Chapter 14

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Augustina POV

We were talking really loud that we didn't noticed that my boyfriend enter with some of his friends. At this time we were having a twerking party. Then some of the guys came.

"Oh hell nah sorry food before dudes" says Aiyana while she sits down and eats.

Then we all followed her. The guys were looking at us like we don't know what we're missing. Then they went to change and came back in just sweat pants. My boyfriend lifted me up and sat me on my lap. The guys try to do that to Ruth and Aiyana, But they got off and pretend to make out with each other. The guys let out a puff.

"Can't you see we don't want yo dick we just want food gosh" Aiyana and Ruth say at the same time.

I still don't know how they can talk like that. The guys looked hurt. Then Noah whispered in my ear that they are also gang members. My eyes got wide. Then I told them to be nice.

"Well they had it coming they had it coming they only have there self to blame if you wouldn't see it if you would have been there than you would have done the same" sing Aiyana

"And what was that" I ask

"They moved us away from food"- Ruth said all dramatic

Aiyana POV

The guy was cute but the food in front of me is sexy. But I'll be nice because Augustina ask me too. We sat next to each other. I couldn't help but stop and look at him because the bitch just took a pizza out if my hand.

"Oh shit if o were you I would give it back" said Augustina

"You have 10 second to give me back my pizza uneaten I swear don't you fucking dare take a bite" I said

"What are you gonna do" he asked

"Do it and find out"

He took a bite so I jump up and punch him and took my pizza. Then I ate my Pizza in peace with him giving me glares.

"So what are you guys name we already know Noah because Augustina told us about him"-said Ruth

The guy by Ruth said "Jaxon"

The guy that stole my pizza said "Luke"

"Nice names" says Augustina

"I only want one thing for Christmas" said Luke

"Me too I want all the food in the world so I can eat it" I said and Everyone laughed.

"I swear your the fatest skinny person ever" said Augustina

"Thank you boo I don't try to tame the beast that is within me"

"And what is that your hoeness" said Ruth

"No my hunger I'll take pickles over dicks any day thank you very much"

We all laughed then Augustina put on a romantic movie. The guy left her for the other girl. We were all crying besides the guys.

"This is why I don't fuck with guys but only food" I said did started crying like a whale.

"What the fuck not all guys are like that" said Luke looking at me. Then he took his thumb and wiped my eyes.

"I got to go love you Augustina and Ruth into the next meeting of T.F.A.C." I say

"Wait I'll walk with you" said Luke


Everyone "ouued" like little kids while I grab my stuff. Soon as I did he came out with a shirt and some Nike's on. He try to make conversation with me I just ignored it. Then he said he was in a gang.

"Cool is it a gang that just eats food because that would be amazing" He chuckled

"No it's more of like bang bang where's my money type of thing"

"Wow okay" I said

"So as I said before all I want for Christmas is your number so can I get it?" Luke asked

"Sure it's 670-567-XXXX" I said

"I'll be texting you later tonight or as soon as i can"I chuckled

"Hey wanna go get sushi burrito?" I asked


We walked all the way until we stopped in front of this place called Boruboru. We walked in and ordered our sushi burrito. When it came we paid and walked out with it in out hand and stopped at a park.

A/N Sorry for not updating lately but hope you like this one. Don't forget to vote sexy foods

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