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Back and forth.

            One foot, two feet.

            Bed and toilet.

            Back and forth.

            One foot, two feet.

            Toilet and bed.

            The tall boy bounded from one side of the small room to the other. A caged tiger roared fiercely in his breast as he continuously moved past his plain bed sheets. The pace he’d established earlier had transformed into a brisk walk that had left the tone of white in the box smear together to form a tainted yellow-white cream colour.

            Had he not already been on the brink of insanity then the unchanging colour would have put him there.

            The tiger’s teeth sank into the delicate flesh covering the boy’s tightened muscles. It whipped its head back and forth like it would do to prey it’d just caught until a chunk of flesh ripped off with a disturbing lurching noise. The gaping wound bled his anxious thoughts profusely, dribbling them onto the floor he walked on.

            Spotted dots of crimson red staining the nice white tiled floor.

            News of the birth had spread like wild fire in the clinic via the not so genius doctors. Though Dr. Park made sure to keep them in solitary confinement the rooms weren’t sound proof making it easy for the boys to hear whoever was talking right outside their doors. It didn’t help that during his bathing time that morning the two men watching over him and the two other boys he was with were talking animatedly about Baby 27-01.

            Another poor soul dragged into the hell fires.

            The tissues at the base of the tiger’s throat vibrated with a low growl that purred out of its throat. There was no way he’d be able to restrain this tiger if his questions continued to go unanswered. The only reason he was left pacing the box called his room like he was now was because of those pesky questions.

            Questions without answers.

            Unanswered questions.

            Screaming out, the boy grabbed the flat pillow off his bed and hurled it at the door. He wanted information! He needed those details that would explain to him what was happening in this goddamn awful place!

            His chest heaved up and down, straining to gasp in air. He’d built up so much emotion that he hadn’t even realized he’d momentarily stopped breathing.

            This place did that to people.

            The walls almost seemed to close in on him. Shrinking the room bit by bit until there were only a few feet of space to move around in. Suffocating… Intoxicating… Couldn’t breathe… No air…

            Shrieking out yet another scream the boy threw himself at the door. He needed out! There had to be a way out! He just wanted to go and breathe some fresh air! The outdoors! He needed it! He needed fresh oxygen, not this recycled crap! Why couldn’t he free himself from the smell of turpentine and lemon scented bleach?

            Trees, grass, birds… He couldn’t even remember what they looked like. There were no pictures to refresh his memory. Not even a window for him to stare out of…


            The tiger was acting up in outrage at being enclosed. He was too young to be cooped up…

THE BABY MILL [[{SHINee}]]Where stories live. Discover now