Warm Embrace (24)

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Adele's POV

My heart beater faster than I could possibly imagine, I wouldn't be surprised if Simon could feel it holding my waist. Jess and I turned to look at each other and gave a reassuring smile. A sick feeling was in the pit of my stomach, I didn't know if it was because I was nervous or the alcohol I consumed on an empty stomach. These few seconds full of nothing but anxiety and tension, felt like an eternity, driving me to insanity.

Police surround the carriages of the white and red train, particularly the doors. Patiently waiting. One door opens, around 5 officers rush in; we were told that they need to section off the rest of the passengers from Alan and my daughter. Loud shouting echoes off of the walls of the hollow shell that was the train station but of course being British no fuss was made by the civilians, the only people making the noise were the 5 cops that entered. All of a sudden a stream of silent passengers filter out of the singular door.

To my horror, I saw the one person that almost fucked up Jess's life. To say I was unpleasantly surprised would have been an understatement, a huge understatement. Their head bowed down, despite this, you could tell who they were. She still looked the exact same and there was no mistaking that face, the face that belonged to the very person my daughter called her best friend for almost 8 years. We made direct eye contact. As our eyes met she let off a devilish smirk, one that led me to think she was up to something. Unlike all the other traumatized passengers (who wouldn't be traumatised if the police randomly stormed the train you were on one day), she appeared unfazed by the entire situation.

Around 50 people had congregated on the platform by now; promptly, the door was once again closed. My eyes scoured at the crowd, analyzing every single face. Some looked around and discovered that I was a mear 30 meters (about 55 yards) away from them.  This totally shocking breakthrough led to endless taps on shoulders... just some more unwanted and unneeded attention. The one thing that replayed in my mind was the fact this was undeniably going to make its rounds in the media, likely meaning that Jonathan or myself will have to put some statement out at some point tomorrow.

There was a tap on my shoulder.

Here was me thinking that it would be one of my amazing fans, Daydreamers from the group of people, wanting a photo or signature. Nope. It was none other than Alex.

"How's Maisie, eh?" she whispered viciously. In complete and utter fury, my head snapped around, causing me to look her dead in the eye.

"Did you really just go there?" I question, shes something to do with this, I don't know what but she does. A query flashes through my mind, how didn't Cameron know she was on the train too or did he just not tell us? Jess must have noticed my repulsive change in mannerisms, causing her to notice who was standing behind me because she had called over an officer, that was now swiftly arresting her.  After, Jess was with another member of the police running over to the huddle of people. She wasn't in the horde for long before she reemerged with Cameron, all three of them heading in my direction. The small flock of society were quickly having their contact details taken, by the time I was met by my daughter and the other two everyone else had been let go.

My eyes widened as I glanced back over at the train, only to notice that psychopath running out of the train with my helpless daughter in his arms, attempting to find an exit out of the station. An uncontrollable panic spread like wildfire throughout my body.  Simon curled me into his arms because I literally stopped breathing.

"Jess or the child Adele, Jess or the Child," Alan shouted. The last thing I wanted to do was turn around because I was so scared, but there was a desperation to know whats going on. When I turned around, I was impossible for me to be more shook. He was standing there with his arm around Maisie's neck as well as a knife close to her. What had actually shaken me even more, was the fact Jess was now changing places with Maisie,  as soon as my baby had run to me, she was on hip and safe from that manic but my other daughter was not. What on earth is Jessica Laurie Annabeth Konecki doing?

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