There's A Fire Starting In My Heart (12)

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Adele's POV

"Well I need to go pick Angelo and Maisie up, I would let one of you pick them up but I need to speak to someone at Angelo's school. I shouldn't be too long, Jess could you just ring Johnathan and find out what has and hasn't been said also  what has and hasn't been lied about, I'll probably end up having to make some statement or some shit," I explained, honestly I don't know what the fuck is wrong with Alex.

I take the car to get Angelo first as I said, I have to speak to someone at his school, Maisie doesn't finish for another 20 minutes but I usually pick her up 10 minutes early. Meanwhile my phone is absolutely exploding with notifications, emails and messages. I just put it on aeroplane mode so I can pick my children up in somewhat peace, I don't quite know how quickly people are going to know about this, then again who am I kidding, literally everyone is going to know in 0.25 seconds.

I take a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself down before seeing Angelo. The whole time I'm in that school I just feel eyes on me however no one says anything to me. I just had to talk to this teacher about the after school activities so I know what they are in case I know I won't be home from work or whatever I'm doing.

I literally just run in and get Maisie, I just want to be home; the longer I stay out the more and more eyes I feel on me. The journey home seems ever longer, even though it's really not. When I walk in I get Angelo and Maisie to go to their play room, Jess is still on the phone with Johnathan.

"Muuuummmm!!! Could you come speak to Johnathan now, I've explained what happened to him, he just wants to talk to you, then you'll need to release a statement but he'll tell you about that," I hear Jess shout. When I walk into the room I see that everyone else has now gone apart from Ashlyn who is constantly attempting to keep Jess chill, which my I add right not isn't the easiest job especially right now.

"Yup okay, Ashlyn could you just go watch Angelo and Maisie for a minute, I'll make dinner after we've sorted this shit out?" As soon as I finished talking she was gone.


I just finished writing the statement, I'm just now sending it to Johnathan to type up.

"I don't even know how I'm supposed to write this and this will  be one of the only times that I wish to comment on this matter. The events that occurred today and have been reported to the media are disturbing, mostly untrue and taken vastly out of context. I would firstly like to apologise to any Daydreamers who's views on myself or my family had changed as a result of the stories that has been surfacing the internet over the past day. Then I need to address the fact that the assault that occurred was not carried out by myself, nor was I present when it did occur. The reason the blame was placed on me is currently unknown but I expect it to be to damage my career, my legacy also my relationship with family and friends. As for the biological father of my daughters child, she has been completely faithful to her boyfriend and if you hear anything else I assure you that it is false. I really don't know what the reasons behind the unfair, false actualisations against Jess or Myself. I hope this has cleaned up most things. Once again, I'm so sorry and I apologise to my fans and Daydreamers for any distorted views  on myself that was presented to them.

- Love Adele xx"

I get it back from Johnathan typed up into a picture format so I can post it on social media, Johnathan is sending it also to the Media. I just hope that this ends the shit that's being spreading, I know it's not going to unfortunately end all of it. I post it and then turn my phone on aeroplane mode again and make dinner, I just need to eat, hug my Simon and go to sleep. He should be home very soon.

Jess takes over making dinner and I go up to my little bundles of joy, Ashlyn is so good with children she'll make an amazing Mum one day. I already know that Jess wants Ashlyn to be her baby's God Mother, she doesn't know that yet. I think Jess is waiting to find out the gender then tell her Ashlyn both of those things at the same time. I send her downstairs to help Jess with Dinner.

Simon will be home in a few minutes, he just sent me a message saying that he had just left the shop as we needed some more milk and bread and stuff.

Ash's POV

Honestly Alex. Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Out of all people, you'd think she'd know better than to fuck with people who know where you live and what your daily routines are. That idiot is going to get it honestly. I paid this person called Marie who's semi friends with Alex (but I'm not going to lie, she's just some random person Alex is friends with on Facebook) to make fake plans for a meal to catch up. However, they're is no meal; Kolton and myself have a 'little' surprise for her.

She's just left her flat building.

I stay back whilst Kolton goes up behind her and grabs her, he the  covers her head. This is now my cue to go help him bring her into the woods that I was just waiting in. She fucked with the wrong group of people...

Eventually, we made it deep enough into the woods that nobody would be able to see us, it was sort of dark anyway so that helped conceal us a bit from passers by. I wasn't too concerned as we had masks and nobody came into the woods as soon as it started to get dark.

Kolton uncovers her face.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Alex screamed at me.

"It takes years to build up trust, but just seconds to destroy it. You know it's funny how the people who you would take a billet for is sometimes behind the trigger, eh? But betrayal never comes from your enemies, it might not hurt as much if it did. You honestly messed up big time. I don't really think you thought out what you were doing when you went to the media and started saying that shit was Adele," I spat in her face.

"Jess and Adele doesn't deserve to be happy and I was sick of being the underdog, Jess always liked everyone else over me," she sobbed back.

"Oh stop your fucking crying bitch, you brought this on yourself, you know what, I don't blame Jess for preferring people over your sorry ass. So, what about blaming shit on Adele when she had jack shit to do with anything that went down in that house??? Huh??" Kolton shouted back.

"Adele is over rated, that bitch doesn't deserve all the awards she has, the only reason she is successful is because the stigma and nostalgia of her music since 21. That bitch is nothing special, she has a horrible voice anyway."

Damn that bitch did not go there.

"Honestly - you - should - shut - the - fuck - up," I said punching her full force after every word. She was now in like full blow tears now. Kolton just stood there and laughed as I kicked the rest of the bitchiness out of her. Well then again saying that, it would be impossible to do that because you would have to kill her to do that. That's too far for today as tempting as it maybe. "I swear down, if you say anything else to the media about right now, Jess, Adele or any person I know for that matter you'll be dead meat. I also expect you to have gone to the media tomorrow and tell them it wasn't Adele because it quite simply wasn't. As far as anyone is concerned, someone punched you in self defence. Just remember if I hear anymore shit in the media about Adele, Jess or anyone I know unless it's you, you're dead," I finish by punching my hand with my other fist and walk away hand in hand with Kolton.

My jobs done.

Adele Please I Need Your HelpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora