Finally I Can See You Crystal Clear (6)

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Adele's POV

I'm so angry right now, she never said she didn't think they weren't friends all she said is that she though they were drifting apart. If anyone is being rude it's him... But I get they're young and it's not only Cameron's fault this is happening.

"Don't worry about the money Jess," I said whilst messaging Simon to get Cameron's money out of the account. I can't get anyone else to get the money because I'm with Jess so I can't get it, the only other people who have access are Jess and Simon. I made sure I didn't call him because I wanted it to be a surprise that he's going to join us, you know for the kids sake.

He quickly replied saying he'll get the money in the morning before he comes because all the banks are closed. Wanting to cheer her up I looked up some of the people she used to be friends with in secondary school to come round now as a surprise. It's only about nearly 8 pm.

The only person who was available at such short notice was a girl called Rose.

"I'm going to go get something real quick I'll be back home in 20 minutes, okay?" I questioned getting my coat and shoes.

"Yup", Jess quietly muttered and nodded at me, still caught up in her reveries.

I rushed out to Rose's house to take her to Jess. When I got there after a short silent car journey, I could tell she was a bit taken back at my presence. Jess always used to tell me how they went to see my Adele live 2017 together and it was the first concert Jess went to. She also made an extreme effort to tell me how much comfort especially to herself and Rose my music brought. It means so much to me that my sadness can help heal someone as much as it healed me.

It didn't take long to get home, I just talked with Rose about how Jess was at secondary school before I met her and stuff like that, not as if I didn't know from Beth or anything. I just wanted to know from another persons perspective who was close to Jess.

I walked into the house and Jess was making her way to the door, her eyes looked at me and gently smiled. Her gaze then diverted to Rose next to me, all of a sudden she might as well as threw herself forward at Rose, embracing her in a hug. It was absolutely adorable.

I heard a lot of "I missed you" in the ocean of words that were escaping their mouths. Honestly, it brought a tear of happiness to my eye that I was able to do this. Caught up in my daydream, I then realized Jess was beckoning me to join them. So I did.

Once the extended hugging session was over, we all eventually piled into the living room and onto the seats in there. I left them two on their own to catch up whilst I checked on Angelo and Maisie, both were sleeping peacefully, they were both incredibly heavy sleepers, just like their Dad. I then got something to drink but only some juice nothing too substantial. Joining them back in the living room, they were both in stitches laughing, neither of them noticed I'd walked in.

"So...." they both stopped laughing for a split second before resuming. "What on earth are you laughing so much about?" I asked but I could t help myself to join in.

It's just so infectious.

"Ah ahaha n-n-n-no-oo-thhhh-ing," Jess struggled to get out now calming down a bit, before mouthing "I'll tell you later".

As the night progresses it gets to the point where the 3 of us are are just talking rubbish, and I literally mean it, we're talking nonsense. It was quite funny really. Turns out with all the shit Jess and Rose have been through they've both miraculously managed to come out on top, it's quite inspiring really. They did it alone and together.

Jess's POV

It was honestly so amazing to talk to Rose again, we've messaged each other a bit but I was great to sit face to face and catch up. Tomorrow is going to be so much fun: Mum, Angelo, Maisie and myself going to Legoland.

Whilst Mum took Rose home, I checked on Angelo and Maisie to make sure they were okay, they were. With that reassurance I tiredly plodded to my room to get ready for bed; I completed my bedtime routine, before making my way downstairs to get a glass of water and to wait for Mum to return.

All I did during this time was stare out of the window just reflecting on my life, thinking how far I had come emotionally, mentally and as a person ever since I last really 'hung-out' with Rose. Thinking how far we both had really come. We helped each other, drifted apart then we are reuniting again. This time neither of us could be happier, and this, this really makes me smile.

I have never wanted to love so many people in my life.

Now thinking about it, Mum picked Rose up whilst she was in her pyjamas... well that happened. I refilled my glass up, then get two bowls and fill them with ice-cream because I want some.

Just as I put the rest of the ice-cream away, mum walks through the door. Her face instantly lights up when she notices the bowls on the side, like a 6 year old she runs forward and grabs her bowl before running into the lounge. Mannnnn... Mum makes absolutely anything and everything fun. I can't wait for tomorrow.


At 7:30am sharp I am woke up my my absolutely annoying alarm. I carried out my morning routine so I didn't look like a potato that just so happens to also have four limbs.

Plodding downstairs I made some toast for breakfast, knowing no one else had actually eaten yet I made enough for everyone; I put the Nutella, jam and butter on the table then traveled back up stairs to get wake everyone up.

To my surprise Mum was already awake, she actually scared me shitless because she was leaving the room as I opened the door. To be quite frank we both jumped from surprise. Mum got Angelo and Maisie, me on the other hand, continued to get the table ready for breakfast.

Not before long Mum, Angelo and Maisie were all pounding far from faintly down the stairs. With in a blink of a eye all of food that I had prepared was devoured. I'm pretty sure none them actually tasted it, I'm sure they just inhaled it.

"Thank you for that Jess," I just smiled in return, "come on kiddos we need to get ready, we're going to be leaving very soon!" Mum enthusiastically hurried the two little ones upstairs.


I looked down at my phone Mum said we were leaving at 11am so literally any moment now. For the second time today something made me jump, this time the door bell.

Curious to see who it was I checked through the peaky hole, I saw the person had a few bags and immediately opened the door engulfing the person in a hug.

It was my Dad.

He was coming to Legoland, all I could instantly think of is ways I can get them to spend time together, all in hope to you know - get them back together.

Awwwww this a few days neither of them will ever forget!

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