Where Does The Time Go? (10)

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Adele's POV

If there is one thing you must know about me; when I say home pamper day I go all out. Laura could tell you that.

Whilst Jess was still asleep, I took all the phones and laptops that were in the house and put them in Angelo's room, because neither of us would have a reason to go in there as he's with Simon. I then decided to get some scented candles and tea lights to light for when Jess wakes up, Jess absolutely loves Woodwick candles, especially the 'Bakery Cupcake' and the 'Coastal Sunset' admittedly they do smell really good.

Knowing that I have to wake her up in a minute (which is never fun because she is always sooo moody), I raid my stash of really fluffy dressing gowns, get some hair ties, get all the pampering stuff out, make a pot of tea, put some calming music on, light the candles and finally I make my way to Jess's room.

Gently pushing on the door exposes my peacefully sleeping daughter, I slightly shake her shoulder only for her to wiggle down lower in her bed and pull the covers over her head. I dare say she's just woken up and was going back to sleep because her hair was up, she never sleeps with it up.

"Muuuuummmm," she groaned laughing, knowing that she was just messing around I pulled the covers off of her and ran out. "Heyyyyy give that back Mummmmm pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"

"Hahahahahaha NOPE!" I responded.

"Finnnnneee, I'll stay up as long as you now make my bed for me because you've ruined it and I can't be bothered to make it."

"Okay, you big baby!" I childishly said back to her as I made her bed. I quickly took the bucket that she had visibly used, washed it out in her bathroom and left it in there to dry. We both then made our way to the main bathroom as soon as Jess stepped for in that room she took one deep breath and smiled at me before giving me a hug. Instantly settling down, we both got stuck right in with our day, it is really nice not to have a phone to check so that you can just clear your head.


However, as lovely as this is I'm not going to lie but we probably only needed an evening to do this, not a whole day; by now it's slightly past lunch time and we haven't had any lunch.

"Ummmm, what about I say we go to Pizza Express for lunch depending on how you're feeling?" I say hoping she won't just want me to order pizza.

"Sure thing, I feel so much better right now and we both know this is neither of our cups of tea as much as I've enjoyed it and amazing as it is, but I know for definite that pizza is both of our thing," she giggles blowing out the candles before grabbing my hand and yanking me out of the bathroom and into my room. As the thought of pizza fills my mind I quickly get dressed, put a bit of makeup on, fix my hair and run downstairs. I stand at the door only to find Miss Speedy in front of me laughing. "You alright there Mum," she says pissing herself laughing filming me. "Say hello to Snapchat." So pretty much: one she found her phone, two she's just put a video of me running around the house of either her or my Snapchat and three she still beat me at getting downstairs quicker.

"Hello, it's me!" I sing still panting but just managing to laugh it all off. "Oiiii missy enough with the Snapchat and let's go because I'm hungry" I finish knowing she's done with the video.

I lumber into the car shortly followed by Jess, throughout the whole journey is silence apart from the muffled noise of the quiet radio. It doesn't take us long to get to Pizza Express because lucky for us, they've only just opened a new one not even 15 minutes away.

Once inside we waited at the desk to be taken to a table.

"Just two?" I was asked by the waitress.

"Yes please" was my response before we were taken to our table.

I order a Diet Coke and Jess just gets water, when they are brought to us we order a large BBQ chicken pizza and fries.

"Sooo Jess, when we leave here I quickly need to pop in the shop and get something, I won't be long but I'd through I'd just let you know," I say whilst Jess is demolishing the slice of pizza that is in her hand.

"Okay cool, I'll just sort some of the final stuff out for work in the car then, I can't wait! We should be up and ready in a few weeks," she finishes by picking up another slice of pizza, we all know who she takes after.

"Yeah, how is that all going?"

"I have sorted out our first few sessions at the secondary school I went to, that all just needs to be finalised. A batch of the book with all the stuff in that's needed to run the sessions should turn up at the house tomorrow, we then have a code so they can just order them when and as we need them. Uuuhhh... I think Dad is sorting out an office space for address reasons. Then all that's left to do is organise the launch party. So we're nearly there!" she said finishing off her pizza.

"I'm so so proud of you Jess, I think we better be going now," I responded looking over at my phone . I paid the bill, left a tip and headed to the car so I could just pop in the shop, which was only down the road. As it was only a short distance away it defiantly didn't take long to get there, get what I wanted then go home.

"So umm.... Jess could you take this please", I said giving her the box.

Jess's POV

At first I looked at her as if she was crazy, but at the end of the day she had a point. It would make sense. A tear slipped down my face, this could change my life.

"Oh no Jess I didn't mean it li-"

"No Mum. It's just that... I get it," I said through the gentle tears that were falling from my face. "I suppose you could help me? I'm scared."

"Awww baby of course I will, don't be scared, I'm here," she engulfed me instantly as we started walking to the bathroom. She quickly ran through with me what I had to do, "I'll wait out here."

With an "okay," I walked in and took the test. Leaving it on the side near the sink, I walked out to a warm cuddle for the short 5 minute wait, I'm telling you now it's the longest 5 minutes you'll ever experience. So much goes through your head, it consumes it and there is no stopping it.

I'm just lucky that my Mum is here to comfort me. I'm just lucky she cares for me. I'm just lucky that she's always been their for me, even if she wasn't physically.

"Jess... you should go look now," she said opening the door and pointing to the test. I walked in and reached forward trying to prepare myself for what happens, how my life may or may not change once I turn over this stick. Plucking the courage up I turn the stick over.

I slide down against the door, Mum just comes over to me and whispers in my ear, "it's going to be alright Jess, trust me, this will be the best thing that's ever happened to you. I promise you." As much as I appreciate her optimism and grace, my mind is going crazy right now.

"I'm pregnant, Mum, I'm pregnant."

"I know baby, I know," she says tightening her embrace around me, "I'm going to be a grandmother," she gets excited.

"Naaaa I thought that could be Dad you know he seems like he could fit the job," I say laughing. Mum soon joins in too.

"True." She gets out before returning to her cackling.

I'm pregnant.

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now