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The Next Day Aaliyah Invited Damon over and apologized about the way she acted the day before the party and wanted to apologize. 

Hey, Aaliyah said opening the door

Hey, Damon came and walked in the living room, where's GG? he sat sitting on the couch

There with Kidada for the day she said closing the door. 

Oh, well I can only stay for a few minutes, Raquel pre-hosting my radio show.

Oh Okay, Aaliyah said.

Aaliyah sat near the window and began lighting biting her thumb out of nervousness.

Liyah you sure you're okay? you haven't seemed fine since the party.

No, I'm fine she said getting up and fixing her hair a bit.

and she turned and said I guess you being engaged kinda put in shock for a second, but congratulations she's really sweet. she kinda reminds me of myself she said confused.

Yeah, I didn't mean for you to meet her at the party but it kinda happened, oh and here are some of the pictures of the girls from the photo booth. he said handing it to her. 

Wow, she's great, aww they look so cute. She laughed at the picture of Gia and Cass making funny faces at the camera.

Yeah, so maybe you two can get to know each other a bit better Dame commented  

Yeah, I guess so Aaliyah said. 

So how's everything with your mom? He asked

That hit a slight nerve and Aaliyah said she's fine Slightly Annoyed. 

I don't wanna talk about that Aaliyah said with her eyebrow raised. and walked toward the kitchen. 

Do you want anything? Aaliyah said opening the refrigerator 

Nah, I'm good he said Sitting down, Your brother told me what happened that night. 

Aaliyah turned around and said He tells everything she said as she hunched her shoulders at him. 

Why didn't you tell me that happened I could've helped. 

Aaliyah slammed the fridge door, and shook her head and said I don't feel like explaining to you or anyone else for that matter, why should I you know already right? 

Dame Coughed and said Yeah true, but I mean he could be lying you never know. 

No, My brother wouldn't lie about that, Aaliyah said, Sitting next to him. 

Aaliyah felt the vibe between them was werid now. 

Aaliyah started playing with her hair again and said I didn't know how to tell you! there were days where I thought if I did you would go crazy, and I didn't want that. 

So you just decided to keep it in..and still keeping it in at least from me. Dame stated, getting up. 

Well, you're not my man anymore, she mumbled under her breath. 

Damn Aaliyah all I'm trying to do is help you that's it and your acting as if it's a problem for me to help. 

Aaliyah crossed her legs. and said that isn't the problem its the fact that you're engaged and you shouldn't worried about me so much you should be worried about Her. 

Fine ! he said throwing his hands in defense. grabbing his jacket and leaving.

As Aaliyah turned on the radio She heard a throwback song from her childhood. By TRENT D'ARBY Called Sign your name across my Heart. 

She grabbed a small glass a wine and softly sang along to the tune. 

Later that Night she called Gloria and asked could she keep the girls until Friday. Gloria agreed.

Aaliyah's phone Rang and she kept seeing her uncle number and kept ignoring it. 

There was a light knock at the door Aaliyah turned the song down and instead of looking in the peephole Aaliyah opened it 

Look Dame Im-Elgin Aaliyah said in shock. 

Hey Just wanted to give you tickets for the show tonight. he said giving her the passes. 

Aaliyah huffed and accepted it so he wouldn't start shit. 

May I come in, he asked. 

No, I'm in the middle of cleaning she lied. 

 Oh shit, I didn't know you listened to Trent he asked. 

Umm Yeah, she said putting a hair behind her ear. Listen I'll call you later. as she tried to close the door, He held his foot at the door. 

Aaliyah Please can I talk to you, I won't be long I have to be at the venue in an hour. 

Aaliyah crossed her arms and let him come in, she was hesitant the entire time. 

What do you want she said,

I want a second chance with you, Please. 

Aaliyah shook her head and said are you kidding me? Hell no, No 

What About Gia? He asked.

What about her She's Fine. Aaliyah said with her arms crossed. 

Well, I hope you come to the show tonight. He said giving her a rose and walking out the door. 

As soon she closed the door she sat on the couch and looked at the passes and thought to herself that It may have been a set up for something. for him to just randomly stop by. Aaliyah ended up taking a shower and going to bed early since she had a lot of work to do in the morning she turned off her phone and went to sleep. 


Hey Readers, Sorry That this is a short Chapter, and I haven't been posting there's a lot of things personally going on, as well a small bit of Writers Block, so I've been taking some time to focus on me for a bit, that way I'll post more. Hope you all understand. 

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