Strong And Falling (23)

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Adele's POV

None of us knew what to say.

How did he know where we live?

We all just sat there not knowing what to think.

Eventually, we all gained some sense of reality and what was going on around us. Jess immediately rang Cameron, no further time could be wasted.

As soon as Cameron answered the phone Jess was already talking at him at one thousand miles per hour, almost taking no breathes in between sentences.

"Hi yeah uhhh Cameron would it be too much to ask if you could follow them because no she not supposed to be with him. He broke into my parents' house and took her we've been searching literally the past 6 plus hours with the police and couldn't her. It would be an infinitely appreciated of you could follow them. Please," Jess spluttered out, now breathing heavily as a result of the lack of oxygen she received over the past 5 seconds.

Not even a second has passed before Cameron declared, "that wouldn't be an issue also that Maisie seamed relatively okay and not harmed," to all of us it was a huge relief just to hear that. Just to know that she's okay meant the world. He then asked if he should stay on the phone, to which we all shouted, "yes," back.

Simon once again called the police , this time informing them on Maisie's location and who she was with. It did not take long before they told us all that Police were on they're way to the next train station the train was due to stop at in around 30 minutes and they were on way to the house so that they could begin taking us in the direction of where they train is.

So there the three of us sat there apprehensively, thinking about how the next hour is going to plan out because of how unpredictable it was going to be. Who knows what sick and unimaginably twisted move that insane man will make, especially if he's in possession of my precious baby daughter.

All of a sudden there's a knock at the door.

Thinking it was the police, I leaped up and rushed to the door; that's the fasted anyone would have saw me run in my entire life. Saying that, would you call my sped up drunken stumble a run? My hand rested on the bitterly cold door handle and opened it in a flash. Once the door opened it revealed not the police, but Chris. I snapped my body around 180° to call Jess to the door, quite frankly that was unnecessary because she was already there just waiting for me to get out of the way. After giving her some questionable looks, I staggered out of the way.

They met each other in a, well... exceedingly friendly manner, if you know what I mean. Once they had finally split from each other's bodies meaning Jess then turned around, I gave her the 'you have some explaining to do' look because, damn did she.

Around 5 minutes later there was another knock at the door. No surprises this time, it was the police. I still got in the car with Jess, whilst Simon went into the other police car with Chris, he wanted to talk to my husband.

Simon's POV

We were on our way to Cambridge because that's the next stop that the train will make, obviously we won't get there before the train will. Or so we though. The police have contacted the train company and they have slowed the train down so the train will reach the stop in 40 minutes instead of the original 30. The train board also said that it will be possible for to stage a delay, so that the train should arrive after we get there.

"Simon, I need to ask you something," Chris says turning to look in my direction.

"Mmhum go ahead," I respond back slightly confused by the fact he's pointed out that he wants to ask me something.

"I know this is the completely wrong time to ask you this especially with all what's going on right now and with how little time I've been back in Jess's life. I just wanted to ask for your permission to I marry your daughter. Of course I would also like to run it by Adele to because of her incredibly close relationship with Adele and how much she means to her. At the end of the day though you are her father so I wanted to check with you first, I completely understand if you want to say no. I would get it," admittedly that wasn't what I thought he was going to ask, in all fairness I didn't know were he was going with the confrontation.

Chris is a good man and I have an endless about of respect for him, besides the fact he's the father of my granddaughter. It's comforting to see just how genuinely happy Jess is with him, particularly before they had Victoria and especially since he's been back. The past 3 years was a definite stand still on their relationship and he did miss those important years of his daughters life however I believe in making the best of a bad situation and working on things; just take a look at mine and Adele's relationship since 2011 it's been challenging at times. We have had a lot of things, mainly because of me, to focus on to make it work. We've been successful at working together as a team and we both feel so empowered because of it.

"Of course you can but I'm just warning you when you speak to Adele about it she's going to want to plan the proposal. I'm just telling you now," I responded, finishing with a breathy laugh.

Chris then shook my hand before thanking me, I'm happy that he is the man my daughter is marrying.

My daughter getting married.

The rest of the journey we just talked, I mean it was either that or sitting there in complete silence allowing thoughts to run wild into dangerous places.

Adele's POV

Once we arrived at the train station, with 5 minutes to spare until the train arrived, we were told to stay in the car whilst they finished locking down the station. For that time I just sat there with my head on Jess's shoulder squeezing the blood out of her hand because I was so anxious. Even though we're so close to getting her back, that lunatic could do anything from now up until then. He's insane.

As much as I could talk about the situation with Chris now because we have a few minutes; I need a proper sit down conversation about it because I want to be fully on board and understand the situation not just jump to conclusions, that will likely be wrong.

An officer then opened the door saying that it would be okay for us all to go in behind the police. Luckily they opened the door on Jess' side as I was still really drunk therefore when I got out I could latch on to her until Simon makes his way over.

Reunited with our spouses we all made our way towards the building housing the platform where train carrying my daughter would arrive. My heart was being so fast I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack. Simon tightened his gripped around my waist, in a desperate attempt to brace me before theses events unfold.

It was at that moment we hear the high pitch screech of the breaks fill the air around us.

The train slowed down and came to an stop.

No checks because I'm gonna do it later 👍🏻🤷🏻‍♀️😂

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