I Know This Is Love (16)

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Jess's POV

"Chris???" I repeat due to the lack of noise that exited his mouth the first time.

"Jess!" He slightly raises his voice, then again slightly sounding surprised by my presence. "I'm so sorry darling, I've missed you so so so much, I don't know what I was thinking, honestly I don't, I was so stupid going," he began, talking a million miles an hour.

I interrupted "Chris," his eyes then fixating on our daughter. He looked like he had been stabbed, like he had just lost part of his soul, possibly all of it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," he said looking around before continuing, "I better go before your boyfriend gets back, it was nice to see you again Jess". I sat there mouth wide open in shock as he slowly turned around.

"Chris," I said once more causing him to look at me once again. "I don't know what you're talking about," I said scoffing then laughing. "She's yours".

It was like a blanket of relief covered his body, it was shortly after a huge smile swept over his face as I imagine happiness and confusion cascaded into his body. "But I saw Alex outside here just now and she said that you got a new boyfriend before I left and that you were relieved I was gone because you were pregnant with his baby and the stuff in the media was all one big cover-up," he said without taking a single breath.

"Chris I could never find anyone to replace you. I'm not friends with Alex anymore, when I found out I was pregnant she went around telling people that I slept with someone when I was with you and that was who the Dad is, which is the furthest from the truth you could ever get, I just couldn't deal with that kind of beyond toxic friendship. Who didn't help me when I needed support the most. Who said things that only made the situation worse. I didn't want a friend who spread complete lies about me to my family and other friends. Luckily, all the family and friends saw past her and her lies. I still don't get what she was trying to get out of it. But that hurt me real bad. Chris, I can promise you one thing about her."


"She's 100% yours and no matter what shit Alex decides to spread about me and my family, the fact that she is yours will never ever change."

"You're joking, she's so perfect and looks just like you, it's impossible!" He replied not possibly believing what I had just said.

"Chris, there is absolutely no doubt about it, trust me and there is no one else-" I couldn't finish before he interrupted.

"Honestly I'm so sorry Jess, I can't believe I've done this to you, to your daug-"

"OUR daughter," I interrupted him launching myself towards him to give him a hug. I turned to see Mum and Dad smiling at my now reunited family, my family that's now complete.

"Jess honestly, I can't believe I left you like I did, I can't say how sorry I am, I know you will never forgive me, I don't expect you would ever forgive me for what I di-"

"Chris," I interrupted him once again, for another time. "We can talk about it later, why don't you come back to mine and get yourself tidied up? You can also see Vicky open the rest of her presents up, it's her birthday you see".

His face lit up more than I even thought possible.

I picked Vic up off her chair then placed her on my hip, with my available hand I grabbed Chris's hand and began to head to the car.

Adele's POV

I honestly don't have a clue how well Jess is taking this, I can't possibly imagine how she feels right now. I haven't been in this situation with someone before, when Simon left me I still saw him because of Jess, Angelo, and Maisie. Jess, on the other hand, Chris left before she told him about being pregnant.

It's so easy to tell how bad, upset and heartbroken he is. It's so easy to see that he regrets leaving and saying nothing. It's so easy to see that he will never forgive himself for missing Jess's pregnancy and the first 3 years of his daughter's life. He knows whatever he does will not get that time back, I can tell it's going to take some time for him to come to terms with that.

If it doesn't take him time then there is really something wrong with him.

Simon paid for the bill before we both walked out and drove home to get Vicky's presents; we were supposed to go to mine for a bit but I wasn't going to push it right now, it wasn't the right time. The car ride was nothing more than a comfortable silence that consisted of me staring at the love of my life.

Despite the fact that I know Jess would need time to talk things through with Chris, in the absence of my presence something was bound to be said at the wrong time. Especially now, with this happing all of sudden.

You can really tell Jess is like my long lost daughter or something, we will both say whatever is on our mind because we don't blow smoke up each other or other peoples asses. We just say how it is.

"Si???" I ask as we pull into our driveway.

"Mmmhuummm???" he responds when he opened the passenger door of the car for me. Even now it is something that he insists that he has to do, which I think is absolutely unnecessary because I can open my own fucking doors. But I suppose it is adorable.

"How do you reckon Jess is taking this all with it being so sudden? I mean like none of us knew he would turn up out of the blue and out of all days it would be on Vicky's birthday," I question, getting worked up because as much as I want to help Jess and be there and make everything okay again; for everything to be back to how it was with them both is going to take time, it has been over 3 1/2 years.

"Adele," he begins as he cups my face with his hands. "We both know that it is not going to be easy for Jess but with everything she has been through, she has always ended up finding a way. Maybe at times, she didn't do it alone. I believe though that she has it in her to do this and sort things out with Chris, rebuild her family. Just like we did. Admittedly, the circumstances are different to theirs but trust me they'll make it through we just need to believe in them. Now lets get these presents in the car, there is only so many hours in a day!"

Adele Please I Need Your HelpWhere stories live. Discover now