Chapter 48

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Noah POV
Is this the girl dancing on poles. I show Jack and we're just in awe that they look that good but still they should have told us they just wanted to go. But the Ruth points out they didn't call or even text her about leaving so something is up.

Jack POV
Since Ruth mention that they would have at least texted or call that they were going. I relook at the video to find an guy close to our girls with his elbow folded. I show Noah and at the same time we both mention Vinci. I can't believe The big old bitch took our girls. This is fucking war.

aiyana POV
I'm not going to lie I don't know where the girls learned those moves but they gotta teach me. Omg what if I created a strip club and connect it to Aug bar that would be dope as hell. Wait am I really thinking about this when my best friends have been kidnapped. I think the word kidnapped is so funny because they are not kids anymore they are adults so it should be adulthapped. Wait I need to stop think about this. But then the boys both say Vinci at the same time. Oooohhhh sounds Italian I kind of want Olive Garden at this time but I don't think it's the right moment for that. Wait everything is the right moment when you order it online.

Noah POV
After we say Vinci Ruth has been on her phone looking like she contacting people I hope she asking people for help. That would be amazing if we could have her dads helping going against Vinci. Jack and I start to email our gang to get ready. Then a door bell go off I get my gun a clock it and it's a ducking food delivery guy.

Aiyana POV
Oooooohhhhhh Myyyyyy Gooooodddd I'm so starving and then my food arrived and I'm the happiest girl on the planet I start to do an dance from eating then I remember I'm not in the room by myself so I look up with a big piece of breadsticks in my mouth. The boys were looking at me so I said what but it came out more like waaatttt.
"Did you at least order us some food"-Noah
"No I'm not y'all mom,wife,girlfriend,baby mama"-I said
"Wow how rude and here I thought we were friends"-Jack
"Welp everyone for themselves when it comes to food"-I said

Hey sexy food sorry for the short chapter I hope u like it.

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