I Feel Like My Life Is Flashing By (20)

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Jess's POV

Light flooded my eyes as I opened them, besides the terrible hangover I had, I felt an arm around my bare waist; yesterday flooded backi to me. Fuck. What the fuck did I do. I reached over for my phone to see what the time was because Ashlyn coming round, it was 11:45am. I might as well get up and begin to make some lunch, what else could I do that wasn't going mess up anything? Oh yeah, I already had messed up. Rushed into things, like I always do, actually this was the first time that I had rushed things with Chris.

Carefully and Quietly, I made my way down the stairs. As I look into the fridge, I quickly decide that we're going to have a sandwich because I just really can't be bothered. In addition to all the stuff I need for a sandwich that comes out of the fridge, I grab coconut water. After that, two glasses and two plates, before I then start lunch. Bread. Butter. Chicken. Condiments. Pour drinks.

"Better go get Chris now, I suppose..." I say thinking aloud.

"No need," I hear from behind me as I feel arms snake around my waist and a light kiss placed on the side of my neck. It was at that moment I realised that I had not put clothes on when I had gotten up this morning, only me eh? Only me...

"Uhhhh, so I made you lunch and I'm not going to lie but we're both going to need to come up with some explanation to tell Ashlyn as to why you're still here, like I haven't got an issue with it but that woman is going to have lots of questions when she turns up here," I explain.

"Thanks, just say that I didn't have anywhere to stay. I mean it's not exactly a lie, if she asks why I don't stay with my parents, say that they weren't home and you felt bad if I had to sleep in my car, so I slept in the spare bed," Chris spoke. "Oh, and I thought you'd probably want this, otherwise you might get a bit cold," he finished, he then passed me my dressing gown.

With nothing else to say, we both sat on the stools at the breakfast bar. Every now and again we looked at each other, made eye contact and smiled. It was silent beyond the sound of us chewing, over and over again. Eye contact, smile, food, eye contact, smile, food. When I saw his plate empty, a hand, his hand reached for mine, his thumb gently rubbing the back of it. The cuff of my sleeve gently brushing over the back of his hand. I eventually finished eating too, when I took the plates to the sink, out of the corner of my eye I noticed that it was now 1:30pm. Supposedly, we both need to get ready to some extent before Ashlyn turns up with 3 children, one of which is mine.

Making our way up the stairs, Chris decides to get in the shower whilst I find some clothes. I insisted to Chris that I should take him shopping for for new clothes as he didn't actually own much stuff, with him only sort of being back in the area since, well, yesterday. He said he had some in his car, so I went out there then brought all of the clothes that were in there inside and put something for him to wear on my bed. The rest on the other hand I put on the chair in the spare room, I need to make it somewhat believable to Ashlyn that he's staying in my spare room because he has nowhere to stay.

Finally, now time for me to get something to put on. Going into my wardrobe, I choose to put on a shirt dress thing. I opted to have a bath later on, therefore, I got dressed straightaway, and quickly applied minimal makeup to my face. You know: mascara, concealer, a little something on my eyebrows because unlike some people I wasn't blessed with amazing eyebrows. However, I think being blessed with an amazing child makes up for it.

By the time I make my way downstairs again, Chris is down there too. I connect my phone to my speaker to put some music on and start dancing really awkwardly in my kitchen. Meanwhile, Chris is sitting there laughing at me, despite this, he joins in. We're smiling. We're laughing. We're enjoying ourselves.

Longer must have passed than I had imagined because all of a sudden I heard a abrupt cough, only then followed my a distinct laugh.

"Hellloooooo, sorry to interrupt anything but I have your child," Ashlyn seriously says, but that doesn't last long because she soon breaks into fits of giggles. She then runs up and hugs me, then does all three children: Vicky, Eli and Maliki. "I don't suppose I could talk to you quickly in private Jess, before you then both tell me what you've been up to". I just nodded, like I could hardly say no, it was Ashlyn. Chris picks up Maliki then walks in the living room and the other two follow. Vicky and Eli were only a couple of months apart. Maliki, was only about a year old.

"Sooooo... Choco what seams to be the issue?" I question, Ashlyn looks me dead in the eye.

"I think I'm pregnant again," she stutters, I give her that 'oh yeah, carry on look' because I could tell she hadn't finished saying all she had to say. "Actually I know I'm pregnant, like 3 months pregnant," she says. I just sit there shocked, the other times she told me as soon as she found out, or for a matter of fact, both times I found out with her.  She knew I saw sitting there thinking, apparently according her to her I have this 'look' when I'm thinking. "I didn't want to tell you until now because, well I just haven't, I just- You have a lot going on in your life. I was going to surprise with the baby shower next week but with everything that's happened with Chris and stuff. I just wanted to tell you now," she quietly proclaimed. I jumped up and hugged her straight away. She's so adorable, I love her so much. She never puts herself first. I still don't get how she managed to hide it from me for 3 months.

"So?" I ask.

"Oh yeah. I'm having twins. Two boys," she excitedly screams. Having twins is like a dream for her, she absolutely loves babies. "It doesn't seem like you've cooked a lot so are we ordering pizza? I'm so hungry, actually, I'll order it," I couldn't help but let off a cackle and go and find the others. I open the door, only to find out that they continued the dance party. I just walk in and continue cackling, why is this so funny. Not before long Ashlyn has made her way in the room and joined in as well. By now I'm literally dying of laughter on the floor and eventually give in and join in.

For the second time today, my really awkward dancing is interrupted, however this time by my Mum.

"Adele!" Ashlyn calls out, running up to hug her.

"Hahahahahahahahaha. I'm so sorry sorry to interrupt but you left your phone at mine Ashlyn and I'd thought you'd want it," I'm actually incredibly surprised that she just walked out of the room after that, in other words I'm surprised she hadn't noticed Chris, because if she did, she would want to speak to me. "Oh, Jess, could I speak to you quick". I spoke too soon.

"Mmmhum?" I question making my way out of the room, into the hallway.

"Chris? He's still here. Did you two get a bit too drunk and-"

"Oh my goodness Mum," I start by acting shocked but she's having none of it. "Well... yes". I won't say she looked annoyed, surprised, disappointed or shocked to be honest. She was quite speechless in an odd way. I hadn't really stopped and thought about yesterday and this was the first time I had really done so. I tear fell from my eye. "What have I done Mum? I've given in too easily". At this point I was full on sobbing, of course she was there giving one of those hugs I'm forever grateful for.

"Awww baby, these things happen, a drunk tongue is an honest one and it was inevitable it would happen eventually," she whispered in my ear, still hugging me.

"I love you Mum, I really - wait how do you know I was drunk?"

"Because I know you Jess and I know you wouldn't have sober, because you're so, well... you're stubborn like me and stick to your guns. As soon as you add alcohol in that equation well... we both know what happened then... like the same thing happened with your father," she smiled. She always knows how to make me feel better.

"Ahh okay, I lo-" I was cut off by Mum's phone ringing. She picks up straight away, I barely see who it was but I could just tell it was Dad, who else in her phone is going to be called 'Si Babe 💚'.

She said nothing but her face said it all. Tears collected up in her eyes. She pulled her phone away from her ear, she has not yet hung up.

"Maisie's gone missing."

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