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Aaliyah and Tamia had a long conversation, about life, love & relationships since they haven't spoken to each in in almost a year and a half, you know life happened for both of them Finally after years of trying Tamia finally Had a baby girl named Dana Simone Grant. and she and Grant reconciled. everything was going great for them. until last year, when grant sprained his ankle and couldn't play for the remainder of the season.

Aaliyah Nodded her head as she let Tamia speak about whats been going on the last few months, in between that she was getting text messages from her brother and Uncle regarding her decline in album sales, With that she huffed and turned her phone off.

A knock was at the door and thought It was Natane Aaliyah Huffed and Opened the door, and was in shock in her brother Rashad, Hey Li, he said walking in toward the living room.

What are you doing here in New York? Aaliyah said with her arms folded

Damn, I can't come to visit you just to kick it with you? Rashad said

No, unless it has something to do with money, or somebody died. Which one is it? she said sitting down.

Alright well, Barrys is gone. Li he said with a sigh.

Aaliyah felt a lump in her throat. She slowly got up and said how?

Rashad Sighed and said He died in his sleep, that's why we were blowing up your phone he kept asking for you, He wanted to tell you he was sorry.

Aaliyah sunk into the couch an began crying. shit! she said.

Li, I think you should go come back with me to Detriot for a few days. He said hugging her.

Aaliyah shook her head and said I can't Gia has her dance recital on Friday, and I have to get back with Erin on somethings. she said sniffling.

Well, Imma get going, Rashad said getting up.

Shad can you stay, please. Aaliyah said.

You sure? Rashad said A little shocked.

Yes Please, I'm so sorry. Aaliyah said hugging him.

I am Too Aaliyah. He said. 


Aaliyah set at the front row, next to her mother an brother.

she cried a bit but not as much as other people in her family.

she looked around and saw some of her cousins she hadn't seen since she was a child. she even saw her aunt Gladys who came over and gave Aaliyah a hug, She smiled weakly and sat back down.

2 hours later.

The service was lovely, wasn't it? Diane said to her cousin

Yes, she Renee said, How are you feeling baby girl?

She turned around and said fine I guess as she walked toward the car.

Aaliyah are you coming to the repass? Rashad asked.

No, I'm going to back to my hotel.

Rashad just shrugged and said okay.

for the rest of night, she stayed in and called Gia via facetime. Ginuwine texted her and asked if he could go to see her perform Aaliyah responded yeah. Aaliyah slid back unto the comfy bed and had a sigh of relief. she began thinking about the funeral and how it went and how her last conversation with her uncle wasn't as good as she planned she cussed him out. now that he's gone she feels like she should recital.


A day later she attended Gia recital. she was so proud of Gia, throughout all the craziness in her life, at least her daughter wasn't that involved with the craziness of her father. she couldn't believe she invited Gin to come to her show, she asked but she didn't think he would be interested.

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