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Mila sighed to herself, eveeything was getting too much for her. She stood on her sister doorstep and knocked on the door. Max opened the door and he looked st her "Chloe?" Max called as Chloe walked over. She spotted mila and frowned "miles what happened" Chloe asked "Allie happened, do you remind of I stay here, for the night" mila asked. Chloe smiled and hugged her sister "of course, you know you can stay here for as long as you want" Chloe said. Mila smiled, she was glad that she had her sister there for her.

Mila sat on the bed as poppy ran through "mil" poppy said and mila smiled "hiya" "I do makeup?" Poppy said and mila looked at her as she climbed onto the bed with her make up set. "Poppy doing her makeup?" Mila asked "no, poppy do mil makeup" poppy said. Mila laughed "sure" she said she couldn't say no to poppy ahw never could. She loved poppy so much and was proud to call her, her neice."all done" poppy said and mila smiled as she looked at her reflection. She smiled and looked to poppy "amazing" mila said and poppy giggled. "Wove you mil" poppy said as she hugged mils. Mila hugged her bag "love you too pops" mila said.

Mila some up the next morning. She had morning sickness again. She had made a decision, she knew what she was going. Chloe walked In and smiled at mila "you okay" Chloe asked and mila sighed "I...I made a decision" mila said as she sat on the bed. Chloe sat next to her "yeah?" "I'm having an abortion" mila said. Chloe looked to her "is that what you want?" Mila nodded "I'm sixteen and I can't do it, I don't have a max I can't do it" mila said. Chloe wrapped her arm over Mila's shoulder "I'm here, I'll support you all the way" Chloe said as mila wiped away the tears in her eyes.

Mila got to school and met up with Gabriella as hector walked over to her. "He won't stay away from you" Gabriella said and mila sighed "you have no idea" mila said "mila, a word" hector said. Mila rolled her eyes and walked over to him "is it true, your pregnant" Hector asked "who told you" mila asked "I hears your sister and max talking, well I tell you one thing. That its not mine, I mean your nothing but a cheap little tart" hector spat. "It is yours and don't worry I have made a decision" "no, its not you were so easy its a joke" hector said as mila slapped him. She didn't know what came over herself, she lost control. Chloe walked down the hall and smirked as mila slapped hector and stormed off. She walked over to hector "stay away from mila, or I swear the next time you see your balls will be on a silver platter and I'll stick them down your throat" Chloe said as she walked off to find her sister.

Mila sat in an empty classroom, she wiped away her tears as the door opened. Simon walked in, "mila? Everything alright?" He asked "no" mila said as Simon placed the books down and took a seat next to her. He placed a hand on top of her "what happened?" He asked "am I cheap?" Mika asked "what?" "I mean, we kissed does it make me cheap and easy" mila asked as Simon wiped away a tear from her face. She held held her breathe as his finger brushed against her cheek "your not cheap" Simon said. Mila smiled as she leant in and kissed him, Simon kissed her back and placed a hand on the back of her hand pulling her closer. Unaware of Chloe who was watching as her sister and Simon kissed

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