I Was So Scared To Face My Fears (18)

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Adele's POV

Jess was in a predicament, none of it really her fault. Looking on the bright side, over the course of the past hour, I haven't yet heard a door slam. I mean it is a good thing, right? Rain began pouring down at an alarming rate, Vicky was tired, therefore we decided to go inside.

"Chris we're going to have to take this back to the start, as in the very start," I faintly heard Jess say as I listened into their convocation from the other side of the door.

"I suppose you're right... how about I take you on a date tonight. You said Vicky was staying at your Mums tonight," Chris responded quickly. She just sat there not quiet knowing what to say. I guess that wasn't exactly what she meant, she wanted to take things slowly and that was a very fast move. Jess continued not to say anything.

"Uhhh yeah, I supposed we could, that is an idea, that's very much possible," she sounded defeated. I guess she knew they had to start somewhere. I can't see her face because of the curtains that had been closed at some point over the last hour but, I imagine that there is a small yet extremely meaningful smile on her face. As no further words were said, I opened the door.

Vicky ran in and towards Jess and into her arms; she shouted "Mummyyyy" as she sprinted past myself and Simon. Chris then stood up.

"Well, I better be going. I will see you all later," he stopped and winked at Jess, of course she blushed. He then went forward and shook Simon's hand, "it was an absolute pleasure to see you again Simon." He then turned to me, "You too Adele, it was great seeing you again", he paused before he then whispered, "I'm so sorry if she's been a pain the past 3 years because of what I've done, I'll never forgive myself, but thank you for not kicking my ass when you saw me," I just giggled in response. He has a point. Meanwhile, Simon gave me that you're so telling later or what he said look.

Jess with Vicky on her hip took Chris to the door, obviously we followed them. Once they got to the front door, Vicky was put on the floor.

"Well, I'll see you later then Chris."

"Absolutely, I'll be here at 7," he then crouched down,"byeeee little cutie, I will see you later on, you be good for Mummy, okay?"

"Ya, I'll try," she cackled, you could tell she was so Jess's daughter. We all admittedly let of a small laugh too. Jess then gave Chris a quick hug before he then disappeared down the drive way getting into a uber. She shut the door and then slid against it onto the floor, I go and sit next to her whilst Simon goes and takes Vicky to get ready to leave. She sat there, her head in her hands.

"Do you know what I think?" Jess looked up at me as I began to speak, "I think that you should call Ashlyn, she's going to be so excited and I also think you should take this opportunity, try make the best of it, see how it plans out. It might not work out anymore but then at least you can say that you tried to make things work. I'm now going to take Vicky to mine. When I see you tomorrow, tell me how it went, yeah?"

"I guess, yeah," she immediately hugged me. It was only interrupted by her daughter running back into the room with Simon trailing behind her. We all said goodbye to Jess, before we then left. Vicky didn't open her presents from me and Simon, to be quite honest, considering I knew that Vicky would be coming back to mine, why did we take them? I don't have a clue.

Jess's POV

For the second time today, when the door shut, I slid down it until I was sitting on the floor. Oh dear. I suppose I could just sit here but I'm not getting anywhere. I grab my phone out of my pocket and call the one person who I knew who could help. Ashlyn. Immediately after I pressed the call button she picked up.

"Jesssssss whatssssaup?? How's  Vicky's birthday going, does the have that dress on I have her this morning????" she questioned.

"Wooowww Ashlyn calm it with the questions, her birthday is going fine and she does have that dress on. And there's something else. Ummm how exactly do I put this??? Wellll... whilst Mum, Dad, Vicky and myself were eating lunch, we may or may not have found Chris...-"

"NO WAY. THATS AMAZING DID YOU TALK TO HIM?????? You need to give me the details!"

"Yeah I did," I heard her gasp, "so yeah, pretty much he came back to mine and we talked and we're going on a date later," I spluttered our at a million miles an hour.

"I'll be there in 5," she says before hanging up the phone. So what on Earth do I do for 5 minutes? I decided to tidy up, picking up all of the toys and wrapping paper on the floor, that hadn't been picked up from when Vicky opened her present from me before we went out for lunch.

Before I knew it someone... had ran into my house shouting "Jesssssssssssssssss". There was no doubts on who it is. No one else just walks into my house. No one else has that absolutely amazing American accent. "We're getting you ready right now, come on." She grabs my hand and literally pulls me up the stairs and into my room.

"Ashlyyynn he won't be here for like another 4 hours. I don't need to start getting ready now and anyways, who's looking after Eli and Maliki?"

"Uhhhhh yes you do. You need loooook stunning. Jonathan is looking after them, but I could hardly not help you get ready. Now get in the shower and wash," she finished by shoving two towels in my face and pointing to the shower.

I showered as fast as possible, if I didn't Ashlyn would be banging on the door telling me to hurry up and stop being slow.

Once I got out, she was only sitting on my bed with a dress that I didn't even realise I owned, a hairdryer and makeup. "Come on don't just stand there, you've got a date to get to!"

"Okay, okay, you're not usually like this," all she does is just laugh in response. Like of course she does...

The entire time she's doing my hair, we just sit there talking about the most random stuff ever. I even think at one point we were talking about bread? Why? I don't know. I guess she was right we did need like 4 hours because when she declared that she had finished, it was exactly 19:00.

"He will be here any moment now, here's your bag, you've got your phone. Have a good time, I'm going to tidy up, then go, I'll be round tomorrow dinner time with Eli and Maliki, I'll get Vicky from your Mums on the way and you're telling me how it-" she was interrupted my the sound of a car horn. "How it went, now go, he's waiting for you. Love you! Byyyeeeeee."

(A/N- sorry this chapter took so long but I've had a terrible few weeks, should be getting back on the weekly updates again.

-Jess xx)

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now