The Sweetest Devotion I Know (Epilogue)(25)

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(A/N - don't start the song above until Adele says, "I told her 'even if I am not with you after the court hearing these memories would long live.")

Saturday 5th October 2030

Jess's POV

Currently, I'm sitting in a chair having my make up done by Michael and Mum is holding my hand crying, it's just as well she hasn't had her makeup done yet. He's just finishing my makeup actually, I mean he's practically done in all honesty. Ashlyn, Ash, Rose, Katie, Lia (Chris's sister) and Maisie are all around me in their bridesmaids' dresses and are having their makeup done by various other makeup artists Michael knows. My wonderful daughter Victoria is the flower girl, she's running around talking to everyone; my little social butterfly. Also, my baby boy Leonardo Simon Barney-Hale (a.k.a. Leo) who has just turned 3 and carrying the rings, he is with Chris getting ready.

Today is the day I'm getting married (in case you haven't guessed).

I'm extremely excited but incredibly nervous. Mum, on the other hand, is an absolute mess, she wasn't that bothered when I moved out, yes she was overwhelmed but that pales in comparison to her right now. She gives my hand one final last squeeze before I get up; another tear falling down her cheek. She gives me a hug being careful of my hair and makeup, whispering "I love you" in my ear. I stand and observe Michael doing her makeup for a little while, the whole process is fascinating to me.

"Come on Jess," Ashlyn says grabbing my hand and pulling me to the room to the left, inside the room we were just in, right past my Dad. "Time to get your dress on," she shouts as the door is shut because that woman is extremely excited. Obviously, Ashlyn is my maid of honor, I mean she's one of the most amazing people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and the fact that she's my best friend completely bewilders me; I don't fully understand what I did to deserve her. She unzipped the cover that was over the dress and starts helping me into it. As Ashlyn was doing up the back of the dress there was a knock on the door then my Mum came in looking as beautiful as ever with her make-up done.

"Do you want to get her shoes Ashlyn and I'll finish doing the back up? They're in my car," Mum asked. This left just the two of us in that room and it will probably be like that for the next 5 minutes until Ashlyn returns. "When you reach the alter Jess as much as Chris will be your partner in crime, your ride or die and as you have said to me, something much bigger than you both has happened. Victoria and Leonardo. There is absolutely no getting away from that, but sometimes you need to spend a little bit of time on yourself. Your own happiness reflects on the happiness of your family, so breathe take it easy, don't be afraid to still laugh at yourself, continue to stand the truth, I'll always be here for you," she paused as turned my body around so I was looking at her. "You two are a team now, an unstoppable team. I am completely overwhelmed by the person you have become as you are so strong."

The woman who had raised me for the past 13 years gave me a warm and welcoming hug for the last time before I was going to be Mrs. Barney-Hale. We both deeply exhaled as she took my hands and smiled at me, it was then Ashlyn burst in with a shoe box under her arm and the shoes in hand. The white shoes were placed on the floor, I gripped one of each of their hands, all of us looking down, as I carefully slid them on. They both looked back up to me as they let go. It was at that moment Adele got a message saying that we now need to leave so we get to the venue for the ceremony on time.  Walking out, there was cheering and clapping. Meanwhile, I just started laughing because apparently getting married is funny. Well, it's not, I'm just really overwhelmed. Michael came over and placed the vail in my hair and it eloquently draped over the back of my dress. My bouquet of flowers were placed in my hands by Lia, then a few pictures were taken of various combinations of people. 

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