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A few After the Incident Aaliyah decided to take some time and head to the studio to get her mind off of things.

Aaliyah Visited the Studio and Heard a slight sample for DJ Khaled Wild thoughts and she was presented with the sample to write Rihanna part.

So Aaliyah pondered on it and decided to write a few lyrics for the Artist Rhianna Aaliyah only had met her twice and she was a sweetheart, and Aaliyah loved her cause she did her own thing and she was original to it especially with her style. even though she could tell she was a slight influence Aaliyah didn't mind.

She thought about some wild shit she did back in the day, with Ginuwine back in Jamaica in 98' and how they would just kick it but she was so much too much of a drinker but she would still get drunk.

"Wild wild wild when I'm with you all I get is wild thoughts"...

Aaliyah wrote the lyrics in 10 minutes and laughed when was finished and thought back to when she and Elgin were in Jamaica and how drunk she was but luckily they didn't fuck back then. 


Aaliyah was interrupted while finishing up, a different song there was a slight knock on the door, It's open Aaliyah yelled.

Hey Li, Ginuwine cracked the door,

Umm Hey, Aaliyah said Shyly putting the book.

What are you doing at the studio so late he said sitting in the chair across from her. 

Just finishing up a few things why are you here aren't you on tour? Aaliyah frowned in a confused look. 

I'm getting ready soon, I wanted to ask you about Gia, I want to take her on tour with me. 

No ! Absolutely Not! Letting her See family is one thing but Letting her go with you is a whole different ball game.

How ! I'm Her father! 

Yeah I know  That's nice you want to do that G, but know unless you want her to know why her parents aren't together. 

Come' On Really!  He said getting irritated.  

Come one really what Gia, is 5 about to turn 6 she's intelligent and very mature for her age, you're not about to put her in harm's way, she's never seen you drunk because I didn't allow it then and I'm certainly not allowing it now. 

Aaliyah you know I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. 

Okay, so who's going to watch while you're performing, and Backstage? 

Who's going to watch her when you wanna party all night long and get drunk and go back to the tour bus?


Yeah didn't Think so. 

Peyton can watch her! he said quickly. 

G, you honestly want me to believe you changed grow the fuck up, and not Peyton is not going to watch her, how is that possible when you fucked her too. 

Fine! Liyah! he said walking out.  

Gosh when he ever learn she said finishing out the song, she texted Detail and told him about the other songs she's written in hopes for him to like them. 

Aaliyah went home and found Gia and Cassie Passed out on the floor, she picked up both of them and put them in the bed. 

Thank you, T, for watching my kids but yet let them sleep on the floor. 

Girl, you know as soon as I touch Gia she's going to wake up, plus they looked so cute sprawled on the floor in the own unique sleeping positions. 

Alright, Li' Call me if you need me. 

I'll thank you for everything she said hugging her 

No problem Text me when you get in. 

I will she said driving off. Aaliyah went and took a shower, threw on an oversized tee shirt drunk a little bit of wine and went to sleep.


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