Lost memories (21)

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I rolled out of bed as the light outside shone through my windows. My mouth was dry and my throat was sore, it tasted like I had munched on fifty dead corpses in my sleep. I cupped my hands around my mouth a breathed out... God, it smelt like I ate a dead body too.

I walked to the bathroom, stepping over the bit of furniture that littered the floor from my previous night's scrambles to my bed. I collapsed over the toilet bowl, emptying the little contents my stomach still held. My head throbbed with every heartbeat, my eyes watered and vision blurred.

I walked to the sink and stuck my head under the faucet run, I attempted to wash the foul taste out of my mouth... with little success.

I shot up and looked at myself in the mirror, even death would say I looked bad. My H/C hair was sticking out in different places, my eyes were watery and bloodshot, I still had my clothes on from the night before, and to top it all of my makeup was smeared all over my face.

The red strips Natsu had dyed into my hair were starting to grow out as my natural H/C roots started to show. I opened up my bathroom cabinet to find a close to an empty box of red dye, I bought it awhile ago when I decided to keep the red streaks in my hair.

I mixed the powder up in some tap water to make a thick fluoro red paste. I coughed as the overwhelmingly toxic smell met my nose and by extension my lungs. I applied the paste to my hair and wrapped it in the foil provided.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom, trying to find something to do for the next hour and the dye did its work.

I made myself a cup of coffee, trying to reduce the effects of the hangover I was experiencing. I took the occasional sip as it cooled down, I started picking up bits and pieces that littered the floor of my apartment. Some glasses here, a photo frame there.

I saw something glimmer in the light from under my bed, curiosity got the best of me and I decided to take a closer look... I mean it's not like it could be a bomb or anything. It was too dark to see anything but the outlines of some objects, some crumpled up tissues, a book or two and the mystery object.

I stuck my hand under the bed, feeling around until I got ahold of it. I pulled it out and held it close to my face for inspection, it was black with dust. I grabbed the corner of my shirt and rubbed off the thick layer of dirt covering it, It was a childhood photo.

Natsu and Gray were standing next to each other, smiling. I was sitting on their shoulders and happy was sleeping on my head. We looked so happy, we were still always fighting even back then, so a photo of us near each other was a rare occasion. I can't remember very well... but I'm pretty sure this was the day we found Happy.

*~Flash back~*

"Are you seriously going to name him Happy??" Seven year old me snapped.

"It's better that Y/N!! That's so much worse!!" Natsu snapped back at me, his voice was high a scratchy.

"At least I'm not named after an emotion!!" I yelled back (A/N and then someone comes along Named Joy or something)

"Oi! That's my cat you're talking about!!" He yelled as he pulled Happy closer to his chest, acting offended.

"Your cat is stinky!!" I spat.

"Is not!!" He yelled back at me.

"Is too! You're stinky so anything you own is stinky!!" I rebutted. Nowadays insults like that wouldn't hurt at all, but when you were eight those were some serious insults.

"Is not!!"



"IS!!" We argued, getting louder and louder as we went on.

"Aye!!" Happy squeaked as he flew over to my head and landed on it. My heart completely melted as I looked into his eyes, they were empty yet so full. They held a certain innocence that you'd only find in eyes that hadn't seen the atrocities that this world had to offer.  He almost reminded me of myself, back before my dragon disappeared and I found fairytail.

I found myself falling in love with that stupid cat within minutes of seeing it.

"Awe! For once in your life, you look happy!" Natsu teased.

"Shut it Dragneel, I can't help that your cat is super cute," I sighed, giving into his will.

"So, he is cute!!" He exclaimed as he finally got his way.

"I guess he is sort of cute," I mumbled, not really wanting to let him win.

"I think we should take a photo to remember the one day that Y/N smiled," Gray laughed as he suddenly joined the conversation. I suddenly punched him in the stomach without even looking towards him.

"Maybe we should take a photo to commemorate Happy's birth," I hissed as I looked down at Gray who was clutching his stomach on the floor.

"AYE!!" Happy piped out all of sudden, it's like he already knew his name.

We called Mira over to take a photo of us and I climbed on the boy's shoulders, I laughed as I wobbled around on their shoulders.

"Say cheese!!" Mira smiled as she clicked the button, then a white flash went off.

*~End of Flashback~*

I shook my head and focused on reality once again, I placed the photo on my desk, it would be nice to look back on now and again.

I quickly showered to wash out the excess hair dye, watching as the water slowly went red.
I sighed and grabbed the most comfortable outfit I could find, chucking it on without really caring.

I wandered down the street, putting on sunglasses to block out the sun that burnt my eyes. I walked into the guild, ordered a cup of coffee and sat in the darkest corner of the guild I could find.

The slightest sound caused me to flinch and my head to pound. To say I was hungover was an understatement.

"Wendy can you heal me or something," I whispered as my throat screamed in pain the second I tried to talk.

"SHHHHH! Y/N stop yelling! Some of us have a hangover!!" Natsu yelled from the other side of the guild, he was hunched over in a dark corner of the guild similar to how I was.

"HEY GUY!! It's nice to walk to the guild again!! Am I right-" Lucy barged into the guild, happy as can be.

"SHUT UP LUCY!!" We all yelled as our head pounded with every heartbeat and our throats burned with every breath.

"Hangover?" She asked, not taking our outburst personally.

"Yeah..." Mira sighed in amusement.

I glanced over in Natsu's direction, he was tipping some pills into his hand and preparing to take them.

"HEY!! ARE THOSE WHAT I THINK THEY ARE!! GIVE THEM HERE!!" I yelled as the pain I was feeling was funnelled and transformed into fury.

"NO! THEY'RE MIINEE!!" He yelled back as he clutched his hand close to his heart.

"SHARE SOME YOU SELFISH PRICK!!" I yelled as I stomped my way over to him.

As I lunged at him I spotted Gray and Juvia talking in a corner they had evil grins plastered on their faces, they were staring straight at Natsu and me... I hope they're not planning to do anything creepy.

Enemies at Heart // Natsu DragneelWhere stories live. Discover now