Who Would Have Known (7)

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Simon's POV

I open the door only to meet a big hug from my eldest child honestly, she's so adorable. To no surprise of mine, it turned into a relay of hugs from my remaining children. What did surprise me though, was that it didn't end there. I got a hug from Adele too. She buried her head in my shoulder which out of habit I then rested my head on top of hers.

"I'm so sorry, I just felt left out," she giggled as she moved away from me in the direction of the bags. Admittedly, I don't think much of it, it really wouldn't surprise me if Angelo put her up to it. I just smile in return.

A bunch of keys comes flying in my direction, by the time I realize they are car keys and that I should really try to catch them, they had already collided with my face. My slow reaction causes an uproar of laughs from the other 4 people in the room, I couldn't help but join in. Jess was crying because she was laughing so hard, I can't help but then think of how far she's come over the past 6 1/2 years or so that's she has been living with us.

Eventually, it pops into my head that I should probably pick the keys up off the floor and unlock the car so we can get a move on. I stop laughing, everyone else doesn't.

I escape everyone's laughing fits, with little trouble as I was already standing in the door way. Unlocking the car and putting my bags in there, it appears everyone else has followed, even Maisie pulling her little suitcase. Quite quickly everything was in the boot of the car, including my 3 children and I. However, Adele wasn't because she had to lock the house up properly, which you can imagine takes a while the security she has. She's not ever been one to take it lightly. She uses something called Lego, they've been protecting peoples houses from intruders since 1949. No in all seriousness she just likes to check all the windows and doors are locked as well the check the security cameras and alarms are on and active.

After about 10 or so minutes Adele opens the driver door and plonks herself down into the seat, we all fasten our seatbelts as for the first time in a long time, I'm sitting in the car with Adele and all our children. To no surprise, Adele puts Beyonce on as we set off the around 3-hour car to Legoland. 

Jess's POV

I had been forced to sit next to Angelo and Maisie because I couldn't be strapped to the roof; the trip was already off to a bad start, I'm just joking I love them both.

Mum started the car and we already had buckled our seat belts because she took so long getting out of the house. Mum started to back out of the driveway before we heard a loud crash, she stopped abruptly and left us all leaning forwards in our seats with our seat belts choking us. Mum heavily sighed and turned down the music already knowing that she had hit something meanwhile, Dad got out of the car to investigate.

"The mail might have a trouble getting here now" he joked getting back in the car, we all laugh at the fact Mum had run over the mail box!! Mum made a few calls and managed to get someone to come out and fix it up while we were on holiday. 

"So who wants to finally go to Legoland?" Mum asked cheerfully.

"MEEEEEE Mummy!!!!!!!" Angelo and Maisie screamed whilst Dad and I sat there laughing at their enthusiasm.

Mum and Dad did their seatbelt up again finally, we were on our way. About 5 minutes into the 3-hour drive it was getting seriously boring in the back so Mum put Beyonce back on, Mum started to sing really loudly before long Dad joined in too. They both wanted us to join in but we were resistant, Maisie and I slightly less than Angelo.

Maisie on my left, flicked Angelo's ear on my right, which made Angelo attempt to kick Maisie though, he missed and got me in the shin. 

"Ahh!" I yelled, Mum then started to laugh at me screaming, that was before she looked to the back to see whats going on. By now there was somewhat a full fledged war between Angelo and Maisie they were flinging themselves all over the back seat in an attempt to get each other. Just a little reminder, I'm still sitting in the middle of them both. Mum pulled over whilst Dad gave both Maisie and Angelo both a huge lecture on behaving while Mum was driving, Mum and I tried our best not to laugh at Dad's best attempt to sound serious. That is one thing he can not do, act. He has no problem being serious when he actually he but he can never pretend to, he always makes me laugh when I see him trying.

Dad jumped back in the car and for the 3rd time we set off. 

We had been in the car now for quite some time; it was getting up to lunch time so Mum pulled into McDonald's car park, all of us then got out the car, I helped Maisie. Hand in hand, we all walked in, Dad sat with Maisie and Angelo whilst Mum and I got everyone's food. Before getting it Mum asked Angelo and Maisie what they wanted, the one person she didn't ask was Dad. We walked up to the not so busy counter, Mum began to order.

"Hi, could I please get two medium McNugget meals both with diet coke, two happy meals both with a fruit shoot one a nugget meal and the other a cheese burger meal, also could I get a medium Big Tasty with bacon meal with a Fanta please," Mum asks, we must look so fat right now ordering all this food.

"Is that everything?" the person behind the counter asks.

"Ummmm... could I also have two oreo, a Galaxy chocolate, and two Galaxy Caramel McFulurries, please?"

"Yep," the cashier says before telling Mum the price then Mum paying. After a little time, we were given two trays full of food, we then made our way back towards the others. We both sat down, Mum gave out all the food, ending with Dad. It didn't take Dad long to look up but then he smiled at Mum when she gave him his food.

"You remembered?" he questioned her.

"How could I possibly forget?" she shyly replied, letting off a timid smile. 


We finally got to Legoland, the drive was okay after the event that happened between the two little ones and McDonald's. While we were stretching our stiff limbs Dad came out from behind the car and scared everyone, the worst being Mum, she jumps so easily. Everyone just ended up laughing- at her. 

The one thing I did observe whilst sitting in that car for 3-hour was the cooperation Mum and Dad still had to work as a team, a reminder that all was not lost and something could happen between them. Hold on let me just rephrase that, something WILL happen between them because I'll make sure of it.

Dad lifted all our bags out of the car and gave them to whoever they belong to, Mum locks the car then as a family, we began to make out way into our hotel. Mum holding Maisie's hand, Dad holding Angelo's and I was just walking in the middle of them all.

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now