Thinking Of Your Face (15)

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Jess's POV

(3 years on)

I sit here with my daughter on her 3rd birthday having lunch with Mum and Dad.

Victoria Laurie Fern Barney-Hale

It's been around 3 and 1/2 years since Chris left, my heart broken and shattered but all I want is him back. But I don't know where he is. The only thing keeping me alive is my bundle of joy, she just gives me something to live for. Mum and Dad have really been my support system throughout this, helping me stay on two feet in hope of one day him coming home.

They're is not a single cell in my body that could hate Christopher because he needed to have some time, I just hope he hasn't found someone else. It would kill me if he did.

Why he left is irrelevant now, I found out but it doesn't matter. I feel as if I should be angry as he just left with not a single warning.

One day there, the next gone.

But how can I?
He is the father of my child.
There's not a day go by that I do not miss him.
Him and US.

Adele's POV

We're in a restaurant that a girl Jess went to secondary school with owns. My Jess and I come here ALL of the time, it is such an amazing atmosphere and the food is perfection. Honestly, it's so good.

"Nannwie" Vicky giggled out to get my attention as she put a bit of cream on her nose. Gosh that really makes me feel so fucking old, "Nannie", in my head I still feel 18.

"Awww Vicky my little cutie, I need to get a picture for meee" I joyfully express in my attempt not laugh, I'm not supposed to be encouraging this behaviour... Jess will moan at me if I do...

But what else should I do? I'm her Nan after all.

"Muuuummm" Jess playfully groans at me, struggling to hold in her laughs. I just stick my tongue out, her and Vicky did the same back to me which cracked me up.

"Oiii missy, don't do that to Nannie", I say back in an attempt to sound upset, lightly tapping her nose. She just sticks her tongue out in return and laughs, what a cutie. I can't believe I've been blessed with such an amazing Granddaughter. An amazing and intelligent but cheeky Granddaughter.

Simon and I are amazing now, we've cleared up every thing, it's a unique and outstanding feeling knowing that as a couple we are there to support our children. I feel his hand gently squeeze my lower thigh, he smiles at me from ear to ear and I feel his arm snake round my waist. We both sit there admiring Jess and our Granddaughters relationship, they couldn't be closer. He honestly loves the fact he is a Grandad even though it makes him sound really old, I wind him up constantly over it. It's weird thinking I'm a Nan though, everything has gone so quickly, especially by babies growing up. Before I know it Angelo will be leaving home too...

"Nannies got more presents for you at her house my little munchkin," I say whist Jess and Vicky are sharing and ice-cream Sunday. They're just too adorable. Simon and I have just finished ours, of course it wouldn't take long with us... It was gone pretty much as we got it.

No one tells you the hardest part of motherhood is where your children grow up and leaves home. No body tells you when they're hurt you feel that too.

I guess that you just want to hold your children one more time before they grow up and tell them that you love them so that they will always know no matter what happens. You miss the little thinks like asking "do you want me to tie your shoe".

As a parent you hope it's only love that you have shown to your children. Nothing less.

Can I help you put your coat on?
Can I please cut up your meat?
Can I pull your seat belt on?
Can I pick you out a treat?

Are only a handful of questions a mother misses asking her children once they've grown. You miss being part of every little thing they do. There is something special about being there for them all of the time.

Living with them.

When they grow up and have a child it's an outer body experience and you couldn't be more proud of them. Especially when they turn out as mothers like Jess, I'm so proud that she hasn't turned out to be a parent like her biological ones.

I'm cut out of my deep thoughts when I hear Simons breathy laughs beside me. Those laughs that I fell in love with all those years ago.

"What????" I curiously ask, confused about what is occurring in my surroundings. All I hear is the sweet sound of my Husbands, my Daughters and my Granddaughters infections laughs as the all look towards me. "Whatttttttt" I impatiently ask now letting off a soft cackle.

"Uh-uuuuhh-mmmm no-othhhhing" Jess only just manages to get out in between her cackles.

Simon's explaining this later.

They're all not getting away with this one, especially Simon...

Jess's POV

At that moment I see mum look up her eyes locked on something, she looks shocked but soon a smile overtakes her face. Her eyes are followed by Dad's. Then mine.

I honestly can't believe it, I double take to make sure my lack of sleep isn't deceiving me. But it's not. I refuse myself to make eye contact with him because I will only get lost in his perfect hazel eyes.

"Mum I think we should get going. What do you think? Come on Vics it's time to go home and open your presents!!" I say in an attempt to run away from my worries and fears.

Mum looks concerned, she knows that this really isn't how I planned it to be and it was all getting too overwhelming. I needed to get out. Fast. Now. I was scared. Scared to make the first move. What if it isn't him? Then again, how could I mistake someone for the love of my life? However, he looks different, it's just from this distance I can't tell what it is.

As soon as the bill was paid, I stood up, only to feel a hand land upon my arm. I followed the arm to meet those hazel eyes I had been longing to see...

"Jess??" his voice husky, his eyes red, his hair messy; he was not his usual well put together self like the last day I saw him. What had happened to him, I'm worried, worried beyond anything. The man I love who I haven't seen for nearly 4 years is standing in front of me... and he looks beyond broken.



Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now