There Is Something In Your Loving (8)

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(3 Days Later - Friday 5th April 2024)

Jess's POV

We've been at Legoland for 3 or so days now but we need to go home tomorrow because Angelo will be going back to school and Maisie will be going back to nursery soon as it's nearly the end of the Easter holidays. Without doing much on my behalf since being here I can see Mum and Dad growing close again, I've decided not to intervene too much over this time just to see how they both naturally progress with each other, and it seems to be going well!

Right now we're all walking back to the hotel we finished looking at the rest of the park today, that mainly involved going on all of the rides. Not like I'm complaining, it was so fun. It's good to know that these past few days have improved Mum and Dads relationship, saying that though it's not really good. Is AMAZING! Dad goes with Angelo to his room whilst Mum goes to Maisie's room and I just head to mine to freshen up and start packing up to go home tomorrow, I'm going to meet the them all downstairs in about 20 minutes.

I really do hope that even though Mum and Dad won't be under the same roof when we go back tomorrow; I hope their relationship will only grow and blossom again like it once did. I'm not going to lie I know they both miss how they were,  Angelo does, I do too. I pretty sure even Maisie somehow does even though she wasn't born when they were both together, I'm sure there is some part of her that missed if not wishes they were how they used to be. I know at the end of the day she is only 3 but it's just one of those things you can tell at that age, she can tell is hasn't always been how it was when she was going up. I suppose that's all we can do though, wish. Hope. Dream, that the past few days have been enough to realise that over the coming months, no matter what they do they can never come close to the feeling how they feel when they are together. When they are together you can tell they have a special and unique bond, that just can not be replicated.

Surprisingly I finish packing my stuff in 15 minutes so I make my way downstairs 5 minutes early. I know that the others won't be down yet but, I can guarantee that Mum will be there dead on when the reservation was made for, she's always been punctual, like exactly on time. She's never late.  

Adele's POV

Simon is getting Angelo whilst I get Maisie, we just popped back to the rooms before we go to our booking to have out last dinner here at the hotel's 'Bricks Family Restaurant'. Jess is already waiting downstairs for us, she's always one to be early the vast majority of the time, the other time she is right on time; I'm just glad that she knows the importance of never being late.

As I walk out the room hand in hand with Maisie, Angelo all of a sudden runs out of his room of course not far behind him was Simon, I couldn't help my self but laugh. I'm not going to lie Simon looks quite cute chasing Angelo right now. Wait what? What am I thinking. Oh gosh. Wrapped up in my thoughts Maisie and I swiftly made our way to the others, no doubtably everyone else is downstairs by now. They were.

We checked in and got taken to our table, we ordered a range of food and it's fair to say, a decent amount of it. Once the food arrived we sat there and ate with minimal actual convocation, it's mainly just Angelo and Maisie talking with their motor mouths, they never shut up. I wonder where they get that from... Meanwhile Jess is just sitting there laughing for no apparent reason, I'm not going to lie I'm sort of curious to know what's so funny.

"Ummm Jess?" I ask.

"Yeah Mum, what's up?" She replies to the best of her ability through her cackles.

"What's so bloody funny?" I seriously question.

"Uhhhh" now the 4 of us were looking at her as she stops laughing.   It doesn't last long before she starts again, "you've got something on your nose," she says through her laughs. Just as I reach to get whatever is on it off she leans forward and picks my plate up and moves it in the direction of my face, now I was the only one not laughing. How do I react?

"Yah mummy, I think you've got something on your face," Angelo spits out before resuming his fits of laughter. Tired of being the laughing stock, I grab a hand of spaghetti bolognese off her plate and throw it on her face.

"Fucking bitch. Who's laughing now?" I question as she stops laughing and I start. It's not long before she's laughing again.

"As if you did that Mum," she giggles. Quickly a full on food fight starts and being the only ones in the restaurant all the staff and standing laughing at us, I don't blame them it is quite joyous actually. Very therapeutic to be honest. It was Simon, Jess against Angelo and myself, Maisie just sat there laughing at all us making a fool of ourselves. What's new?

A waiter gave Jess a plate of whipped cream, she walked up to me and passes it my way pointing to Simon. She laughed and pulled her phone out putting it on record, I giggled too and then made my way towards Simon and snuck up behind him as he has his back to me then collided the plate with his face, because I was laughing so much I fell forward grasping him in my embrace.

He quickly whipped around and hugged me, I felt safe, protected, I didn't know how to really emotionally feel about it because I'm conflicted. All I did know was that I missed it. Lost in a feeling a warmth I've craved for so long, we both stayed there for a while. All of a sudden I burst out crying, Simon tightened his embrace on me.

"Simon?" I whispered looking up at him.

"Mmmhumm" he responded looking into my eyes.

"I missed this, like too fucking much" I proclaimed.

"Me too" I was slightly taken back by his response and started crying even more.

"Awww" came from behind me and the only people behind us, OUR children.

"I love you Adele, you're my best friend whether you want to be or not and I'm not going anywhere, I'm always going to be here for you. Life without you is like a blunt pencil: pointless. True love stories never have an ending and I'll wait for you until you're ready to resume ours because it's not over. I will wait all my life if that's what it takes because when I think off you, when I see you, I am in paradise. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to smile for no reason. Because Adele I didn't know what love was until I met you, I only found out what true love was when I left you, it was the biggest mistake of my life and I will never and can never forget what I did. I could conquer the world with just one hand, as long as you Adele, were holding the other. There's only two times I want to be with you, now and forever. I can't imagine my life without you any longer Adele, please make my life a fairytale once again by being in it because, if I can only be sure about one thing it is that I love you and I will never stop, being with you is my favourite place, its home," with that he put a light peck on my forehead. I was hysterically crying, I was a mess.

I looked up into his at him once more through my glossy eyes, nothing but love at its purest form.

Our lips connected.

It was amazing.

It was magical.

It was love.

This kiss returned me home after being lost for so long.

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