Mum gets the bags out of the car whilst I carry Jess into the house, just as I step into the door Jess snakes her arms around me for support.

"I love you Mum" she tiredly murmurs.

I smile before replying "I love you too Jess so much so please don't ever forget that". By now I've made my way up the stairs to I lay her down on her bed; I tuck her in and plant a kiss on her forehead before leaving her for the night. On second thought I run downstairs to get a glass of water and bucket for Jess so I again make my way back upstairs to put them beside Jess's bed. When I go back downstairs again I find my Mum downstairs sitting on the sofa drinking a glass of orange juice.

"So who's looking after the other kids then?" she questions looking confused at me. At this point I now remember that she doesn't know that Simon went with us to Legoland, oh this could be more than interesting, here goes nothing I suppose.

"Uhhhh Simon" I respond slightly worried about her answer.


"I invited him so he could spend time with the children," it wasn't exactly a lie.

"There's something you're not telling me, you are really bad at hiding things" she sternly answers back.

"Oh okay if you must know, we hugged and I kissed him and asked him to move back in with me in two days." Now she looked like she was fuming.


"You know what GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE IF YOU CAN'T JUST BE HAPPY FOR ME, GET THE FUCK OUT," I shouted through my cascades of tears, I need to go up stairs and check on Jess after this, if she had enough time to fall asleep she's defiantly woke back up by now. "NOW GET OUT BEFORE JESS COMES DOWNSTAIRS WONDERING WHAT SHITS GOING ON".

That was it, no goodbye, not another word was said between us and she leaves not seeming at all phased by our argument. If this was any other day, I would have gone and got and a bottle of wine and drank the whole thing and probably another few bottles. However, my baby is ill and I need to stay strong for her, I check on her and somehow she's managed to sleep through it, I let off a sigh of relief and leave a kiss on her forehead before going to bed myself because it's late.

Just before I nod off I message Simon to say night and see if he can get ahold of Chris tomorrow morning because he still hasn't replied to a Jess, I don't know what is going on with him because he usually replies straight away to anyone, especially Jess.

So this day is going really well...

I've just fallen out with my mum.

Chris isn't responding to Jess.

AND, Jess is ill...

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now