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Mila groaned as she was rushed into the hosptail ad into a hospital room. She was scared. She knew it was too early. She wast suppose to have her baby for another two and a half months. She was scared and terrifed. Simon stood next to her and took her hand and she looked to him. Tears were rolling down her face as she cried "im scared" she said as he held her close "it will be okay" he said as he kissed her head. Mila placed a hand on her bump. It was too early. She didnt want to have her baby yet. She felt as if she was a failure. As if she couldnt protect her baby. She felt as if she was a bad mother. A midwife walked into the room and looked to Mila and simon and smiled "mila, it looks as if you are in labour, i know its rearly but..." "is my baby going to be okay? shes not going to die is she?" mila asked "no, of course she isnt" Simon said "no, shes will have to go to the ICU as she will be small but your baby will be fine" the midwife said as she walekd out of the room. Mila looked to Simon with tears in her eyes "this ismy fault, i thought with leo and he pushed me. I shouldnt of fought with him" Mila said.

Simon placed a hand on her cheek and smiled to him "its not your faultm these things happen mila and it will be oaky, i promise" he said as he pulled her into a hug and kissed her head "i want chloe, can you call her" Mila asked as he nodded. Mila watched as he walked out of the room and groaned in pain as she placed a hand on her bump and sighed "you have to be strong baby, mummy is scared" Mila said as she looked to her baby.


Mila groaned as she felt a contraction hit her. She held simons hand and groaned as chloe walked into the room. She looked to her little sister and smiled "why didnt you tell me it was this damn painful?" Mila asked chloe who chuckled "its all worth it, in the end" Chloe said as Mila smiled. Chloe looked to her and smiled "im scared" Mila said as she looked to chloe who smiled "you dont need to be, you will be fine, you and your baby and you are gonig to be a great parent. Unlike our parents" chloe said as Mila smiled.

Mila took a hold of simons hand as she felt a contraction and pushed. She heard crying and sighed as she rested her head back on the bed "how is she?" mila asked as simon walked over to look at their baby.  "simon?" mila called as Simon walked over to Mila and smiled "shes perfect" he said as he kissed Milas head as they watched as their baby was rolled over ot the ICU. "Go with her" Mila said to simon who nodded. He looked to Mila who smiled "im fine" Mila said as he nodded.


Mila sat in a wheelchair as Chloe wheeled her to the ICU. Simon spotted her and smiled to her "hey" he said as he took the wheelchair from chloe "how is she?" mila asked as simon smiled "perfect" he siad as chloe smiled "Im going to phone max and let poppy know she has a cousin" Chloe said as Mila smiled. Simon wheeled her into the ICU. Mila looked down at her baby and smiled "can i hold her?" Mila aksed as Simon lifted her out of the cot and handed her to Mila. Mila looked down at her baby and smiled "shes perfect" mila siad as simon nodded "aurora" Mila said as Simon frowned "we should name her aurora" she said  as he smiled "its perfect" he said as he looked to Mila and smiled "marry me?" he said as Mila looked to simon in utter shock "you what?" she asked "i love you mila, marry me?" he asked as she looked to him and smiled "yes" Mila said as he looked to her and smiled before he leant in and kissed her.

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