There Is Something In Your Loving That Tears Down My Walls (19)

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Jess's POV

Nervously, I opened the door, questioning how I was still managing to stand in these shoes; quite some time had passed since I had last had to wear something on the slightly fancy side. It was at that moment his eyes met mine. A sudden gasp left his mouth as his eyes scanned up and down my body. My: black knee length bodycon dress, basic black heels, burgundy clutch, hair that was in beach waves, light make-up. He took it all in. I cleared my throat in a desperate attempt to start this night and get it over as quickly as possible. I want to be with him. I don't want to be hurt again.

", well, you look beautiful, not like you don't always look amazing, but wow," he stuttered out, then stepping forward for a hug. An aroma I couldn't help but miss, flooded my nose as I breathed in. "Shall we get going?" he questioned breaking the hug and reaching for my right hand.

"Absolutely, and Chris, you don't look too bad yourself, if I do say so myself that is," I sad giving off a light giggle. He smiled in return, guiding me to his car. He opened my door and as I stepped in I looked up at the moon which happened to be full. Admittedly, one of the most beautiful nights I had ever seen. Even at a glance.

The general hum of the car filled the air all the way to where Chris was taking me; the journey gave me some time to think. My day up to now had happened so fast and I haven't had the time to sit and think about things, since Chris had re-entered my life. It didn't actually take me long to realise that I should probably make the best of today: for the sake of Vicky, me, my mental heath and Ashlyn because if she ever found out I didn't even attempt to make the best of today, which she would find out worryingly quickly, I would for sure not live another day.

After I broke out of my thoughts, I instantly knew where we were heading. The place I knew all too well. The place that Chris asked me to be his girlfriend. The breathtakingly beautiful lake above town. I looked at him and smiled, he knew that I figured out where we were going.

Eventually, we arrived and we settled into an inlet on the shore. We were the only ones there. The moon shone down through a narrow peice in the water that opened up to the reservoir. He set up a fire and set blankets down; he had brought sticks for roasting marshmallows as well as my favourite wine and cider.

We sat down next to the fire and looked accross the lake, chatting about everything. Some random stuff. Some usual stuff.

We ended up talking until it was dark enough to look at the stars.

Chris then put on some slow music on his phone that was connected to a speaker and we danced slowly on the beach. The sky was perfect, and the lake was calm. A couple of songs later 'Make You Feel My Love' came on; it had been a rather long running thing, ever since I was 14, my first dance when I got married would be to this song. Half way through the song, I started crying, only because I knew that, after everything that's happened to me in my life, I had found the one. The one I would spend the rest of my life with. It sort of just hit me all of a sudden, I made it though everything. I made it though all the terrible years, where I didn't want to wake up the next day. I made it in my carreer. I made it, in life really, I had some how made it. Almost immediately once I started crying Chris tightened the grip on my waist and whispered "I love you" in my ear. I whispered it back.

After dancing, we cuddled up into the blankets and continued talking under the night sky.

Some bottles of wine of my behalf later (Chris had literally drank one glass so he could still drive), we both decided that it was probably time he took me home. It was getting late and Vicky was coming home tomorrow. He put every thing back in the basket and we got in his car. Again, the car drive was almost silent, just the faint sound on the engine in the background, but that didn't matter, there still managed to be the best atmosphere that followed us the entire way home.

"Well I guess we're here," Chris began saying as he stopped his car outside my house.

"Thank you for so so much for tonight" I respond.

"I'll see you soon then,but can I please use your toilet first, if that isn't a problem?" He asked.

I just said "Oh go on then," before I could even contemplate opening my door Chris was already there. I unlocked the house door and we both entered my dark house, I guided him to the toilet in my room. The others had decided to break, the Plummer was coming to fix them for a couple of days. I wandered down stairs to the kitchen to get a glass on water. I stood there looking out the window, my mind now completely blank. So I get glass of red wine instead and make my way into my bedroom. I put my glass down and instantly collapse on my bed, wow. Sitting up, I plug my phone in and scroll though Instagram sipping occasionally on my drink.

I go to my wardrobe and get an oversized t-shirt to put on, all I want to do is get out of this stupid dress. Damn you Ashlyn for picking this out for me to wear but she knows I love her and trust her judgment, the dress successfully fulfilled its role tonight.

To start with I take off my shoes because my feet unsurprisingly really hurt, followed by the rest of my clothes. Being the clean freak I am, I pick the pile of clothes up and put them in the washing basket because I will not be able to sleep knowing they're on the floor. I made my way back to my bed and reach over to get that t-shirt so I can put I on. Just as I touch the material of the t-shirt, the bathroom door opens. For some reason it completely flys over my head the fact I have no clothes on and still, I turn around so I can say goodbye to Chris and lead him to the door. However before he exits it, he shuts it, leaving him in the bathroom.

He peaks round the corner of the door and goes behind it again, "uhhh I'll just wait here yeah??".

"Uhhh Chris, I was thinking you could stay hear the night, I don't really want you driving home in the dark, admittedly I don't actually have a spare bed, but you wouldn't mind sharing, would you?" I respond.

"No that's completely fine, I mean like I wouldn't want to rush things, that's a pretty big step, I'll be fine sleeping on the sofa," he slightly raised his voice so I could hear him though the door.

I reach for the bathroom door handle and swing the door open, I graciously place both my hands on the side of his head and connect our lips. We stand there kissing before I break away and say on top of his lips, "I know what I said before but I really wouldn't mind too much, to be honest I would enjoy it if I went further than this, I just love you soooooo much," I slurred before reconnecting them again. I was really fucking drunk. Why does that man just make theses stone castle walls I build around my feeling to protect them, fall like sand and end up as dust? One thing I do know is, whether I like it or not he undoubtedly has the key to my heart.

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